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A C++17 library implementing computer vision and deep learning techniques, with in-house multidimensional array support (No dependencies)


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DeVi : Deep Vision library

DeVi is a C++ library with the goal of implementing computer vision and deep learning techniques without the use of external libraries except for the C libraries handling image and video codecs. My vision for this library is to design an API that provides a user experience as similar as possible to its Python contemporaries in a C++ development environment. This project conforms to the ISO C++17 standard.

NOTE: This project is both an ambitious long-term experiment to see if my vision is feasible while being performant as well as a learning opportunity to tackle all the challenges that come with building a compute-heavy multithreaded C++ library. I will have to study software design, system architecture, multithreading, CUDA GPU programming and ofcourse, the various techniques themselves to be able to successfully implement the library. During development, I will actively avoid referencing contemporary C++ implementations from libraries like Eigen, OpenCV, PyTorch, and TensorFlow as much as possible.


The library is currently planned to have 3 modules: core, vis and net.
The core module will hold basic classes and common utilities that will be needed by the other 2 modules, the vis module will hold the computer vision techniques and image utilities, whereas the net module will hold all the deep learning techniques and neural network related classes.

Current Status

(Under Active Development)
core module is being developed at the moment, which houses a multi-dimensional array template class heavily inspired by the numpy.ndarray API. This array class is necessary for implementing image and tensor classes in the upcoming vis and net modules.


The top-level namespace that encloses all of DeVi's functionality is devi, and the core module is exported as the nested devi::core namespace. The upcoming vis and net modules will be exported as devi::vis and devi::net namespaces respectively.

core module

To use the functionality enclosed in the core module, add #include <devi/core> in the files that require them.

1. devi::core::shape

This class represents the shape and dimensionality of an array object. It is copyable, movable and assignable. Current implementation supports only upto 10 dimensions; any code that attempts to create a shape of higher dimensionality will throw a compile-time error.

#include <devi/core>

using namespace devi::core;

// All following examples will assume the above include statement and using-directive

#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

int main()
    const shape s1 { 1, 800, 3, 600 };          // Creates a 4D shape object

    std::cout << s1 << std::endl;               // Prints "( 1 800 3 600 )"
    std::cout << s1.ndims() << std::endl;       // Prints "4"
    std::cout << s1.size() << std::endl;        // Prints "1440000"

    auto s2 { s1 };             // Creates a copy of `s1`
    s2[2] = 1;                  // `s2` is now `shape(1, 800, 1, 600)`
    // s2[5];                   // Out of bounds access: undefined behavior
    s2.squeeze();               // Removes all unit dimensions
    assert(s2 == shape(800, 600) && s2 != s1);

2. devi::core::type

This class represents the (library-supported) datatype of an array object. It is an enumeration type and currently supports 11 datatypes.

// Below are the following supported datatypes
devi::core::type::bool8;    // boolean
devi::core::type::int8;     // 8-bit signed integer
devi::core::type::int16;    // 16-bit signed integer
devi::core::type::int32;    // 32-bit signed integer
devi::core::type::int64;    // 64-bit signed integer
devi::core::type::uint8;    // 8-bit unsigned integer
devi::core::type::uint16;   // 16-bit unsigned integer
devi::core::type::uint32;   // 32-bit unsigned integer
devi::core::type::uint64;   // 64-bit unsigned integer
devi::core::type::float32;  // 32-bit floating point
devi::core::type::float64;  // 64-bit floating point

3. devi::core::array

This class represents the actual data-owning array object. It is copyable, movable and assignable. The type of data stored by the array is specified by its template argument of type devi::core::type. The memory owned by an array is guaranteed to be contiguous.

  • Convenience Aliases
    Since repeatedly invoking the template syntax and dealing with the datatype enumeration directly is cumbersome, the library provides type alises for all supported datatypes.

    using devi::core::bool8 = devi::core::array<devi::core::type::bool8>;
    using devi::core::int8 = devi::core::array<devi::core::type::int8>;
    using devi::core::int16 = devi::core::array<devi::core::type::int16>;
    // ... so on, for every value defined by `devi::core::type`
  • Constructors

    • array<type _DType>(const shape &s): Default Constructor
      array<type _DType>(shape &&s): R-value Reference Overload
      Creates an array having specified shape with all elements initialized to zero

    • array<type _DType>(const shape &s, const native_type fill): Fill Constructor
      array<type _DType>(shape &&s, const native_type fill): R-value Reference Overload
      Creates an array having specified shape with all elements initialized to the value fill
      (native_type is the C++ builtin type that corresponds to the respective devi::core::type)

      array<type::int32> I { shape(1920, 1080) };        // 1920x1080 array filled with 0s
      int32 i1 { shape(1920, 1080) };                    // Identical to above declaration
      array<type::float32> F { shape(1920, 1080), 10 };  // 1920x1080 array filled with 10s
      float32 f1 { shape(1920, 1080), 10 };              // Identical to above declaration
  • Equality and Inequality

    • bool array::operator==(const array &other) const noexcept: Equality
      template<enum type _Other>
      bool operator==(const array<_Other> &other) const noexcept: Different Datatype Overload
      2 arrays are said to be equal if their datatypes, shapes and contained elements are all equal

    • bool array::operator!=(const array &other) const noexcept: Inequality
      template<enum type _Other>
      bool operator!=(const array<_Other> &other) const noexcept: Different Datatype Overload
      Opposite of equality conditions

      int32 i2 { i1 }, i3 { shape(1920, 1080), 10 }, i4 { shape(1080, 1920), 10 };
      assert(i2 == i1);          // Same dataype, and contained elements are equal
      assert(i2 != f1);          // Contained elements are unequal, and different datatype
      assert(i3 != i1);          // Same dataype, but contained elements are unequal
      assert(i3 != f1);          // Contained elements are equal, but different datatype
      assert(i3 != i4);          // Same datatype and contained elements, but different shape
  • Getters

    • unsigned array::ndims() const noexcept
      Returns the dimensionality of the array

    • const class shape &array::shape() const noexcept
      Returns the shape of the array

    • std::size_t array::size() const noexcept
      Returns the total size of the array

    • enum type array::type() const noexcept
      Returns the devi::core::type of the array

      assert(i1.ndims() == 2);
      assert(i1.shape() == shape(1920, 1080));
      assert(i1.size() == 2073600);
      assert(i1.type() == type::int32);
  • Array Creation

    • template<enum type _AsType>
      array<_AsType> array::astype() const
      Returns a element-wise type-casted copy of the current array

    • array array::copy() const
      Returns a copy of the current array

      assert(f1.astype<type::int32>() == i3);
      assert(f1 == f1.copy());
  • In-place Mutation

    • void array::fill(const native_type val) noexcept
      Sets all elements of the array to the value val

    • void array::flatten()
      Flattens the multi-dimensional array into a 1D array while preserving the total owned size

    • template<typename... _Args>
      void array::reshape(const _Args... args): Parameter Pack Version
      void array::reshape(const shape &s): L-value Reference shape Version
      void array::reshape(shape &&s) noexcept: R-value Reference shape Version
      Changes the shape of the array while preserving the total owned size

    • void array::squeeze() noexcept
      Removes all unit dimensions in the shape of the array

    • void array::swap(array &b) noexcept: L-value Reference Version
      void array::swap(array &&b) noexcept: R-value Reference Version
      Swaps the owned data and the shapes of the arrays

      i2.fill(10);                    // All elements are now equal to 10
      assert(i2 == i3);
      i2.flatten();                   // `i2` now has shape `( 2073600 )`
      assert(i2.shape() == shape(2073600));
      i2.reshape(1080, 1920);         // `i2` now has shape `( 1080 1920 )`
      const shape s { 1080, 1920 };
      i2.reshape(s);                  // Identical to above method call
      assert(i2 == i4);
      i2.reshape(shape(1, 120, 9, 1, 1, 1920, 1));
      i2.squeeze();                   // All unit dimensions are removed
      assert(i2.shape() == shape(120, 9, 1920));
  • Indexing
    template<typename... _Indices, typename>
    native_type &array::operator()(const _Indices... indices)
    Returns a non-const reference to the value specified by the index indices
    template<typename... _Indices, typename>
    native_type array::operator()(const _Indices... indices) const
    Returns a copy of the value specified by the index indices

    The second template parameter is used for compile-time type checking using SFINAE


    1. std::invalid_argument if the number of indices arguments is not equal to array's dimensionality
    2. std::out_of_range if the number of argument indices is valid, but out of bounds for atleast one dimension in array's shape
    uint16 u1 { shape(20, 100, 80) };
    u1(5, 67, 83) = 42;
    u1(3, 12, 21, 1);    // Throws `std::invalid_argument`; too many indices
    u1(10, 8);           // Throws `std::invalid_argument`; not enough indices
    u1(16, 79, 91);      // Throws `std::out_of_range`; 3rd index is out of bounds
  • Slicing

    • devi::core::slice
      The library provides this struct for users to specify how to slice an array dimension. A slice constitutes of a begin index, an end index and a stride value; this slice denotes all values beginning from (and including) begin until (and excluding) end, picking elements stride indices apart.
      All three arguments are optional. begin index defaults to 0 (start of a dimension), end index defaults to 0 (will be converted to end of a dimension), stride value defaults to 1 (no element is skipped).
      The end index (when specified) MUST be atleast one more than the begin index, whereas stride MUST be a non-zero value.

      Exceptions (by constructor):
      std::invalid_argument if begin index is greater than or equal to end index, or if stride value is zero

    • template<typename... _Slices, typename>
      view<_DType> array::operator()(const _Slices &...slices)
      Returns a view object that is the result of the specified slicing.
      Each slices argument can either be a slice object or an integral index.
      If the number of slices arguments is less than the array's dimensionality, the missing slices are automatically assumed to span the entire corresponding dimension.

      The second template parameter is used for compile-time type checking using SFINAE


      1. std::invalid_argument if the number of slices arguments is greater than array's dimensionality
      2. std::out_of_range if the number of argument slices is valid, but out of bounds for atleast one dimension in array's shape, i.e. if slices is an integer, it is out of bounds of array shape and if slices is a devi::core::slice object, the begin or end or both are out of bounds of array shape
      using s_ = slice;
      view<type::uint16> v1 { u1(s_(7, 15), 56, s_(10, 69, 3)) };
      // The view `v1` has shape `( 8 20 )`
      // 1st dimension: from 7 to 14, (implicit) every element = (15 - 7) / 1 = 8
      // 2nd dimension: picked 56 = no dimension
      // 3rd dimension: from 10 to 67, every 3rd element = (69 - 10) / 3 + 1 = 20
      view<type::uint16> v2 { u1(6, s_(20)) };
      // The view `v2` has shape `( 80 80 )`
      // 1st dimension: picked 6 = no dimension
      // 2nd dimension: from 20 to (implicit) 100, every element = (100 - 20) / 1 = 80
      // 3rd dimension: unspecified = entire dimension = 80

4. devi::core::view

This class represents a data-viewing and non-owning window into an array or another view object. It is copyable, movable and assignable. There is no guarantee for the memory that is handled by the view to be contiguous. A view can never be constructed by the user; they can only be created by a slicing operation on arrays or other views.

It is intended for view and array to have the same API for a consistent experience

  • Getters

    • unsigned view::ndims() const noexcept
      Returns the dimensionality of the view

    • const class shape &view::shape() const noexcept
      Returns the shape of the view

    • std::size_t view::size() const noexcept
      Returns the total size of the view

    • enum type view::type() const noexcept
      Returns the devi::core::type of the view

      using s_ = slice;
      uint64 u2 { shape(4, 10, 150, 90), 1 };
      auto v2 { u2(s_(0, 4), 3, s_(40, 120, 8), s_(30, 80)) };
      assert(v2.ndims() == 3);
      assert(v2.shape() == shape(4, 10, 50));
      assert(v2.size() == 2000);
      assert(v2.type() == type::uint64);
  • Indexing
    template<typename... _Indices, typename>
    native_type &view::operator()(const _Indices... indices)
    Returns a non-const reference to the value specified by the index indices
    template<typename... _Indices, typename>
    native_type view::operator()(const _Indices... indices) const
    Returns a copy of the value specified by the index indices

    The second template parameter is used for compile-time type checking using SFINAE


    1. std::invalid_argument if the number of indices arguments is not equal to view's dimensionality
    2. std::out_of_range if the number of argument indices is valid, but out of bounds for atleast one dimension in view's shape
    v2(2, 7, 33) = 42;      // This will modify the value in the appropriate `u2` memory
    assert(u2(2, 3, 96, 63) == 42);
    v2(3, 7, 21, 1);        // Throws `std::invalid_argument`; too many indices
    v2(1, 8);               // Throws `std::invalid_argument`; not enough indices
    v2(16, 9, 41);          // Throws `std::out_of_range`; 3rd index is out of bounds

TODO: implement a const_view object which is a non-mutable window into the memory it slices


A C++17 library implementing computer vision and deep learning techniques, with in-house multidimensional array support (No dependencies)





