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Primary Constructors

Author: Erik Ernst

Status: Draft

Version: 1.3

Experiment flag: primary-constructors

This document specifies primary constructors. This is a feature that allows one constructor and a set of instance variables to be specified in a concise form in the header of the declaration. In order to use this feature, the given constructor must satisfy certain constraints, e.g., it cannot have a body.

One variant of this feature has been proposed in the struct proposal, several other proposals have appeared elsewhere, and prior art exists in languages like Kotlin and Scala (with specification here and some examples here). Many discussions about the feature have taken place in github issues marked with the primary-constructors label.


Primary constructors is a conciseness feature. It does not provide any new semantics at all. It just allows us to express something which is already possible in Dart, using a less verbose notation. Consider this sample class with two fields and a constructor:

// Current syntax.
class Point {
  int x;
  int y;
  Point(this.x, this.y);

A primary constructor allows us to define the same class much more concisely:

// A declaration with the same meaning, using a primary constructor.
class Point(int x, int y);

In the examples below we show the current syntax directly followed by a declaration using a primary constructor. The meaning of the two class declarations with the same name is always the same. Of course, we would have a name clash if we actually put those two declarations into the same library, so we should read the examples as "you can write this or you can write that". So the example above would be shown as follows:

// Current syntax.
class Point {
  int x;
  int y;
  Point(this.x, this.y);

// Using a primary constructor.
class Point(int x, int y);

These examples will serve as an illustration of the proposed syntax, but they will also illustrate the semantics of the primary constructor declarations, because those declarations work exactly the same as the declarations using the current syntax.

Note that an empty class body, {}, can be replaced by ;.

The basic idea is that a parameter list that occurs just after the class name specifies both a constructor declaration and a declaration of one instance variable for each formal parameter in said parameter list.

A primary constructor cannot have a body, and it cannot have an normal initializer list (and hence, it cannot have a superinitializer, e.g., However, it can have assertions, it can have initializing formals (this.p) and it can have super parameters (super.p).

The motivation for these restrictions is that a primary constructor is intended to be small and easy to read at a glance. If more machinery is needed then it is always possible to express the same thing as a body constructor (i.e., any constructor which isn't a primary constructor).

The parameter list uses the same syntax as constructors and other functions (specified in the grammar by the non-terminal <formalParameterList>).

This implies that there is no way to indicate that the instance variable declarations should have the modifiers late or external (because formal parameters cannot have those modifiers). This omission is not seen as a problem in this proposal: It is always possible to use a normal constructor declaration and normal instance variable declarations, and it is probably a useful property that the primary constructor uses a formal parameter syntax which is completely like that of any other formal parameter list.

An external instance variable amounts to an external getter and an external setter. Such "variables" cannot be initialized by an initializing formal anyway, so they will just need to be declared using a normal external variable declaration.

// Current syntax.
class ModifierClass {
  late int x;
  external double d;

// Using a primary constructor.
class ModifierClass(this.x) {
  late int x;
  external double d;

ModifierClass as written does not make sense (x does not have to be late), but there could be other constructors that do not initialize x.

Super parameters can be declared in the same way as in a body constructor:

// Current syntax.
class A {
  final int a;

class B extends A {

// Using a primary constructor.
class A(final int a);
class B(super.a) extends A;

Next, the constructor can be named, and it can be constant:

// Current syntax.
class Point {
  final int x;
  final int y;
  const Point._(this.x, this.y);

// Using a primary constructor.
class const Point._(final int x, final int y);

Note that the class header contains syntax that resembles the constructor declaration, which may be helpful when reading the code.

The modifier const could have been placed on the class (const class) rather than on the class name. This proposal puts it on the class name because the notion of a "constant class" conflicts with with actual semantics: It is the constructor which is constant because it is able to be invoked during constant expression evaluation; it can also be invoked at run time, and there could be other (non-constant) constructors. This means that it is at least potentially confusing to say that it is a "constant class", but it is consistent with the rest of the language to say that this particular primary constructor is a "constant constructor". Hence class const Name rather than const class Name.

The modifier final on a parameter in a primary constructor has the usual effect that the parameter itself cannot be modified. The only location where such modifications can occur is in an assertion, and they "should" not have side effects, so we can basically ignore this. However, much more importantly, this modifier is also used to specify that the instance variable declaration which is induced by this primary constructor parameter is final.

In the case where the constructor is constant, and in the case where the declaration is an extension type or an enum declaration, the modifier final on every instance variable is required. Hence, it can be omitted from the formal parameter in the primary constructor, because it is implied that this modifier must be present in the induced variable declarations in any case:

// Current syntax.

class Point {
  final int x;
  final int y;
  const Point(this.x, this.y);

enum E {

  final String s;
  const E(this.s);

// Using a primary constructor.

class const Point(int x, int y);

enum E(String s) { one('a'), two('b') }

Finally, an extension type declaration is specified to use a primary constructor (in that case there is no other choice, it is in the grammar rules):

// Using a primary constructor.

extension type x); // Must use a primary constructor.

Optional parameters can be declared as usual in a primary constructor, with default values that must be constant as usual:

// Current syntax.
class Point {
  int x;
  int y;
  Point(this.x, [this.y = 0]);

// Using a primary constructor.
class Point(int x, [int y = 0]);

We can omit the type of an optional parameter with a default value, in which case the type is inferred from the default value:

// Infer the type of `y` from the default value.
class Point(int x, [y = 0]);

Similarly for named parameters, required or not:

// Current syntax.
class Point {
  int x;
  int y;
  Point(this.x, {required this.y});

// Using a primary constructor.
class Point(int x, {required int y});

The class header can have additional elements, just like class headers where there is no primary constructor:

// Current syntax.
class D<TypeVariable extends Bound> extends A with M implements B, C {
  final int x;
  final int y;
  const D.named(this.x, [this.y = 0]);

// Using a primary constructor.
class const D<TypeVariable extends Bound>.named(
  int x, [
  int y = 0
]) extends A with M implements B, C;

Finally, it is possible to specify assertions on a primary constructor, just like the ones that we can specify in the initializer list of a regular (not primary) constructor:

// Current syntax.
class Point {
  int x;
  int y;
  Point(this.x, this.y): assert(0 <= x && x <= y * y);

// Using a primary constructor.
class Point(int x, int y): assert(0 <= x && x <= y * y);



The grammar is modified as follows. Note that the changes include support for extension type declarations, because they're intended to use primary constructors as well.

<classDeclaration> ::= // First alternative modified.
     (<classModifiers> | <mixinClassModifiers>)
     'class' <classNamePart> <superclass>? <interfaces>? <classBody>
   | ...;

<primaryConstructorNoConst> ::= // New rule.
     <typeIdentifier> <typeParameters>?
     ('.' <identifierOrNew>)? <formalParameterList>

<assertions> ::= // New rule.
     ':' <assertion> (',' <assertion>)*

<classNamePartNoConst> ::= // New rule.
   | <typeWithParameters>;
<classNamePart> ::= // New rule.
     'const'? <primaryConstructorNoConst>
   | <typeWithParameters>;
<typeWithParameters> ::= <typeIdentifier> <typeParameters>?

<classBody> ::= // New rule.
     '{' (<metadata> <classMemberDeclaration>)* '}'
   | ';';

<extensionTypeDeclaration> ::= // Modified rule.
     'extension' 'type' <classNamePart> <interfaces>?

<extensionTypeMemberDeclaration> ::= <classMemberDeclaration>;

<extensionTypeBody> ::=
     '{' (<metadata> <extensionTypeMemberDeclaration>)* '}'
   | ';';

<enumType> ::= // Modified rule.
     'enum' <classNamePartNoConst> <mixins>? <interfaces>? '{'
        <enumEntry> (',' <enumEntry>)* (',')?
        (';' (<metadata> <classMemberDeclaration>)*)?

A class declaration whose class body is ; is treated as a class declaration whose class body is {}.

The meaning of a primary constructor is defined in terms of rewriting it to a body constructor and zero or more instance variable declarations. This implies that there is a class body when there is a primary constructor. We do not wish to define primary constructors such that the absence or presence of a primary constructor can change the length of the superclass chain, and hence class C; has a class body just like class C(int i); and just like class C extends Object {}, and all three of them have Object as their direct superclass.

Static processing

Consider a class declaration or an extension type declaration with a primary constructor (note that it cannot be a <mixinApplicationClass>, because that kind of declaration does not support primary constructors, it's just a syntax error). This declaration is desugared to a class or extension type declaration without a primary constructor. An enum declaration with a primary constructor is desugared using the same steps. This determines the dynamic semantics of a primary constructor.

The following errors apply to formal parameters of a primary constructor. Let p be a formal parameter of a primary constructor in a class C:

A compile-time error occurs if p contains a term of the form this.v, or super.v where v is an identifier, and p has the modifier covariant. For example, required covariant int this.v is an error.

A compile-time error occurs if p has both of the modifiers covariant and final. A final instance variable cannot be covariant, because being covariant is a property of the setter.

Conversely, it is not an error for the modifier covariant to occur on other formal parameters of a primary constructor (this extends the existing allowlist of places where covariant can occur).

The desugaring consists of the following steps, where D is the class, extension type, or enum declaration in the program that includes a primary constructor in the header, and D2 is the result of desugaring. The desugaring step will delete elements that amount to the primary constructor; it will add a new constructor k; it will add zero or more instance variable declarations; and it will add zero or more top-level constants (holding parameter default values).

Where no processing is mentioned below, D2 is identical to D. Changes occur as follows:

Assume that p is an optional formal parameter in D which is not an initializing formal and not a super parameter. Assume that p does not have a declared type, but it does have a default value whose static type in the empty context is a type (not a type schema) T which is not Null. In that case p is considered to have the declared type T. When T is Null, p is considered to have the declared type Object?. If p does not have a declared type nor a default value then p is considered to have the declared type Object?.

Dart has traditionally assumed the type dynamic in such situations. We have chosen the more strictly checked type Object? instead, in order to avoid introducing run-time type checking implicitly.

The current scope of the formal parameter list of the primary constructor in D is the type parameter scope of the enclosing class, if it exists, and otherwise the enclosing library scope (in other words, the default values cannot see declarations in the class body).

Note that every occurrence of a type variable of D in a default value is an error, because no constant expression contains a type variable. Hence, we can proceed under the assumption that there are no such occurrences.

We need to ensure that the meaning of default value expressions is well-defined, taking into account that the primary constructor is actually located in a different scope than normal non-primary constructors. One way to specify this is to use a syntactic transformation:

Every default value in the primary constructor of D is replaced by a fresh private name _n, and a constant variable named _n is added to the top-level of the current library, with an initializing expression which is said default value.

This means that we can move the parameter declarations including the default value without changing its meaning. Implementations are free to use this particular desugaring based technique, or any other technique which has the same observable behavior. In particular, it should not be possible for such a default value to obtain a new meaning because an identifier in the default value resolves to a declaration in the class body when it occurs in k after the transformation, but it used to resolve to a top-level or imported declaration before the transformation.

For each of these constant variable declarations, the declared type is the formal parameter type of the corresponding formal parameter, except: In the case where the corresponding formal parameter has a type T where one or more type variables declared by D occur, the declared type of the constant variable is the least closure of T with respect to the type parameters of the class.

For example, if the default value is const [] and the parameter type is List<X>, the top-level constant will be const List<Never> _n = []; for some fresh name _n.

Next, k has the modifier const iff the keyword const occurs just before the name of D, or D is an enum declaration.

If the name C in D and the type parameter list, if any, is followed by .id where id is an identifier then k has the name If it is followed by .new then k has the name C. If it is not followed by . then k has the name C.

If it exists, D2 omits the part derived from '.' <identifierOrNew> that follows the name and type parameter list, if any, in D.

Moreover, D2 omits the formal parameter list L that follows the name, type parameter list, if any, and .id, if any.

The formal parameter list L2 of k is identical to L, except that each formal parameter is processed as follows.

In particular, the formal parameters in L and L2 occur in the same order, and mandatory positional parameters remain mandatory, and named parameters preserve the name and the modifier required, if any. An optional positional or named parameter remains optional; if it has a default value d in L then it has the transformed default value _n in L2, where _n is the name of the constant variable created for that default value.

  • An initializing formal parameter (e.g., this.x) is copied from L to L2, using said transformed default value, if any, and otherwise unchanged.
  • A super parameter is copied from L to L2 using said transformed default value, if any, and is otherwise unchanged.
  • A formal parameter (named or positional) of the form T p or final T p where T is a type and p is an identifier is replaced in L2 by this.p. A parameter of the same form but with a default value uses said transformed default value. Next, an instance variable declaration of the form T p; or final T p; is added to D2. The instance variable has the modifier final if the parameter in L is final, or D is an extension type declaration, or D is an enum declaration, or the modifier const occurs just before the class name in D. In all cases, if p has the modifier covariant then this modifier is removed from the parameter in L2, and it is added to the instance variable declaration named p.

If there are any assertions following the formal parameter list L then k has an initializer list with the same assertions in the same order.

The current scope of the assertions in D is the formal parameter initializer scope of the formal parameter list (that is, they can see the parameters including any initializing formals, the type parameters, and everything in the library scope that isn't shadowed by the scopes in between).

The expressions in the assertions are subject to a transformation that preserves the resolution of every identifier in said expressions when they occur as part of the initializer list of k. (In particular, an identifier in an assertion expression cannot resolve to a declaration in the class body).

Finally, k is added to D2, and D is replaced by D2.


It could be argued that primary constructors should support arbitrary superinvocations using the specified superclass:

class B extends A { // OK.
  B(int a): super(a);

class B(int a) extends A(a); // Could be supported, but isn't!

There are several reasons why this is not supported. First, primary constructors should be small and easy to read. Next, it is not obvious how the superconstructor arguments would fit into a mixin application (e.g., when the superclass is A with M1, M2), or how readable it would be if the superconstructor is named (class B(int a) extends A with M1,;). For instance, would it be obvious to all readers that the superclass is A and not, and that all other constructors than the primary constructor will ignore the implied superinitialization and do their own thing (which might be implicit)?

In short, if you need to write a complex superinitialization like, otherName: e2) then you need to use a body constructor.

There was a proposal from Bob that the primary constructor should be expressed at the end of the class header, in order to avoid readability issues in the case where the superinterfaces contain a lot of text. It would then use the keyword new or const, optionally followed by '.' <identifier>, just before the ( of the primary constructor parameter list:

class D<TypeVariable extends Bound> extends A with M implements B, C
  LongTypeExpression x1,
  LongTypeExpression x2,
  LongTypeExpression x3,
  LongTypeExpression x4,
  LongTypeExpression x5,
) {
  ... // Lots of stuff.

That proposal may certainly be helpful in the case where the primary constructor receives a large number of arguments with long types, etc. However, the proposal has not been included in this proposal. One reason is that it could be better to use a body constructor whenever there is so much text. Also, it could be helpful to be able to search for the named constructor using D.named, and that would fail if we use the approach where it occurs as new.named or const.named because that particular constructor has been expressed as a primary constructor.

It has been argued that a primary constructor parameter should be able to introduce an instance variable (which is already true in this proposal), and also to be a regular parameter (that doesn't introduce anything extra, which is not supported by this proposal). The point would be that this makes primary constructors more expressive. In particular, if we also generalize the proposal to allow a full initializer list with a superinitialization then we could allow the primary constructor to invoke any superconstructor, with any actual argument list.

This would provide a considerable enhancement of the expressive power of primary constructors. At the same time, it would make primary constructors considerably more verbose, which seems to lessen a crucial motivating factor for primary constructors in the first place.

A proposal which was mentioned during the discussions about primary constructors was that the keyword final could be used in order to specify that all instance variables introduced by the primary constructor are final (but the constructor wouldn't be constant, and hence there's more freedom in the declaration of the rest of the class). However, that proposal is not included here, because it may be a source of confusion that final may also occur as a modifier on the class itself, and also because the resulting class header does not contain syntax which is already similar to a body constructor declaration.

For example, class final Point(int x, int y); cannot use the similarity to a body constructor declaration to justify the keyword final.

class Point {
  final int x;
  final int y;
  Point(this.x, this.y);

class final Point(int x, int y); // Not supported!

Most likely, there is an easy workaround: Make the constructor const. It is very often possible to make the constructor const, even in the case where the class isn't necessarily intended to be used in constant expressions: There is no initializer list, no superinitialization, no body. The only way it can be an error to use const on a primary constructor is if the superclass doesn't have a constant constructor, or if the class has a mutable or late instance variable, or it has some non-constant expressions in instance variable declarations. (Those issues can only be created by instance variables that are declared explicitly in the class body whereas the ones that are created by primary constructor parameters will necessarily satisfy the const requirements).

Finally, we could allow a primary constructor to be declared in the body of a class or similar declaration, possibly using a modifier like primary, in which case it could have an initializer list and a body, and it would still have the ability to introduce instance variable declarations implicitly:

// Current syntax.
class D<TypeVariable extends Bound> extends A with M implements B, C {
  final int x;
  final int y;
  const D.named(this.x, [this.y = 0]);

// Using a primary constructor in the class body.
class D<TypeVariable extends Bound> extends A with M implements B, C {
  primary const D.named(int x, [int y = 0]);

This approach offers more flexibility in that a primary constructor in the body of the declaration can have initializers and a body, just like other constructors. In other words, primary on a constructor has one effect only, which is to introduce instance variables for formal parameters in the same way as a primary constructor in the header of the declaration. For example:

// Current syntax.
class A {
  A(String _);

class E extends A {
  LongTypeExpression x1;
  LongTypeExpression x2;
  LongTypeExpression x3;
  LongTypeExpression x4;
  LongTypeExpression x5;
  LongTypeExpression x6;
  LongTypeExpression x7;
  LongTypeExpression x8;
  external int y;
  int z;
  final List<String> w;

    required this.x1,
    required this.x2,
    required this.x3,
    required this.x4,
    required this.x5,
    required this.x6,
    required this.x7,
    required this.x8,
    required this.y,
  })  : z = 1,
        w = const <Never>[],
        super('Something') {
    // A normal constructor body.

// Using a primary constructor in the class body.
class E extends A {
  external int y;
  int z;
  final List<String> w;

  primary E({
    required LongTypeExpression x1,
    required LongTypeExpression x2,
    required LongTypeExpression x3,
    required LongTypeExpression x4,
    required LongTypeExpression x5,
    required LongTypeExpression x6,
    required LongTypeExpression x7,
    required LongTypeExpression x8,
    required this.y,
  }) : z = 1,
       w = const <Never>[],
       super('Something') {
    // A normal constructor body.

We may get rid of all those occurrences of required in the situation where it is a compile-time error to not have them, but that is a separate proposal.


1.3 - July 12, 2024

  • Add support for assertions in the primary constructor. Add support for inferring the declared type of an optional parameter based on its default value.

1.2 - May 24, 2024

  • Remove support for primary constructors in the body of a declaration.

1.1 - August 22, 2023

  • Update to refer to extension types rather than inline classes.

1.0 - April 28, 2023

  • First version of this document released.