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Implicit Constructors

Author: Erik Ernst

Status: Draft

Version: 1.0

Experiment flag: implicit-constructors

This document specifies implicit constructors as a kind of member that static extensions can declare, and it specifies static extensions.

Implicit constructors are factory constructors that take exactly one argument and have the modifier implicit. They allow user-written conversions to take place implicitly, based on a mismatch between the actual type of an expression and the type expected by the context.

Static extensions is a mechanism that adds static members and/or factory constructors to a specified class, the on-class of the static extension. It could be viewed as a static variant of the existing mechanism known as extension methods.

The fact that implicit constructors are provided by a static extension ensures that implicit conversions from a type S to a type T can be declared even in the case where neither the declaration of S nor the declaration of T can be edited.


Implicit constructors were proposed already several years ago in language issue #108, and elsewhere.

The main motivating situation was, and is, that an object of some type S is available, but an object of some other type T is required, and the conversion from S to T is considered to be a tedious detail that should occur implicitly.

For example, in a situation where a function walk accepts an argument of type Distance, and the static type of e is int, the invocation walk(e) could be implicitly transformed into walk(Distance(e)) (or walk(const Distance(e)), if e is a constant expression).

The assumption is that the code is more convenient to write and just as easy or even easier to read when this conversion occurs implicitly. See the 'Discussion' section for a broader discussion about this topic.

Here is an example:

class Distance {
  final int value;
  const Distance(this.value);

static extension E1 on Distance {
  implicit const factory Distance.fromInt(int i) = Distance;

void walk(Distance d) {...}

void main() {
  walk(Distance(1)); // OK, normal invocation.
  walk(1); // Also OK, invokes the constructor in E1 implicitly.

A static extension declaration is associated with an on-class (as opposed to a plain extension declaration which is associated with an on-type). In the example above, the on-class of E1 is Distance.

When the on-class of a static extension declaration is a generic class G, the on-class may be denoted by a raw type G, or by a parameterized type G<T1, .. Tk>.

When the on-class is denoted by a raw type, the static extension cannot declare any constructors. In this case the type arguments of the on-class are ignored, which is what the static members must do anyway.

When the on-class is denoted by a parameterized type T, constructors in the static extension must return an object whose type is T.

For example:

// Omit extension type parameters when the static extension only has static
// members. Type parameters are just noise for static members, anyway.
static extension E2 on Map {
  static Map<K2, V> castFromKey<K, V, K2>(Map<K, V> source) =>
      Map.castFrom<K, V, K2, V>(source);

// Declare extension type parameters, to be used by constructors. The
// type parameters can have stronger bounds than the on-class.
static extension E3<K extends String, V> on Map<K, V> {
  factory Map.fromJson(Map<String, dynamic> source) => Map.from(source);

var jsonMap = <String, dynamic>{"key": 42};
var typedMap = Map<String, int>.fromJson(jsonMap);
// `Map<int, int>.fromJson(...)` is an error: Violates the bound of `K`.

A static extension with type parameters can be specialized for specific values of specific type arguments by specifying actual type arguments of the on-class to be types that depend on each other, or types with no type variables:

static extension E4<X> on Map<X, List<X>> {
  factory Map.listValue(X x) => {x: [x]};

var int2intList = Map.listValue(1); // Inferred as `Map<int, List<int>>`.
// `Map<int, double>.listValue(...)` is an error.

static extension E6<Y> on Map<String, Y> {
  factory Map.fromString(Y y) => {y.toString(): y};

var string2bool = Map.fromString(true); // Inferred as `Map<String, bool>`.
Map<String, List<bool>> string2listOfBool = Map.fromString([]);

The support for implicit construction is managed via the import mechanism. A particular static extension E containing an implicit constructor k is accessible if the library that declares E is imported, and E is not hidden. Implicit construction only occurs with an accessible implicit constructor. If several such constructors are accessible, the most specific one is selected (detailed rules below). If there is no most specific implicit constructor then a compile-time error occurs.



The grammar is modified as follows:

<topLevelDefinition> ::= // Add a new alternative.
    <classDeclaration> |
    <mixinDeclaration> |
    <extensionDeclaration> |
    <staticExtensionDeclaration> | // New alternative.
    <enumType> |

<staticExtensionDeclaration> ::= // New rule.
    'static' 'extension' <identifier>? <typeParameters>? 'on' <type>
    '{' (<metadata> <staticExtensionMemberDeclaration>)* '}';

<staticExtensionMemberDeclaration> ::= // New rule.
    'static' <staticExtensionMethodSignature> <functionBody> |
    'implicit'? <staticExtensionConstructor> |
    'static' <staticExtensionVariableDeclaration> ';';

<staticExtensionMethodSignature> ::= // New rule.
    <functionSignature> |
    <getterSignature> |

<staticExtensionConstructor> ::= // New rule.
    <factoryConstructorSignature> <functionBody> |
    <redirectingFactoryConstructorSignature> ';';

<staticExtensionVariableDeclaration> ::= // New rule.
    ('final' | 'const') <type>? <staticFinalDeclarationList> |
    'late' 'final' <type>? <initializedIdentifierList> |
    'late'? <varOrType> <initializedIdentifierList>;

<combinator> ::=
    'show' <identifierList> |
    'hide' <identifierList> |
    'enable' <constructorNameList>;

<constructorNameList> ::=
    <constructorName> (',' <constructorName>)*;

The identifier implicit is now mentioned in the grammar, but it is not a built-in identifier nor a reserved word. Similarly, enable is not a built-in identifier nor a reserved word. The parser does not need that.

In a static extension of the form static extension E on C {...} where C is an identifier or an identifier with an import prefix, we say that the on-class of the static extension is C. If C resolves to a non-generic class then we say that the constructor return type of the static extension is C.

If C resolves to a generic class then the static extension does not have a constructor return type.

In a static extension of the form static extension E on C<T1 .. Tk> {...} where C is an identifier or prefixed identifier, we say that the on-class of E is C, and the constructor return type of E is C<T1 .. Tk>.

In both cases, E is an identifer id which is optionally followed by a term derived from <typeParameters>. We say that the identifier id is the name of the static extension. Note that T1 .. Tk above may contain occurrences of those type parameters.

Static Analysis

At first, we establish some sanity requirements for a static extension declaration by specifying several errors.

A compile-time error occurs if the on-class of a static extension does not resolve to an enum declaration or a declaration of a class, a mixin, a mixin class, or an extension type.

A compile-time error occurs if a static extension has an on-clause of the form on C where C denotes a generic class and no type arguments are passed to C (i.e., it is a raw type), and the static extension contains one or more constructor declarations.

In other words, if the static extension ignores the type parameters of the on-class then it can only contain static members. Note that if the on-class is non-generic then C is not a raw type, and the static extension can contain constructors.

A compile-time error occurs if a static extension has an on-clause of the form on C<T1 .. Tk>, and the actual type parameters passed to C do not satisfy the bounds declared by C. The static extension may declare one or more type parameters X1 extends B1 .. Xs extends Bs, and these type variables may occur in the types T1 .. Tk. During the bounds check, the bounds B1 .. Bs are assumed for the type variables X1 .. Xs.

A compile-time error occurs if a static extension declares an implicit constructor whose formal parameter list accepts a number of positional parameters which is different from one, or if it accepts any named parameters.

Consider a static extension declaration D named E which is declared in the current library or present in any exported namespace of an import (that is, D is declared in the current library or it is imported and not hidden, but it could be imported and have a name clash with some other imported declaration). A fresh name FreshE is created, and D is entered into the library scope with the fresh name.

This means that a static extension declaration gets a fresh name in addition to the declared name, just like extension declarations.

This makes it possible to resolve an implicit reference to a static extension, e.g., an invocation of a static member or constructor declared by the static extension, even in the case where there is a different declaration in scope with the same name. For example:

static extension E on C { // `FreshE` is an extra name for `E`.
  static void foo() {}

void f<E>() {
  // Name clash: type parameter shadows static extension.; // Resolved as ``.

Tools may report diagnostic messages like warnings or lints in certain situations. This is not part of the specification, but here is one recommended message:

A compile-time message is emitted if a static extension D declares a constructor or a static member with the same name as a constructor or a static member in the on-class of D.

In other words, a static extension should not have name clashes with its on-class.

Static extension scopes

Static extensions introduce several scopes:

The current scope for the on-clause of a static extension declaration D that does not declare any type parameters is the enclosing scope of D, that is the library scope of the current library.

A static extension D that declares type variables introduces a type parameter scope whose enclosing scope is the library scope. The current scope for the on-clause of D is the type parameter scope.

A static extension D introduces a body scope, which is the current scope for the member declarations. The enclosing scope for the body scope is the type parameter scope, if any, and otherwise the library scope.

Static members in a static extension are subject to the same static analysis as static members in other declarations.

A factory constructor in a static extension introduces scopes in the same way as other factory constructor declarations. The return type of the factory constructor is the constructor return type of the static extension (that is, the type in the on clause).

Type variables of a static extension E are in scope in static member declarations in E, but any reference to such type variables in a static member declaration is a compile-time error. The same rule applies for static members of classes, mixins, etc.

Static extension accessibility

A static extension declaration D is accessible if D is declared in the current library, or if D is imported and not hidden.

An implicit constructor declaration named (respectively C) in a static extension declaration D is enabled if D is declared in the current library, or if D is imported and the import directive that imports D includes (C) in an enable combinator.

Invocation of a static member of a static extension

An explicitly resolved invocation of a static member of a static extension named E is an expression of the form E.m() (or any other member access, e.g., E.m, E.m = e, etc), where m is a static member declared by E.

This can be used to invoke a static member of a specific static extension in order to manually resolve a name clash.

A static member invocation on a class C, of the form C.m() (or any other member access), is resolved by looking up static members in C named m and looking up static members of every accessible static extension with on-class C and a member named m.

If C contains such a declaration then the expression is an invocation of that static member of C, with the same static analysis and dynamic behavior as before the introduction of this feature.

Otherwise, an error occurs if fewer than one or more than one declaration named m was found.

Otherwise, the invocation is resolved to the given static member declaration in a static extension named E, and the invocation is treated as E.m() (this is an explicitly resolved invocation, which is specified above).

The instantiated constructor return type of a static extension

We associate a static extension declaration D named E with formal type parameters X1 extends B1 .. Xs extends Bs and an actual type argument list T1 .. Ts with a type known as the instantiated constructor return type of D with type arguments T1 .. Ts.

When a static extension declaration D named E has an on-clause which is a non-generic class C, the instantiated constructor return type is C, for any list of actual type arguments.

It is not very useful to declare a type parameter of a static extension which isn't used in the constructor return type, because it can only be passed in an explicitly resolved constructor invocation, e.g., E<int>.C(42). In all other invocations, the value of such type variables is determined by instantiation to bound.

When a static extension declaration D has no formal type parameters, and it has an on-type C<S1 .. Sk>, the instantiated constructor return type of D is C<S1 .. Sk>. In this case the on-type is a fixed type (also known as a ground type), e.g., List<int>. This implies that the constructor return type of D is the same for every call site.

Consider a static extension declaration D named E with formal type parameters X1 extends B1 .. Xs extends Bs and a constructor return type C<S1 .. Sk>. With actual type arguments T1 .. Ts, the instantiated constructor return type of D with type arguments T1 .. Ts is [T1/X1 .. Ts/Xs]C<S1 .. Sk>.

Explicit invocation of a constructor in a static extension

Explicit constructor invocations are similar to static member invocations, but they need more detailed rules because they can use the formal type parameters declared by the static extension.

An explicitly resolved invocation of a constructor named in a static extension declaration D named E with s type parameters and on-class C can be expressed as E<S1 .. Ss>, E.C<U1 .. Uk>.name(args), or E<S1 .. Ss>.C<U1 .. Uk>.name(args) (and similarly for a constructor named C using E<S1 .. Ss>.C(args) etc).

A compile-time error occurs if the type arguments passed to E violate the declared bounds. A compile-time error occurs if no type arguments are passed to E, and type arguments U1 .. Uk are passed to C, but no list of actual type arguments for the type variables of E can be found such that the instantiated constructor return type of E with said type arguments is C<U1 .. Uk>.

A compile-time error occurs if the invocation passes actual type arguments to both E and C, call them S1 .. Ss and U1 .. Uk, respectively, unless the instantiated constructor return type of D with actual type arguments S1 .. Ss is C<U1 .. Uk>. In this type comparison, top types like dynamic and Object? are considered different, and no type normalization occurs. In other words, the types must be identical, not just mutual subtypes.

Note that explicitly resolved invocations of constructors declared in static extensions are an exception in real code, usable in the case where a name clash prevents an implicitly resolved invocation. Implicitly resolved invocations are specified in the rest of this section by reducing them to explicitly resolved ones. Also note that implicitly resolved invocations is not the same thing as implicit invocations (which are specified in a later section).

A constructor invocation of the form C<T1 .. Tm>.name(args) is partially resolved by looking up a constructor named in the class C and in every accessible static extension with on-class C. A compile-time error occurs if no such constructor is found. Similarly, an invocation of the form C<T1 ... Tm>(args) uses a lookup for constructors named C.

If a constructor in C with the requested name was found, the pre-feature static analysis and dynamic semantics apply.

Otherwise, the invocation is partially resolved to a set of candidate constructors found in static extensions. Each of the candidates kj is vetted as follows:

Assume that kj is a constructor declared by a static extension D named E with type parameters X1 extends B1 .. Xs extends Bs and on-type C<S1 .. Sm>. Find actual values U1 .. Us for X1 .. Xs satisfying the bounds B1 .. Bs, such that [U1/X1 .. Us/Xs]C<S1 .. Sm> == C<T1 .. Tm>. If this fails then remove kj from the set of candidate constructors. Otherwise note that kj uses actual type arguments U1 .. Us.

If all candidate constructors have been removed, or more than one candidate remains, a compile-time error occurs. Otherwise, the invocation is henceforth treated as E<U1 .. Us>.C<T1 .. Tm>.name(args).

A constructor invocation of the form (respectively C(args)) where C resolves to a non-generic class is resolved in the same manner, with m == 0. In this case, type parameters declared by E will be bound to values selected by instantiation to bound.

Consider a constructor invocation of the form (and similarly for C(args)) where C resolves to a generic class. As usual, the invocation is treated as in the pre-feature language when it resolves to a constructor declared by the class C.

In the case where the context type schema for this invocation fully determines the actual type arguments of C, the expression is changed to receive said actual type arguments, C<T1 .. Tm>.name(args), and treated as described above.

In the case where the invocation resolves to exactly one constructor (or C) declared by a static extension named E, the invocation is treated as (respectively E.C(args)).

Otherwise, when there are two or more candidates from static extensions, an error occurs. We do not wish to specify an approach whereby args is subject to type inference multiple times, and hence we do not support type inference for in the case where there are multiple distinct declarations whose signature could be used during the static analysis of that expression.

Implicit constructor specificity

Let E be a static extension with type parameters X1 extends B1 .. Xs extends Bs that declares an implicit constructor k whose formal parameter has type U (which may contain some of X1 .. Xs).

Note that an implicit constructor must always have exactly one formal parameter. It must be positional and it can be optional.

Let T1 .. Ts be types satisfying the bounds B1 .. Bs. We then say that the instantiated parameter type of the implicit constructor k with actual type arguments T1 .. Ts is [T1/X1 .. Ts/Xs]U.

Let E1 be a static extension with s type parameters, let T1 .. Ts be types that satisfy the bounds of E1, and assume that k1 is an implicit constructor declared by E1.

Let E2 be a static extension with t type parameters, let S1 .. St be types that satisfy the bounds of E2, and assume that k2 is an implicit constructor declared by E2.

We then say that k1 is more specific than k2 with said actual type arguments iff the instantiated parameter type of k1 with actual type arguments T1 .. Ts is a proper subtype of the instantiated parameter type of k2 with the actual type arguments S1 .. St.

If the two instantiated parameter types are mutual subtypes then we say that the two constructors are equally specific.

With a list of extensions E1 .. En and corresponding actual type arguments and implicit constructors k1 .. km, we say that the most specific one is kj iff that constructor with the given type arguments is more specific than each of the others.

Static extension applicability

Let D be a static extension declaration named E with type parameters X1 extends B1 .. Xs extends Bs and constructor return type C<T1 .. Tk>. Let P be a context type schema.

Let f be a function declared as follows, also known as the applicability function of E:

C<T1 .. Tk> f<X1 extends B1 .. Xs extends Bs>() => f();

We say that D is applicable with context type schema P yielding actual type arguments S1 .. Ss iff type inference of the invocation f() with context type schema P yields a list of actual type arguments S1 .. Ss to f such that [S1/X1 .. Ss/Xs]C<T1 .. Tk> is assignable to the greatest closure of P.

Implicit invocation of a constructor in a static extension

A static extension constructor marked with the modifier implicit can be invoked implicitly.

For example, we can have a declaration Distance d = 1;, and it may be transformed into Distance d = Distance.fromInt(1); where Distance.fromInt is an enabled implicit constructor declared in an accessible static extension with on-class Distance whose parameter type is int.

First, we need to introduce the notion of an assignment position.

An expression can occur in an assignment position. This includes being the right hand side of an assignment, an initializing expression in a variable declaration, an actual argument in a function or method invocation, the right operand of a binary operator, and more.

This concept is already used to determine whether a coercion like generic function instantiation is applicable. In this document we rely on this concept being defined already. Currently it has been implemented, but not specified.

Assume that an expression e occurs in an assignment position with context type schema P. In this situation, type inference is performed on e with context type schema P, and the resulting expression e0 has some type T0. Assume that e0 is not subject to any built-in coercions (at this time this means generic function instantiation or call method tear-off), and T0 is not assignable to the greatest closure of P. In this case we say that e is potentially subject to implicit construction with source type T0.

If an expression e is potentially subject to implicit construction with source type T0, the following steps are performed:

  • Gather every accessible static extension that declares one or more implicit constructors, and that is applicable with context type schema P. Assume that the result is the set E1 .. En of static extensions, each with an actual type argument list A1 .. An (each Aj is a list of types, whose length is the same as the type parameter list of Ej). The candidate constructors are then all constructors in E1 .. En which are marked implicit, and which are enabled.
  • For each candidate constructor k, eliminate k from the set of candidates if T0 is not assignable to the instantiated parameter type of k with the actual type arguments Aj of the static extension Ej that declares k.
  • If the set of candidate constructors is empty, a compile-time error occurs.
  • Otherwise, if none of the candidate constructors is most specific with the given actual type arguments of the enclosing static extension, an error occurs.
  • Otherwise, one specific static extension Ej with actual type arguments Aj, and one enabled constructor k declared by Ej is most specific. Let (respectively C) be the name of k.
  • The expression e is then replaced by Ej<Aj> (respectively Ej<Aj>.C(e0)).

Note that no further type inference is applied to this expression: The static extension Ej has received actual type arguments Aj, and this fully determines the type arguments passed to C. Finally, e0 has been subject to type inference in the first step.

Dynamic Semantics

The dynamic semantics of static members of a static extension is the same as the dynamic semantics of other static functions.

The dynamic semantics of an explicitly resolved invocation of a constructor in a static extension is determined by the normal semantics of function invocation, except that the type parameters of the static extension are bound to the actual type arguments passed to the static extension in the invocation.

An implicitly resolved invocation of a constructor declared by a static extension is reduced to an explicitly resolved one during static analysis. The same is true for implicit invocations of implicit constructors. This fully determines the dynamic semantics of this feature.


The language C++ has had a similar mechanism for many years. It includes the notion of converting constructors and another notion of user-defined conversion functions.

Scala is another language where implicit conversions have been supported for a long time, as described here.

The experience from both C++ and Scala is that implicit conversions need to be kept simple and comprehensible: It is simply not helpful if arbitrary typing mistakes anywhere in the code can be implicitly masked by the introduction of one or more unintended user-defined type conversions.

With that in mind, the implicit conversions proposed here are subject to some rather strict rules:

  • They can only be declared as implicit constructors in static extensions.
  • A static extension needs to be imported directly in order to have any effect, and it can be hidden in imports.

Scala even requires that the entity that provides implicit conversions is explicitly imported (using something similar to show in an import). We require that each constructor must be enabled in the import.


1.0 - May 3, 2023

  • First version of this document released.