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Static Metaprogramming in Dart

Problem Statement

Programmers hate repetition—having to write the same or very similar code over and over again. It’s boring, tedious, error-prone, and harder to maintain in parallel correctly. A key property of what makes a programming language productive is its facilities for eliminating repetition.

The humble loop is a simple example. Instead of:


Which is asking for a copy/paste error, we’d rather write:

for (var i = 1; i <= 3; i++) {

A more powerful example is functions. If you need to build a Flutter widget containing three similar columns, would you rather maintain this:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Row(
      children: [
          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
          children: [Text('CALL')],
          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
          children: [Text('ROUTE')],
          mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
          children: [Text('SHARE')],

Or this:

class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Row(
      children: [

  Column _buildColumn(String label) {
    return Column(
      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
      children: [Text(label)],

Loops and functions are powerful, but fundamentally limited. They only execute within imperative code—initializers and function bodies—and they can only operate on data—values that are first-class in Dart. If you want to, say, iterate over all the fields in a class (maybe to serialize them), you have to use the “dart:mirrors” library which exists to expose data about classes as first-class Dart objects. That works, but sacrifices performance, causes code size problems, and isn’t supported at all in AOT builds.

In the above example, we can hoist the repetitive code to create a column into a function because Flutter widgets are built using imperative code inside build() methods. But say you wanted to define each column as a separate widget class, like this:

class CallBuildColumn extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
      children: [Text('CALL')],

class RouteBuildColumn extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
      children: [Text('ROUTE')],

class ShareBuildColumn extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Column(
      mainAxisSize: MainAxisSize.min,
      children: [Text('SHARE')],

There is no function you can write in Dart and call three times to output these three classes, short of a heavy code generator. Dart doesn’t let you abstract over classes or other top-level declarations.

Metaprogramming refers to code that can do this—code that operates on other code as if it were data. It can take code in as parameters, reflect over it, inspect it, create it, modify it, and return it. Static metaprogramming means doing that work at compile-time. This avoids the safety, performance, and code size problems of runtime metaprogramming. Examples are the C preprocessor, C++ templates, Rust macros, Swift function builders, and compile-time execution in Zig.

This document proposes an approach to adding static metaprogramming in Dart that we’d like to investigate.

Sample use cases

Here is a non-exhaustive list of some of the problems users have run into where it feels like there should be a reusable general solution but instead they have to write the same repetitive boilerplate code every time:

JSON serialization and deserialization

Given some class declaration, it’s trivial to write a method that serializes it to JSON:

class Dog {
  final String breed;
  final String name;

  Object toJSON() => {'breed': breed, 'name': name};

But that code requires iterating over the fields of the class somehow. Short of using mirrors or code generation, there’s no way to write a reusable system that can add JSON serialization/deserialization to any given class.

Data classes

The most requested open language issue is to add data classes. A data class is essentially a regular Dart class that comes with an automatically provided constructor and implementations of ==, hashCode, and copyWith() (called copy() in Kotlin) methods based on the fields the user declares in the class.

The reason this is a language feature request is because there’s no way for a Dart library or framework to add data classes as a reusable mechanism. Again, this is because there isn’t any easily available abstraction that lets a Dart user express “given this set of fields, add these methods to the class”. The copyWith() method is particularly challenging because it’s not just the body of that method that depends on the surrounding class’s fields. The parameter list itself does too.

We could add data classes to the language, but that only satisfies users who want a nice syntax for that specific set of policies. What happens when users instead want a nice notation for classes that are deeply immutable, dependency-injected, observable, or differentiable? Sufficiently powerful static metaprogramming could let users define these policies in reusable abstractions and keep the slower-moving Dart language out of the fast-moving methodology business.

Flutter verbosity

To get better incremental update performance and more maintainable fine-grained code, it’s often useful in Flutter to break a large widget with a complex build() method down into an aggregation of smaller widget classes. But hoisting some layout code into a new widget class requires enough boilerplate that users avoid it. For example, say you have a widget with some fixed data, stateful data, and a bit of build code that you want to pull into a new widget class Foo. You have to write:

class Foo extends StatefulWidget {
  Foo({ Key key, this.fixedStuff }) : super(key: key);
  FixedStuff fixedStuff;
  State<Foo> createState() => _FooState();

class _FooState extends State<Foo> {
  StatefulStuff statefulStuff = ...;
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {

The widget name is repeated six times, fixedStuff appears twice, and the remaining code is almost pure boilerplate that is identical across all StatefulWidget and State subclasses.

There are other patterns in Flutter like this that are commonly applied to widget classes but require Flutter users to write a lot of repetitive code, such as the dispose() method which needs to do any required cleanup of widget state (removing listeners, calling custom dispose methods on fields, etc). Metaprogramming could enable the Flutter framework to express these patterns more tersely and with less chance for user error.


From these sample use cases and others, we can generalize some requirements:

  • Must be able to introspect on the existing program. Almost all the use cases we want to cover need to be able to look at the fields of an existing class at a minimum, as well as the fields of super classes in many cases. Many also need to inspect the methods, constructors, and parameters of those.
  • Must be able to synthesize new APIs in existing classes. Most of the core use cases require adding new methods to classes, whose signatures may not be known ahead of time. Some also require the ability to add new fields, both private and public to classes.
  • Should be able to synthesize whole new classes. Some of the core use cases involve creating new classes from either other classes or even just top level functions.
  • Metaprogramming should be composable. In one form or another, metaprogramming applications should be able to be composed together. A data class code generator for instance would ideally be a combination of several more targeted code generators for each of the desired features (copyWith(), ==, hashCode, etc).
  • Generated code must be debuggable and user visible. See the Usability section below.

Design constraints

In addition to user-level requirements, there are some practical constraints to ensure that we don't compromise the existing advantages of Dart.

  • Must support modular compilation. Any individual library should be able to be fully compiled (including running all macros) using only the transitive dependencies of the library. To this end we should not expose any API or functionality that allows global access to the program, outside of the current library and/or its dependencies. Such functionality would defeat modular compilation.
  • Must support incremental compilation. This is key to the hot reload workflow—any change in the program should not have to rerun all metaprogramming in the entire program. It should at worst require a rerun of the metaprogramming in libraries that depend on the modified library.
  • Must support expression evaluation. Expression evaluation is a vital tool for the development experience and we need to ensure it is not negatively affected.

For the most part the design constraints here align with the modular compilation design constraints. In short, metaprogramming should not introduce global action at a distance.


  • Modifying existing code. We don’t see a need to allow modifiying existing code through metaprogramming. This leads to unexpected behavior, and negatively affects usability. Dart code that already has clearly defined meaning today should continue to mean the same thing after metaprogramming. The goal is not to be able to hijack existing Dart syntax to do wildly different things, but to augment code with new capabilities.


To understand what a static metaprogramming solution might look like, we’ll walk through one of the use cases. Say a Dart user wants to write a library that automatically defines copyWith() methods for classes. For them to do that, Dart needs to provide a way for users to:

  1. Invoke the metaprogramming to control which classes should get the copyWith() method.
  2. Define some metaprogramming that specifies how the copyWith() method is defined in terms of the class’s fields. That metaprogramming needs to be authored in some kind of metaprogramming language.
  3. Use an introspection mechanism to walk over the class’s field declarations.
  4. Use a construction mechanism to produce a new method including its signature and body. The resulting is then added to the original class declaration.

The approach we propose is macros, and the above requirements list can be stated more concretely as:

  1. We design some sort of syntax to apply a macro by name to a given class, method declaration, etc.
  2. We propose to design a way of defining macros which can be then be applied as above.
  3. We propose to design an introspection system to allow macros to introspect on the program during their execution. This might be an imperative API similar to the existing mirrors API or analyzer API, or something declarative like to pattern matching over syntax examples.
  4. We propose to consider designing a quotation syntax so that macros that generate Dart code can generate code in a readable fashion. This also means code generators only depend on language syntax for code generation and not an imperative api, which will better stand the test of time.

Most of this is as-yet-undesigned, but the key piece is that we think macros should be written in normal imperative Dart code which is executed at compile time.

Compile-time Dart execution

Allowing a general-purpose, Turing-complete imperative language to run at compile time is a big ask. Here’s why we think it’s a good choice:

We already do it

A subset of the Dart language is already allowed at compile time, which is specifically carved out to support limited const expressions. This means users are familiar with the concept of “running” Dart code at compile time, and we have invested some implementation time in supporting it. You could think of this proposal as merely (massively) expanding the subset of Dart allowed in a const expression.

One less language to define

Metaprogramming has to be authored in some language. It takes significant time to design, specify, implement, and test a language. Anyone user authoring macros will have to learn that language. By making that Dart language, we let the user write macros in a language they already know, and we take advantage of all of he existing work we’ve done on Dart.

Declarative languages are too limited

Declarative macro systems are usually not Turing complete. This ensures that metaprogramming has finite execution time, which is a nice property. The cost is that many potentially useful metaprogramming abstractions can’t be defined within the limitations of that declarative language. Experience from other language communities is that declarative-only metaprogramming ends up being too limited.

The Scheme community has gone through a number of rules-based macro systems over decades as each proved to be too limiting. Meanwhile Common Lisp let Lispers define macros imperatively. This sometimes makes it a challenge to implement macros correctly, but has always been sufficiently powerful.

Experience from many UI templating languages (which are surprisingly similar to macro metaprogramming in many ways) is that most declarative ones gradually accumulate imperative features or end up replaced by those that do.

In the Dart ecosystem, in the absence of metaprogramming in the language, users often resort to code generators. Some of those are quite sophisticated and are written in imperative Dart code. These typically take the form of kernel transformers or separate build processes like build_runner which run before the compilers and are not directly integrated.

Rust has a nice declarative, rule-based macro system. But, because that rule-based system is limited, Rust also has a second imperative procedural macro system for when you need more power. In Dart, we would prefer to only have one metaprogramming system, so it should be one that is powerful enough to cover all known use cases.


Having said that, allowing the whole Dart language to run at compile-time exposes a number of really difficult problems we will have to solve in 2021:

Scoping and hygiene

A macro may introduce new symbols into an existing scope (where that function is used). How do we deal with conflicts here? Would the generated code exist in its own scope and not have the ability to leak any new variables into the surrounding scope?

Generated code may also need to access variables in at least 3 different scopes — the scope where the macro is applied, the scope of the generated code (may be same as the former), and the scope where the macro is defined. How does it distinguish between these?

Ordering and staging

In what order are macros run? If they can both generate new APIs and introspect on the program, then ordering can be user-visible. Consider a macro that adds a field for memoization and another that adds a method to serialize all fields. If both are applied to the same class, does the memoized field get serialized?

Do macros run before type checking, after, or interleaved? What is the static type context in which a macro runs?

How do macros interact with const canonicalization and evaluation, do they run before, after, or interleaved? Can macros read const values and generate them?

There are additional considerations if we allow recursive macros, and cycles between macro defining libraries.


Macros can easily lead to incomprehensible programs if they become overly magical, or are a complete black box to the user. In order to demystify macros you should:

  • Be able to easily navigate to the macro implementation.
  • Be able to visualize in some way the code generated into your program, at development time.
  • Be able to debug generated code (step through it, etc).
    • Possibly provide an opt out for this, if feasible/desirable.
  • Be able to trace errors that flow through generated code, as well as navigate back to the line in the macro implementation that produced the code.
  • Be able to auto-complete macro generated apis.


A Turing-complete programming language that runs in your typechecker opens the door to user-code that locks the IDE. How do we ensure that users maintain a fast edit refresh cycle when arbitrary Dart code may be running during compilation?


Today, users are fully aware of exactly when third party code (excluding code from the sdk) might be executed (only when they explicitly run a program). This will change with this proposal, since it involves running user code as a part of the compilation and likely program analysis process. This means that even opening your IDE for instance could expose you to malicious code if we aren't careful.

In order to minimize the threat of malicious code which could run in these contexts, we will likely need to limit the read/write/execution access of macro code, including access to ffi or other libraries which might enable that same access.

One possible way to do this would to be to explicitly limit the dart: libraries that are available for use at compile time.