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The purpose of this project is to do some experiments with Zig, and to explore the possibility of using it for implant development and general offensive operations. it is inspired by @byt3bl33d3r's project "OffensiveNim".

Table of Contents

Why Zig?

  • The Zig toolchain offers the capability to cross-compile C/C++ projects using commands like zig cc or zig c++. This functionality allows you to efficiently utilize the Zig toolchain for building your pre-existing C/C++ projects.
  • Zig operates without relying on a VM/runtime, the static executable is super small.
  • Zig boasts a minimal Rust-like syntax while retaining the simplicity of C, enabling swift development of native payloads and prototypes.
  • Zig offers seamless integration with C libraries without the need for Foreign Function Interface (FFI) bindings.
  • Zig emphasizes manual memory management and transparent control flow, avoiding hidden complexities.
  • Zig excels in facilitating cross-compilation without the need for a separate "cross toolchain," and can build for various targets listed here.
  • Compiling to WebAssembly and interacting with JavaScript code within a browser is relatively straightforward in Zig here.
  • The community is known for its approachability, friendliness, and high level of activity. The Zig Discord server serves as a valuable platform for asking questions and staying informed about the latest developments within the language.

Try to Learn Zig in Y minutes

If you're eager to learn Zig quickly and effectively, there's a wealth of resources to aid your journey. For a rapid grasp of Zig's syntax and concepts, you can dive into the Learn Zig in Y Minutes guide. To delve deeper into Zig's intricacies, explore the official documentation for various Zig versions here. Engage with the vibrant Zig community through Ziggit.

How to play

Examples in this project

File Description
keylogger_bin.zig Keylogger using SetWindowsHookEx
pop_bin.zig Call MessageBox WinApi without using a 3rd-party library
pop_lib.zig Example of creating a Windows DLL with an exported DllMain
shellcode_bin.zig Creates a suspended process and injects shellcode with VirtualAllocEx/CreateRemoteThread.
suspended_thread_injection.nim Shellcode execution via suspended thread injection

I recommend downloading Zig for different CPU architectures directly from Zig's official download page, available at In certain cases within this project, third-party libraries are employed.

Cross Compiling

See the cross-compilation section in the Zig compiler usage guide, for a lot more details.

Cross compiling to Windows from MacOs/Nix: zig build-exe -target x86_64-windows src.zig

Interfacing with C/C++

Explore the remarkable Integration with C section in the Zig documentation.

Here's MessageBox example

const std = @import("std");
const win =;
const user32 = win.user32;

const WINAPI = win.WINAPI;
const HWND = win.HWND;
const LPCSTR = win.LPCSTR;
const UINT = win.UINT;

extern "user32" fn MessageBoxA(hWnd: ?HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT) callconv(WINAPI) i32;

pub fn main() void {
    _ = MessageBoxA(null, "Hello World!", "Zig", 0);

Creating Windows DLLs with an exported DllMain

As you can see, the code in the example is already very close to what C code looks like, just use export keyword.


const std = @import("std");
const win =;

const WINAPI = win.WINAPI;
const DWORD = win.DWORD;
const LPVOID = win.LPVOID;
const BOOL = win.BOOL;
const HWND = win.HWND;
const LPCSTR = win.LPCSTR;
const UINT = win.UINT;


extern "user32" fn MessageBoxA(hWnd: ?HWND, lpText: LPCSTR, lpCaption: LPCSTR, uType: UINT) callconv(WINAPI) i32;

pub export fn _DllMainCRTStartup(hinstDLL: HINSTANCE, fdwReason: DWORD, lpReserved: LPVOID) BOOL {
    _ = lpReserved;
    _ = hinstDLL;
    switch (fdwReason) {
            _ = MessageBoxA(null, "Hello World!", "Zig", 0);
        DLL_THREAD_ATTACH => {},
        DLL_THREAD_DETACH => {},
        DLL_PROCESS_DETACH => {},
        else => {},
    return 1;

To compile:

//To make a static library
zig build-lib test.zig -target x86_64-windows 
//To make a shared library
zig build-lib test.zig -dynamic -target x86_64-windows 

Optimizing executables for size

Taken from the Build Mode

For the biggest size decrease use the following flags -O ReleaseSmall -fstrip -fsingle-threaded

Opsec Considerations

Most samples are compiled in this mode zig build-exe src.zig -O ReleaseSmall -fstrip -fsingle-threaded -target x86_64-windows

Aside from a few specific NT functions found in the import table, I have not been able to find any other significant features that would indicate that they were coded in Zig.


Converting C code to Zig

Zig offers the functionality to convert C code to Zig code through the command zig translate-c. I haven't personally experimented with this feature yet.

Language Bridges

Regarding Python modules or Java JNI integration, I haven't had the opportunity to test these aspects yet.



You can utilize the functions within the std.debug namespace to display the call stack. Currently, there is limited IDE support for debugging Zig. If you're using VSCode, you can try the webfreak.debug extension. For more information on debugging Zig with VSCode, you can refer to the following links:

These resources should provide you with additional details on setting up and using the webfreak.debug extension for Zig debugging in VSCode.

Setting up a dev environment

VSCode provides an official Zig extension ziglang.vscode-zig to enhance Zig language support, offering more comprehensive functionality compared to earlier extensions such as tiehuis.zig and lorenzopirro.zig-snippets.

The link to the Zig Tools page on the Zig website will likely provide further information on various tools and resources available for Zig development, including debugging tools and extensions.

Interesting Zig libraries

Zig for implant dev links

Comparison of Zig and Nim

Zig Nim
Syntax Styles Rust-like Python-like
Backend LLVM or Self-hosted C Compiler or Self-Hosted
Code Generate Support in future Supported
Standard Library General Numerous
Memory Management Manual Multi-paradigm GC
FFI Directly Support
Translate C to ThisLang Official Third-Party
Package Manager Official Package Manager as of Zig 0.11 Nimble
Cross Compile Convenient Convenient
Learning Curve Intermediate Easy
Community Resources Growing Rich


In conclusion, I am not currently inclined to choose Zig as my primary language for offensive purposes. I've also explored alternative languages like Vlang, but I haven't initiated practical experimentation with them yet. Comparatively, Nim offers superior community resources and more comprehensible documentation than Zig. While attempting to achieve similar outcomes, deciphering Zig's documentation proved to be a challenging endeavor. The manual memory management aspect may not be particularly user-friendly for those without professional development experience. It's possible that as Zig evolves and stabilizes in the future, I might be more inclined to employ it for specific development tasks within penetration testing.

P.S.: I am not a professional developer; this project is presented solely from the viewpoint of a penetration testing engineer. The opinions expressed above are my own. Please do correct me if you find any errors.
