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196 lines (153 loc) · 11.3 KB

File metadata and controls

196 lines (153 loc) · 11.3 KB

Item 16: Prefer More Precise Alternatives to Index Signatures

Things to Remember

  • Understand the drawbacks of index signatures: much like any, they erode type safety and reduce the value of language services.
  • Prefer more precise types to index signatures when possible: ++interface++s, Map, ++Record++s, mapped types, or index signatures with a constrained key space.

Code Samples

const rocket = {
  name: 'Falcon 9',
  variant: 'Block 5',
  thrust: '7,607 kN',

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type Rocket = {[property: string]: string};
const rocket: Rocket = {
  name: 'Falcon 9',
  variant: 'v1.0',
  thrust: '4,940 kN',
};  // OK

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interface Rocket {
  name: string;
  variant: string;
  thrust_kN: number;
const falconHeavy: Rocket = {
  name: 'Falcon Heavy',
  variant: 'v1',
  thrust_kN: 15200,

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function parseCSV(input: string): {[columnName: string]: string}[] {
  const lines = input.split('\n');
  const [headerLine, ...rows] = lines;
  const headers = headerLine.split(',');
  return => {
    const row: {[columnName: string]: string} = {};
    rowStr.split(',').forEach((cell, i) => {
      row[headers[i]] = cell;
    return row;

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interface ProductRow {
  productId: string;
  name: string;
  price: string;

declare let csvData: string;
const products = parseCSV(csvData) as unknown[] as ProductRow[];

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function parseCSVMap(input: string): Map<string, string>[] {
  const lines = input.split('\n');
  const [headerLine, ...rows] = lines;
  const headers = headerLine.split(',');
  return => {
    const row = new Map<string, string>();
    rowStr.split(',').forEach((cell, i) => {
      row.set(headers[i], cell);
    return row;

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const rockets = parseCSVMap(csvData);
const superHeavy = rockets[2];
const thrust_kN = superHeavy.get('thrust_kN');  // 74,500
//    ^? const thrust_kN: string | undefined

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function parseRocket(map: Map<string, string>): Rocket {
  const name = map.get('name');
  const variant = map.get('variant');
  const thrust_kN = Number(map.get('thrust_kN'));
  if (!name || !variant || isNaN(thrust_kN)) {
    throw new Error(`Invalid rocket: ${map}`);
  return {name, variant, thrust_kN};
const rockets = parseCSVMap(csvData).map(parseRocket);
//    ^? const rockets: Rocket[]

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interface Row1 { [column: string]: number }  // Too broad
interface Row2 { a: number; b?: number; c?: number; d?: number }  // Better
type Row3 =
    | { a: number; }
    | { a: number; b: number; }
    | { a: number; b: number; c: number;  }
    | { a: number; b: number; c: number; d: number };  // Also better

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type Vec3D = Record<'x' | 'y' | 'z', number>;
//   ^? type Vec3D = {
//        x: number;
//        y: number;
//        z: number;
//      }

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declare function renderAButton(props: ButtonProps): void;
interface ButtonProps {
  title: string;
  onClick: () => void;

  title: 'Roll the dice',
  onClick: () => alert(1 + Math.floor(6 * Math.random())),
  theme: 'Solarized',
// ~~~~ Object literal may only specify known properties…

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interface ButtonProps {
  title: string;
  onClick: () => void;
  [otherProps: string]: unknown;

  title: 'Roll the dice',
  onClick: () => alert(1 + Math.floor(20 * Math.random())),
  theme: 'Solarized',  // ok

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