The Hitchiker's Guide to Modern JS Tooling
A great overview of many of the most common build tools, package managers, test frameworks, and code quality tools currently in use -
A full book online book that covers setting up Webpack, developing using React and Flux, and using ESLint for code quality -
SurviveJS - Webpack
A follow-up book focused on Webpack usage. Still a work in progress, but good. -
Beginner's Guide to Webpack
A walkthrough for getting started with a Webpack dev setup -
Webpack - The Module Bundler
HTML slideshow that describes Webpack's features and links to demos -
Webpack Your Bags
In-depth article describing what Webpack is, why you would want to use it, and how to set it up -
Webpack + React is Awesome
Another tutorial explaining how to use and set up Webpack -
Beginner Webpack Tutorial
Very well-written tutorial that steps through the many pieces in a typical Webpack config, how to configure them, and what they're used for. (Two parts so far, more to come.) -
Learn Webpack
A repository with examples and exercises to learn webpack for newbies -
Webpack: The Confusing Parts
A great simplification and breakdown of the different pieces that make up a Webpack configuration: dev vs prod, CLI vs dev-server, the "entry" option, the "output" option / "path" vs "publicPath", loaders and configuration, Babel, plugins, and path resolving. -
Unpacking Webpack
A useful overview of what Webpack can do and why you would want to use it.