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348 lines (240 loc) · 15.8 KB


WordPress theme inspired by Green politics - the political ideology built around peace, the environment, labour and civil rights.

Originally designed for ADZ - Alternattiva Demokratika Żgħażagħ.



<< Coming soon >>

Site Title and Description

In this theme, only the first 40 characters (including letters, numbers and symbols) are shown for the site title, while the first 120 characters are shown for the site description.


The theme provides two customisable menu locations, one on top and another beneat the footer. Remember to assign the appropriate menu location to your menu.

Primary Menu

The menu at the top. This will stay visible as the user scrolls through the page. A Sidebar toggling button is automatically added to right of this menu.

Primary Menu

Footer Bottom Menu

The menu at the bottom. Only accepts a single-level menu.

Footer Menu

Custom Header Image

The header image is customisable through the standard Wordpress UI. In order to change it, click Apperance > Header and follow instructions.

Custom Header Image

Custom Logo

The site logo is customisable through the standard Wordpress UI. In order to change it, click Appearance > Customizer > Site Identity and follow instructions in the logo section.

Custom Logo

Customiser Settings

These settings may be accessed by clicking Appearance > Customize > Ecologie Settings.

Home Call to Action Block

This section contains settings related to the call-to-action in the front page.

Home Call to Action Block

Call to Action Text

Paragraph to display in the call-to-action.

Default value: Veggies es bonus vobis, proinde vos postulo essum magis kohlrabi welsh onion daikon amaranth tatsoi tomatillo melon azuki bean garlic.

Call to Action Button Text

Call-to-action button caption.

Default value: Join us

Call to Action Button URL

Call-to-action button link URL.

Default value: #

AddThis Social Sharing Tool

This section contains settings related to AddThis social sharing in blog posts.

AddThis Social Sharing Tool

AddThis Profile ID

Profile ID of AddThis account to integrate.

Enable AddThis sharing buttons

Enable/disable AddThis sharing.

Default value: Enabled

N.B.: AddThis sharing buttons will not appear unless an existing profile ID is entered.


This section contains settings related to the blog.


Number of recent posts

Number of recent posts to display on front page.

Default value: 5


This section contains settings related to the header.


Enable header

Enable/disable header.

Default value: Enabled

Enable header image text

Show/hide text to display on header image.

Default value: Enabled

Header image text

Paragraph to be displayed upon header image.

Default value: Social justice, civil rights and environmental sustainability.

Enable header image Manifesto link

Show/hide Manifesto link on header image.

Default value: Enabled

Header image Electoral Manifesto URL

URL for the Electoral Manifesto link displayed upon header image.


This section contains settings related to the footer.


Text to add to copyright notice

Text to be displayed near the copyright notice in the footer.

Enable copyright notice

Show/hide copyright notice.

Default value: Enabled

Contact Shortcode

This section contains settings related to the Contact shortcode.

Contact Shortcode

Contact Shortcode

Contact Email Connection Method

Whether you would like emails to be send through SMTP or the Gmail API. In case you'll be attaching a Gmail account, the latter is recommended.

Default value: SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)

Available options:

  • SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol)
  • Google Authentication (Gmail only)


Internet address of your SMTP host of choice.

SMTP Secure Connection Method

Secure connection method of your preference or provided by your SMTP host of choice.

Available options:

  • SSL
  • TLS


Port accessible at your SMTP host of choice.

SMTP Username

SMTP username for your organisation's email account.

SMTP Password

SMTP password for your organisation's email account.

Google API Client ID

Client ID for authentication with Google.

Google API Client Secret

Client Secret for authentication with Google.

Authenticate with Gmail.

Link to Google authentication for your contact forms.


This section contains settings related to the sidebar.


Enable sidebar

Enable/disable sidebar.

Default value: Enabled

Production Mode

This section only shows up in localhost environments and contains settings to ease theme development. If you see this on your site's backend, then it's probably a bug.

Production Mode

Enable Production Mode

Toggle between production mode (when enabled) and development mode (when disabled). When disabled and consequently development mode is on, you should see a notice in the front-end menu header. When development mode is on, you should be able to debug the theme's development JavaScript files and view debug information about contact form shortcode requests from your browser's dev tools network panel.

Default value: Disabled

Development Mode Indicator



From the backend, the widget allows the administrator to input 4 address lines, the country code, phone number and email address for their organisation.

Contact widget backend

On the frontend, the user will see the organisation's address if provided, phone number if provided and/or email address if provided.

Contact widget frontend

Mailchimp Subscribe

From the backend, the widget allows the administrator to input either the form's original HTML for user ID and form ID to be extracted or directly input the organisation's user ID and form ID (both required for the form to work).

The first option is the most straight-forward since it consists of merely copying the form's HTML. In order to access the HTML for the Mailchimp form you would like to embed, kindly log in to your Mailchimp account, click Lists, locate the list to link to the form, click the down arrow beside it and then select Signup Forms. Finally, click Embedded forms and copy the form's HTML to clipboard. On switching to your site's backend, paste the markup to a Mailchimp Subscribe widget instance. Upon clicking Save, you should notice that the User ID and Form ID fields are populated.

Mailchimp get form HTML

On the other hand, in case Mailchimp change their markup and the extraction mechanism fails, you would need to manually st the User ID and Form ID.

Mailchimp Subscribe widget backend

Mailchimp Subscribe widget frontend

Social Buttons

From the backend, the widget allows the administrator to input the URLs for the organisation's media accounts. The URLs are validated to contain the service URL.

Social Buttons widget backend

On the frontend, the user will see links for the provided social networks. Clicking upon the link, opens the profile for that social network in a new tab.

Social Buttons widget frontend

Upcoming Event

The Upcoming Event widget is aimed at improving event exposure for visitors of the website.

From the backend, the widget allows the administrator to input the event's title, time, date, venue, description and URL for event page.

Upcoming Event widget backend

On the frontend, the user will see the event's title if provided, time if provided, date if provided, venue if provided, description if provided and the More info... button will be linked to the appropriate URL if provided.

Upcoming Event widget frontend

Widget Areas

Now, lets talk about areas where widgets may be dropped. Ecologie provides the following:

  • Sidebar
  • Footer Column 1
  • Footer Column 2
  • Footer Column 3
  • Footer Column 4




Contact Us

This shortcode builds a contact form and has the following syntax: [contact-us at="<email-to-send-to>" at-name="<name-to-send-to>"]

It may also be inserted through the Contact Us editor button.

Contact Us button

Once you click the button, the following dialog is shown:

Contact Us dialog

Kindly enter your email and name into the designated fields. In case your email is left out, you will get the following dialog:

Contact Us email missing dialog

Please note, that currently only a single Contact Us form per page may be activated. However, that is subject to change in the near future.

Links (Blogroll)

The theme enables Wordpress's Links feature. For information about how to utilise it, read here.


In order to uninstall Ecologie follow the official instructions on how to manage themes.

However, deleting Ecologie does not remove the entries that the theme creates in the wp-options table. To remove ths data, launch your favourite MYSQL shell (such as PHPMyAdmin), select the database connected to your site and run the following query:

DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'widget_ecologie_contact_widget';
DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'widget_ecologie_social_widget';
DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'widget_ecologie_upcoming_event_widget';
DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'widget_ecologie_mailchimp_subscribe_widget';
DELETE FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'theme_mods_ecologie';