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Web application - "Kids Likes"
- Look at Layout (Figma)
- Look at Web application (netlify)
- React
virtual DOM, jsx, components/pure-components, propTypes, react-bootstrap
inline styles, css modules, state, events, forms, lifecycle, http-requests
hooks(useState, useEffect, usContext, useRef, useMemo, useCallback, useReducer)
routing, navigation history, redux, actions, reducer, dispatch , selectors, useSelector
redux-toolkit, configureStore, createAction, createReducer, createSlice, CSSTransition
createAsyncThunk, createApi, JSON Web Token, authorization, createPortal, public/private route
- JavaScript
variables, types, branching, arrays, function, object,
spread/rest, destructuring, callbacks, arrays methods, pure functions
method chaining, context(this), function methods, prototypes, classes
OOP, DOM, events, event delegation, throttle/debounce, lazy loading
few node.js, npm, code modularity, webpack/parcel
json, web storage, asynchrony, date and time
promises, HTTP/s, rest API, AJAX, pagination
CRUD, async/await, fetch, axios, handlerbars
- HTML (tags, attributes, semantics, clean structure, code style)
selector specificity, pseudo-class, css variables, pseudo-elements,
font properties, box model, element geometry, element types,
image types, gradient, shadow, raster/vector graphics, svg sprites
positioned elements, animations, transitions, forms, link js
- adaptive and responsive layout (markup, graphics)
- Other skills
- Communication
- Presentations
- Teamwork
- Trello
- Postman