Lots of random development, interested in software architecture and data analysis
Crawler for Fundamental analysis platform for BOVESPA stocks, generating a score for each share according to the selected criteria on the indicators.
Neuro evolution agent to buy and sell stocks atumatically
Simple implementation of a genetic algorithm applied into gym environments
Jupyter Notebook
Simple server to search piratebay and click magnet link directly, without having to access TPB
Backend for Fundamental analysis using historical data
Crawler for Fundamental analysis platform for BOVESPA stocks, generating a score for each share according to the selected criteria on the indicators.
Neuro evolution agent to buy and sell stocks atumatically
Simple implementation of a genetic algorithm applied into gym environments
Jupyter Notebook
Simple server to search piratebay and click magnet link directly, without having to access TPB
Backend for Fundamental analysis using historical data
Crawler for Fundamental analysis platform for BOVESPA stocks, generating a score for each share according to the selected criteria on the indicators.
Neuro evolution agent to buy and sell stocks atumatically
Simple implementation of a genetic algorithm applied into gym environments
Jupyter Notebook
Simple server to search piratebay and click magnet link directly, without having to access TPB
Backend for Fundamental analysis using historical data