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[Question]: Generic summary in response to local LLM prompts #740

dafunction opened this issue Jul 17, 2024 · 1 comment

[Question]: Generic summary in response to local LLM prompts #740

dafunction opened this issue Jul 17, 2024 · 1 comment
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Similar to #663, #514

I'm getting inconsistent responses to various prompts I send to local LLMs. For example I use extract_wisdom often, however, sometimes I get a generic summary instead of the much more thorough response that's typical of using this prompt. Some days it works great, other days it's incredibly frustrating to work with.

It is suggested that the prompt formatting is different for the llama models, but the same thing happens for gemma models in my testing, albeit intermittently (for both models), so I'm not certain this is the root cause. Here's an example of output from llama3:

yt\?si\=tFlUBG7s8wKgZ5Pb | fabric --model llama3:latest -p extract_wisdom_dm
This is a transcript of a video or podcast episode by Mischa van den Burg, titled "Note-taking with the PARA method - Best for Beginners". The transcript covers the following topics:

1. Introduction to Misha's devops background and his expertise in software engineering and devops.
2. The importance of having a note-taking system that works for you, and how the PARA (Projects, Areas, Reference, Archive) method can be beneficial for beginners.
3. Two principles for implementing the PARA method:
	* Make decisions quickly: Don't agonize over where to put notes, just make a decision and move on.
	* Avoid moving files around frequently: Put notes in their correct place from the start, rather than constantly reorganizing them.
4. The importance of reflecting on your note-taking system and adjusting it if needed. If you find that the PARA method is slowing you down or not working for you, consider switching to a different approach.
5. Encouragement to try out the PARA method and see how it works for you, rather than overthinking it.

Some key takeaways from this transcript include:

* The importance of making decisions quickly when implementing the PARA method
* The potential pitfalls of constantly reorganizing notes (moving files around) and the need to avoid this behavior
* The importance of reflecting on your note-taking system and adjusting it if needed
* The recommendation to start with the PARA directories and workflow, rather than trying to overthink or perfect the system from the beginning.

To contrast, here's an output from the exact same prompt against the claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 model

yt\?si\=tFlUBG7s8wKgZ5Pb | fabric --model claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620 -p extract_wisdom_dm

Misha, a DevOps engineer, explains the PARA method for note-taking and productivity, created by Tiago Forte, recommending it for beginners as a comprehensive life organization system.


- PARA stands for Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archive, providing a structured approach to organizing information.
- Projects are short-term tasks with clear outcomes, typically lasting 3-12 months, like planning a vacation.
- Areas represent ongoing responsibilities without end dates, such as health, family, or house maintenance.
- Resources are collections of information expected to be useful in the future, like hobby-related materials.
- The Archive stores notes not currently useful but potentially valuable for future unexpected connections.
- An Inbox is crucial for quick note capture, requiring regular processing to maintain system effectiveness.
- PARA method helps beginners structure their thinking and prioritize tasks and responsibilities more effectively.
- The method can be applied beyond note-taking to organize various aspects of life and work.
- Implementing PARA in a note-taking system involves creating a simple directory structure for categorizing notes.
- Quick decision-making when processing notes is essential to avoid overthinking note categorization and placement.
- Avoid excessive file reorganization, as it can lead to false productivity and time-wasting.
- The note-taking system should ultimately improve productivity, not hinder it with unnecessary complexity.
- PARA method can help transition from unstructured to more intentional and organized thinking and planning.
- The distinction between short-term projects and long-term areas can provide clarity in personal and professional life.
- Regular review and archiving of completed projects or inactive areas help maintain system relevance and efficiency.
- PARA can be implemented across various tools, including digital note-taking apps and physical filing systems.
- The method encourages regular reflection on personal priorities and time allocation for different life areas.
- PARA's flexibility allows for easy adaptation as life circumstances and priorities change over time.
- The structure provided by PARA can help reduce mental clutter and improve focus on current tasks.
- Combining PARA with other productivity techniques can create a comprehensive personal management system.
- The method's simplicity makes it accessible for beginners while still being useful for more advanced users.
- PARA can help identify areas of life that may need more attention or resources allocated.
- The Archive feature in PARA prevents permanent deletion of potentially useful information for future reference.
- Implementing PARA can lead to more intentional content consumption and information gathering habits.
- The method's structure can facilitate easier sharing and collaboration on projects and resources with others.


- PARA method bridges note-taking and life management, providing a holistic approach to personal productivity.
- Distinguishing between projects and areas helps clarify short-term goals versus long-term responsibilities and values.
- Regular processing of an inbox encourages consistent note-taking habits and prevents information overload.
- PARA's flexibility allows for personal adaptation while maintaining a consistent organizational framework.
- The method promotes intentional living by encouraging regular reflection on priorities and time allocation.
- PARA can serve as a stepping stone to more advanced note-taking systems as users gain experience.
- The Archive feature in PARA supports serendipitous connections and prevents premature discarding of information.
- Implementing PARA can lead to a clearer mental model of one's life and responsibilities.
- The method's simplicity makes it accessible, while its depth allows for continued growth and refinement.
- PARA encourages a balance between capturing information and actionable use of that information.


- "The PARA method is not only a method for note-taking, it's not just for writing. What's cool about the PARA method is that it serves as an overall structure for your entire life and for your thinking."
- "Instead of deleting notes, it's much better to keep them in an archive so that they will come up with searching and you can make these unexpected connections with notes."
- "If you're completely new to note-taking and productivity systems, then the PARA method is a great place to start because it's an excellent framework for both your writing, your note-taking, and your thinking."
- "When I started out, this was super helpful to divide this, to make this division between projects and areas. It really helped me to get a clear picture of my priorities."
- "Your note-taking should improve your productivity. It should make you more time-efficient, should make it possible to achieve more in a shorter time."
- "Don't think too much about it, just do it."
- "The PARA method will force you to sit down and think, 'Well, what projects am I actually working on?'"
- "We are as human beings, we are somehow naturally inclined to divide things up into folders and directories."
- "The most important thing is to start taking notes."
- "Make decisions quickly. When you're processing your inbox, don't sit there and think for five minutes."


- Process inbox notes regularly, ideally daily or several times a week, to maintain system effectiveness.
- Make quick decisions when categorizing notes to avoid overthinking and wasting time on organization.
- Regularly review and archive completed projects or inactive areas to keep the system relevant.
- Use an inbox for quick note capture to encourage consistent note-taking habits throughout the day.
- Reflect on personal priorities and adjust areas and projects accordingly to maintain life balance.
- Implement PARA across various tools and aspects of life for comprehensive organization and productivity.
- Avoid excessive file reorganization to prevent false productivity and time-wasting activities.
- Regularly evaluate if the note-taking system is improving overall productivity and make adjustments as needed.
- Use the PARA method to structure thinking and planning for both personal and professional life.
- Combine PARA with other productivity techniques to create a comprehensive personal management system.
- Regularly review archived notes to discover unexpected connections and resurface valuable information.
- Use PARA to guide intentional content consumption and information gathering habits.
- Apply PARA structure to physical notes and resources in addition to digital systems.
- Regularly assess and adjust the balance between different life areas using the PARA framework.
- Use PARA to facilitate easier sharing and collaboration on projects and resources with others.


- PARA stands for Projects, Areas, Resources, and Archive, forming the core structure of the method.
- The PARA method was created by Tiago Forte and introduced in his book "Building a Second Brain."
- Projects in PARA typically have a time horizon of 3-12 months with a clear end goal.
- Areas in PARA represent ongoing responsibilities without a specific end date or final outcome.
- Resources in PARA are collections of information expected to be useful in the future.
- The Archive in PARA stores notes that are not currently useful but may become relevant later.
- PARA can be implemented using digital tools like Obsidian or physical filing systems.
- The method is suitable for beginners in productivity and note-taking systems.
- PARA can be applied beyond note-taking to organize various aspects of life and work.
- An Inbox is a recommended addition to the PARA structure for quick note capture.
- The method encourages regular processing of notes from the Inbox into appropriate categories.
- PARA can help transition from unstructured to more intentional and organized thinking and planning.
- The method is flexible and can be adapted to individual needs and preferences.
- PARA can be used in conjunction with other productivity techniques and note-taking methods.
- The structure provided by PARA can help reduce mental clutter and improve focus.


- Book: "Building a Second Brain" by Tiago Forte
- Productivity system: Getting Things Done (GTD) by David Allen
- Note-taking methods: Bullet Journaling, Cornell method, Zettelkasten method
- Digital tools: Obsidian, Microsoft Azure, Kubernetes
- Platforms: Substack, WordPress, Hugo
- Games: Diablo 2
- Hobbies: Indoor vegetable gardening, weight loss, writing
- Technologies: Go programming language
- Operating systems: Arch Linux
- Cloud platforms: Microsoft Azure
- Instruments: Guitar, piano
- Udemy course: "Obsidian 101" by Misha van den Burg
- Community: Misha's School Community for additional courses and resources


PARA method organizes life and notes, balancing short-term projects with long-term areas for improved productivity.


- Start implementing PARA by creating a simple directory structure for your notes and files.
- Use an inbox for quick note capture and process it regularly to maintain system effectiveness.
- Apply PARA principles to both digital and physical organization systems for comprehensive life management.
- Combine PARA with other productivity techniques to create a personalized and effective workflow.
- Regularly review and adjust your projects and areas to ensure alignment with current goals.
- Use the Archive feature to store potentially useful information without cluttering active categories.
- Practice quick decision-making when categorizing notes to avoid overthinking and wasting time.
- Experiment with different digital tools that support PARA, such as Obsidian, to find your fit.
- Apply PARA principles to your work projects and personal life for a unified organizational approach.
- Use PARA to guide your content consumption and information gathering, focusing on relevant resources.
- Regularly reflect on your life areas and adjust time allocation based on current priorities.
- Implement PARA gradually, starting with basic categories and expanding as you become more comfortable.
- Use PARA to identify areas of your life that may need more attention or resources.
- Share your PARA system with collaborators to improve project management and resource sharing.
- Evaluate your note-taking system's impact on productivity and adjust if it's not improving efficiency.

Is there logging available to see what exactly is happening so I can track down what is potentially causing this issue?

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Melaron commented Aug 5, 2024

I have what seems to be the same issue. In #743 it seems like they decided it is due to context length, but I do not agree. I am using llama3.1:latest (8b) and getting generic or odd output whereas before I was getting great output. I am not sure what changed and would also appreciate if anyone can point me to logging to assist with troubleshooting?

I am getting a youtube transcript (aliased yt -t to ytt) and using a custom (smaller) modified extract_wisdom prompt. I often get the "As a {Assigned_Role} I will {Follow_Instructions}" even if I explicitly state for it not to speak about itself like that. I also often get "It [seems|looks] like you've provided a transcript of...". What is truly odd is I got some weird reference to there not being a product — but there is no mention of "product" in the prompt or the transcript...

I can tell that my prompt is being delivered because because it mentions the role I assigned it (Wisdom Automaton) and yet it has such odd output. I am using a local Ollama server on my desktop, but running Fabric on my laptop.


ytt | fabric --remoteOllamaServer http://hostname.localdomain:11434/ -m llama3.1:latest -p get_wisdom | save HBR_life_strategy_modelspecified


This text does not appear to be about a specific product or service but rather seems to be an excerpt from a lecture or presentation on personal strategy and self-improvement. The speaker discusses creating a personal portfolio, called the "strategic life portfolio," which is used to evaluate time spent on different aspects of one's life, such as relationships, job, physical health, etc.

The speaker suggests that people should rate the importance and satisfaction level of each area in their lives, allocate time accordingly, and then plot these values on a 2-by-2 matrix. This results in four quadrants: high-importance-low-satisfaction (urgent), low-importance-high-satisfaction (comfort), high-importance-high-satisfaction (joy), and low-importance-low-satisfaction (avoid).

The speaker claims that this process can help individuals identify areas for improvement, prioritize time spent on different activities, and create a life strategy. They also mention that many people have multiple topics in the urgent quadrant, suggesting that identifying and addressing these issues could lead to quick wins.

Throughout the text, the speaker references Seneca's quotes on luck and preparation, implying that having a clear plan and being prepared for opportunities is crucial for achieving success.

Overall, the text appears to be focused on personal development, self-awareness, and strategic planning.

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