A Sudoku game made with React and Sudoku-UMD package!
You can play the game here: CLICK
Recommended playing in desktops, RWD not yet implemented
Simply select the desired difficulty level and input the numbers in empty fields (from 1 to 9). You can do it by first selecting the empty field and then either pressing the number on your keyboard or using the popup window
If you want to fork the repo and work on it yourself a little, just clone in to your disk, open and run
npm install
and then
npm run dev
for development web-server (initially on port 3000, you can change it in webpack.config)
npm run build
in order to build the production version to the './docs' folder
- React
- react-hot-loader
- prop-types
- sudoku-umd
- babel/core babel/cli webpack-dev-server webpack/cli with different plugins, presets and loaders
- gsap
- logging with google and facebook for saving the game and keeping track of each signed user's score
- top players chart
- some fancy animation trigerred upon solving the sudoku board
- making it RWD