This is a Go core framework for building XBOS drivers. The goal here is to unify many of the design points and features which are only idiom or only dreams.
Features will include:
- state management: functions to be invoked when the driver enters different states
- intermittent connectivity: local buffering backed by disk with replay functionality
- integrated metadata management: implement metadata interface
- transport agnostic: plug your own transport in!
In the YAML file for the interface, we need a definition of the fields
- name: temperature
type: double
description: Current measured temperature
units: F
- name: relative_humidity
type: double
description: Current measured relative humidity
units: %RH
- name: thermostat_state
type: uint
description: Current operating activity of thermostat
- name: time
type: uint64
description: nanoseconds since the Unix epoch
units: ns
0: Off
1: Heating
2: Cooling
3: Auto
When device interfaces are implemented, they should adhere to these definitions.
Each of the messages we send has a []byte
serialization. Messages are published on a URI. We want to give each of these a monotonic sequence number. This sequence number is established and is incremented for each URI
Going to adopt the WAL from bw2bind BUT the key is now HASH (murmur3) of the URI followed by a 4-byte sequence number. This is so we can do prefix range scans on the database.