I am Daniele Giulianini, a passionate master’s graduate in Computer Science & Engineering from Italy!
- 🎓 Recently graduated in Computer Science and Engineering from the University of Bologna, Italy.
- 💻 Proficient in various programming paradigms (including Object-Oriented and functional), languages (including Scala, Java, Python, JavaScript) and Software Design (including design patterns) and development (such as CI/CD, testing, agile) practices.
- 🔬 Specialized in advanced software development techniques, High-Performance Computing, distributed programming, optimization, DBMSs.
- 🤩 Have a keen interest in everything concerning Computer science and Software Engineering and enjoy solving complex problems through innovative solutions.
- 🌱 Constantly learning and exploring new technologies to stay up-to-date in the ever-evolving tech world.
- 🔍 More information about me is available here.
My recent, most notable projects:
- 🚀qu-bft: a reusable, generic, async, gRPC-interoperable Byzantine-Fault tolerant (BFT) protocol library for Scala developers to build up BFT services.
- 🚀inbestment-portfolio: a web-based and machine-learning fostered prototype tool to find your best financial investment portfolio by means of ARIMA and GARCH models, decision tree and bagging-based regressors, risk estimation advanced tecniques, implemented with Python and ASP.NET Core.
- 🚀swingio: a reusable and lightweight library that provides an access point to the swing APIs in Scala with a monadic taste, leveraging IO monad, in a purely functional fashion.
I appreciate connecting with professionals in the tech industry. You can reach out to me via LinkedIn.