This project is part of my Selenium WebDriver learning.
For my tests I used website, which is a dummy e-commerce.
Feel free to fork this project and create additional test cases.
- Programming language - Java (JDK 19)
- Automation framework - Selenium WebDriver
- Testing framework - TestNG
- Project management tool - Maven
- Page Object Model (through Page Factory)
- Fluent Page
S1: Login
T1: Login using valid credentials then logout
T2: Login using invalid credentials should fail
T3: Verify that the password is hidden after typed and shown after the "Show" button is clicked -
S2: Navigation
T1: Verify that the click on the product opens its page
T2: Verify that the add to cart button opens the 'product added' frame
T3: Verify that the 'quick view' button opens the product frame
T4: Verify that the 'continue shopping' button leaves the user on the same page
T5: Verify that the search function leaves the user on the search page -
S3: Product details and cart
T1: Verify that the cart page contains the correct product information after changing variant, quantity and proceeding to checkout
T2: Verify that the promo code 20OFF gives 20% discount on the cart page -
S4: Search functionality
Verify that the sort filter...
T1: 'by name A-Z' sort the searched product list alphabetically
T2: 'by name Z-A' sort the searched product list in reverse alphabetical order
T3: 'by price low to high' sort the searched product list in ascending price order
T4: 'by price high to low' sort the searched product list in descending price order
S3T1 and S3T2:
- In order to execute the tests, you can create an execution configuration or just open the Maven tab, click on "Execute Maven Goal" and enter
mvn test
- In order to change the browser, go to the testng.xml file and change the value of the parameter "browser". If you want to change it for a specific test class, just open the class tag and add another parameter tag for the browser.
- A screenshot is taken if the test fails. The output folder is \target\screenshots.