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Develop with Docker (recommended)

This is the simplest configuration for developers to start with.

Initial Setup

  1. Run docker-compose run --rm django ./ migrate
  2. Run docker-compose run --rm django ./ createsuperuser and follow the prompts to create your own user

Run Application

  1. Run docker-compose up
  2. When finished, use Ctrl+C

Application Maintenance

Occasionally, new package dependencies or schema changes will necessitate maintenance. To non-destructively update your development stack at any time:

  1. Run docker-compose pull
  2. Run docker-compose build
  3. Run docker-compose run --rm django ./ migrate

Develop Natively (advanced)

This configuration still uses Docker to run attached services in the background, but allows developers to run the Python code on their native system.

Initial Setup

  1. Run docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.yml up -d
  2. Install Python 3.8
  3. Install psycopg2 build prerequisites
  4. Create and activate a new Python virtualenv
  5. Run pip install -e .
  6. Run source ./dev/
  7. Run ./ migrate
  8. Run ./ createsuperuser and follow the prompts to create your own user

Run Application

  1. Run (in separate windows) both:
    1. ./ runserver
    2. celery worker --app dandi.celery --loglevel info --without-heartbeat
  2. When finished, run docker-compose stop

Connecting to dandiarchive

dandiarchive is another application and will need to be setup and run separately.

  1. Login to the dandiarchive Girder client using the publish admin account. If you followed the README it will be located at http://localhost:8080/.
    • NOTE: the username of the Girder admin account used here must be publish for publishing to work properly. If an admin account with that username doesn't exist, it must be created.
  2. Navigate to account settings, click on the 'API keys' tab, and generate an API key.
  3. Save this API key and the Girder client URL in environment variables named DJANGO_DANDI_GIRDER_API_KEY and DJANGO_DANDI_GIRDER_API_URL.
  4. Run dandi-publish as described above.

NOTE: dandiarchive also needs to be configured to connect to dandi-publish. See its README for instructions.


Initial Setup

Tox is required to execute all tests. It may be installed with pip install tox.

Running Tests

Run tox to launch the full test suite.

Individual test environments may be selectively run. This also allows additional options to be be added. Useful sub-commands include:

  • tox -e lint: Run only the style checks.
  • tox -e type: Run only the type checks.
  • tox -e test: Run only the unit tests.

To automatically reformat all code to comply with some (but not all) of the style checks, run tox -e format.

API Authentication

Read-only API endpoints (i.e. GET, HEAD) do not require any authentication. All other endpoints require token authentication to call.

Creating a Token

Visit the URL /admin/authtoken/token/add/ with a web browser, logging in with the credentials entered during the createsuperuser setup step. Select your user from the drop-down, and click SAVE. Copy the token value from the KEY column in the token listing.

Supplying the Token

In API endpoint calls, add the Authorization HTTP header with a value of Token <token_value>. For example, for a token 1234, include the header: Authorization: Token 1234.