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The Field

Let us use a set S of complex numbers to represent a black-and-white image. For each location in the complex plane where we want a dot, we include the corresponding complex number in S:

s :: [Complex Double]
s = [ 2 + i 2
    , 3 + i 2
    , 1.75 + i 1
    , 2 + i 1
    , 2.25 + i 1
    , 2.5 + i 1
    , 2.75 + i 1
    , 3 + i 1
    , 3.25 + i 1

Task 1.4.1

Plot the set of complex numbers S to a plane:

plotComplex :: EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotComplex = plot' pts 4 4
  where pts = s

Task 1.4.3

Create a new plot using a set of points derived from S by adding 1 + 2i to each:

plotTranslate :: EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotTranslate = plot' pts 5 5
  where pts = [ pt + (1 + i 2) | pt <- s ]

Task 1.4.4

The “left eye” of the set S of complex numbers is located at 2 + 2i. For what value of z0 does the translation f(z) = z0 + z move the left eye to the origin?

plotEyeCentral :: EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotEyeCentral = plot' pts 4 4
  where pts = [ - 1 * (2 :+ 2) + pt | pt <- s ]

Task 1.4.7

Create a new plot where the points are halves of the points in S.

plotScaled :: EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotScaled = plot' pts 4 4
  where pts = [ 0.5 * pt | pt <- s ]

Task 1.4.8

Create a new plot in which the points of S are rotated by 90 degrees and scaled by 1/2

plotRotation :: EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotRotation = plot' pts 4 4
  where pts = [ i 0.5 * pt | pt <- s ]

Task 1.4.9

Create a new plot in which the points of S are rotated by 90 degrees, scaled by 1/2, and then shifted down by one unit and to the right two units.

plotTranslatedRotation :: EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotTranslatedRotation = plot' pts 4 4
  where pts = [ (i 0.5 * pt) + i (-1) + 2 | pt <- s ]

Task 1.4.10

For a given image, plot the pixels where the intensity exceeds 120.

examplePng :: IO [(Double, Double)]
examplePng = withIntensity 120 . pixels <$> readImage "./src/TheField/img01.png"
  where withIntensity ins pts = [ (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y) | (x, y, pxl) <- pts, intensity pxl > ins ]

plotImage :: [(Double, Double)] -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotImage img = plot' pts 200 200
    pts = [ x :+ y | (x, y) <- img ]

Task 1.4.17

Let n be the integer 20. Let w be the complex number e2πi/n. Write a comprehension yielding the list consisting of w0, w1, w2, ... , wn−1. Plot these complex numbers.

plotE :: EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotE = plot' pts 2 2
  where pts = [ e ** ((x * pi :+ 0) * i 2 / (n :+ 0)) | x <- [0..n-1] ]
        n = 20

Task 1.4.18

Write a comprehension whose value is the set consisting of rotations by π/4 of the elements of S. Plot the value of this comprehension.

plotRotation' :: EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotRotation' = plot' pts 4 4
  where pts = [ pt * e ** i (pi / 4) | pt <- s ]

Task 1.4.19

For a given image, plot the rotation by π/4 of the complex numbers comprising pts.

plotImageRotation :: [(Double, Double)] -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotImageRotation img = plot' pts 200 200
    pts = [ rotate $ x :+ y | (x, y) <- img ]
    rotate pt = pt * e ** i (pi / 4)

Task 1.4.20

Write a comprehension that transforms the set pts by translating it so the image is centered, then rotating it by π/4, then scaling it by half. Plot the result.

plotMultipleOperations :: [(Double, Double)] -> EC (Layout Double Double) ()
plotMultipleOperations img = plot' pts 200 200
    pts = [ scale . rotate . transform $ x :+ y | (x, y) <- img ]
    rotate = (*) (e ** i (pi / 4))
    scale = (*) 0.5
    transform = (+) (-1 * (100 :+ 100))

Task 1.7.10

Each of the following problems asks for the sum of two complex numbers. For each, write the solution and illustrate it with a diagram. The arrows you draw should (roughly) correspond to the vectors being added.

a. (3+1i)+(2+2i)

b. (−1+2i)+(1−1i)

c. (2+0i)+(−3+.001i)

d. 4(0+2i)+(.001+1i)