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Library that internally deals with regular expressions; facade that exposes simplified interface to define patterns.

Replacing Stuff with the replace() Method

let patt = Pattern(p => [

let str = 'AB12CD34';

str.replace(patt, 'X')
// 'AB12CD3X'
let patt = Pattern(p => [

str = 'AB12CD34';

  (_, { st, nd }) => nd + '' + st
// 'AB21CD43'
let patt = Pattern(p => [
  p.Digit().as('st'),'restDigs', [

str = 'AB1234CD5678';

  (_, { st, restDigs }) => restDigs + st
// 'AB2341CD6785'


* - Every word takes a number of occurences as a first parameter. It may be omitted and then defaults to 1.

Word Aliases Matched stuff
Letter() any letter from any alphabet
LCLetter() Lowercase(), LC() lowercase letter from any alphabet
UCLetter() Uppercase(), UC() uppercase letter from any alphabet
Latin() a-z and A-Z
LCLatin() a-z
UCLatin() A-Z
AlphaNum() a-z, A-Z and 0-9
Char(n?,ch)* given character
Digit() 0-9
Bin() 0 and 1
Hex() 0-9 and a-f/A-F
Any() any character
Emoji() emoji
Space() space
Tab() tab
NewLine() Newline() new line
WhiteSpace() Whitespace() white space like space or tab
Ref(n?,group)* value that equals one captured by given group


Pseudo-Word Description
block() collect words into a block
group() capture a named group of words for latter use
oneOf() match one of words

Specifiers (Word Anchors)

Specifier Description
hasBefore(otherWord) word is preceded by another word
hasAfter(otherWord) word precedes other word
hasNotBefore(otherWord) word is not preceded by another word
hasNotAfter(otherWord) word does not precede other word
isFirst() word is very first word in given chain
isLast() word is very last word in given chain
isWord() word is a literal, entire word
as(name) capture word for latter use


Quantifier Description Example
n or 'n' exactly n times 2 or '2' 2 times
'n+' n times or more '2+' at least 2 times
'n-p' between n and p times '2-4' 2, 3 or 4 times
'?' 1 or 0 times '?' word is optional
'??' 0 times or more '??' 0, 1, 2 or more times
'?+' as above '?+' as above
'+?' 1 time or more '+?' at least 1 time
optional like '?'
oneOrMore like '+?'
zeroOrMore like '??'
min(n) n times or more min(2) at least 2 times
range(n,p) between n and p times range(2,4) 2,3 or 4 times