Teri is a library for term rewriting using strategies. Based on ADT (Algebraic Data Type), Teri describes formally types with their corresponding operations. Moreover, a term is evaluated using a strategy. Strategies select the way of evaluate a term.
You need to create a dependency in your project. Follow steps write here to complete your Package.swift file.
Here an example of how to include Teri in your project:
let package = Package(
name: "MyTest",
dependencies: [
url: "https://github.com/damdamo/Teri.git",
targets: [
name: "MyTest",
dependencies: ["Teri"]),
name: "MyTestTests",
dependencies: ["MyTest"]),
Now, you just need to import Teri in your swift file: import Teri
Terms which are already implemented with following operations are:
Generators | Operations | |
Nat | zero, succ | add(Nat,Nat), sub(Nat,Nat), mul(Nat,Nat), eq(Nat,Nat) |
Boolean | true, false | not(Boolean), and(Boolean,Boolean), or(Boolean, Boolean) |
List<T> | empty, cons(T, List<T>) | insert(T, List<T>), insert(T, List<T>), concat(List<T>, List<T>), contains(T, List<T>), isEmpty(List<T>), size(List<T>) |
Terms are implemented using Swift Enums. The aim is to simplify the way to write terms.
Here a list of examples that you can write with Teri:
Term | Translate in Teri | |
Nat Example 1 | zero | let t: Nat = .zero |
Nat Example 2 | succ(zero) | let t: Nat = .succ(.zero) |
Nat Example 3 | add(succ(zero), x) | let t: Nat = .add(.succ(.zero), .var("x")) |
Boolean Example 1 | true | let t: Boolean = .true |
Boolean Example 2 | not(true) | let t: Boolean = .not(.true) |
Boolean Example 3 | and(or(true, x), true)) | let t: Boolean = .and(.or(.true,.var("x")), .true) |
List Example 1 | empty | let t: List<Nat> = .empty |
List Example 2 | insert(true, cons(false, empty)) | let t: List<Boolean> = .insert(.true, .cons(.false, .empty)) |
List Example 3 | concat(cons(0, empty), cons(add(0,0), empty)) | let t: List<Nat> = .concat(.cons(.zero, .empty), .cons(.add(.zero, .zero), .empty)) |
Notice that the type List<T>
is generic, meaning that you can choose any type which is a term.
Thanks to the Swift type inference that gives you the possibility to write: .succ(.zero)
instead of Nat.succ(Nat.zero)
Teri adds the possibility to manipulate variables, which are written as .var("nameOfTheVariable")
, for all types.
The name of the variable is a simple String in Swift.
If you want to see more examples, you can go directly inside: Tests/TeriTests/TeriNatTests.swift
To help the final readability, the CustomStringConvertible
protocol has been added and completed for all types, to have a pretty print for terms.
Try to print terms to see the result !
For example: print(Boolean.and(.or(.true,.var("x")), .true))
returns (true ∨ x) ∧ true
Evaluate terms needs to select an order to reduce all of them. In Teri, you chose a strategy to apply to evaluate a term. For instance, let suppose the term: add(add(x,zero),zero). Should we reduce from inside (innermost) or outside (outermost) ?
- Innermost: add(sub(x,zero),zero) --> add(x,zero) --> x
- Outermost: add(sub(x,zero),zero) --> sub(x,zero) --> x
In Teri:
let t: Nat = .add(.add(.var("x"), .zero), .zero)
// Innermost strategy:
// Print: Optional(x)
print(Strategy.eval(t: t, s: .innermost(.axiom))!)
// Outermost strategy
// Print: Optional(x)
print(Strategy.eval(t: t, s: .outermost(.axiom))!)
Strategies can fail, for this reason the return result is an Optional. If you are sure that the result is not nil, you can force to unwrap it using !.
The previous example gives the same answer for both cases, but this will not be the case each time.
For example, add(add(zero,zero), add(zero,zero)):
- Innermost: add(add(zero,zero), add(zero,zero)) --> zero
- Outermost: add(add(zero,zero), add(zero,zero)) --> add(zero,zero)
Strategies can be combined as you wish. Here a list of all strategies which are implemented: (t is the term to evaluate)
- identity: (Identity)[t] = t (returns the term)
- fail: (Fail)[t] = fail
- axiom: Rewrite the term with the first axiom that matches
- sequence:
- (s1)[t] = fail => (Sequence(s1,s2))[t] = fail (If the first strategy fails, everything fails)
- (s1)[t] = t' => (Sequence(s1,s2))[t] = (s2)[t]
- choice:
- (s1)[t] = t' => (Choice(s1,s2))[t] = t'
- (s1)[t] = fail => (Choice(s1,s2))[t] = (s2)[t] (If the first strategy fails, returns the result of the second)
- all:
- (s)[t1] = t1', ..., (s)[tn] = tn' => (All(s))[f(t1,...,tn)] = f(t1',...,tn') (Rewrite direct subterms of f)
- ∃i, (s)[ti] = fail => (All(s))[f(t1,...,tn)] = fail (If there exists at least one subterm that fails with the strategy, the whole strategy fails)
- (All(s))[cst] = cst
- try: Try(s) = Choice(s, Identity)
- innermost: Innermost(s) = μx.Sequence(All(Innermost(x)), Try(Sequence(s,x))) (Strategy which consists to evaluate all subterms before to evaluate the outer term, and apply it recursively)
- outermost: Outermost(s) = μx.Sequence(Try(Sequence(s,x)), All(Innermost(x))) (Same logic that innermost but goes from outside to inside)