review of papers of vehicle re-identification
- VeRi-776 [Project] [paper]
- PKU-VehicleID [Project] [pdf]
- PKU-VD [Project] [pdf]
- VehicleReId [Project] [pdf]
- PKU-Vehicle[Project] [pdf]
- CompCars[Project] [pdf]
- Vehicle-1M[Project] [pdf]
- VRIC [Project] [pdf]
Large-Scale Vehicle Re-Identification in Urban Surveillance Videos [ICME2016]
Improving triplet-wise training of convolutional neural network for vehicle re-identification [ICME2017]
A Shortly and Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Network for Vehicle Re-identification [ICPR2018]
Joint Feature and Similarity Deep Learning for Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2018]
Vehicle re-identification using quadruple directional deep learning features [IEEE2019]
A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Progressive Vehicle Re-identification for Urban Surveillance [ECCV2016]
Learning Deep Neural Networks for Vehicle Re-ID With Visual-Spatio-Temporal Path Proposals [ICCV2017]
Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-Identification [ICCV2017]
Multi-modal metric learning for vehicle re-identification in traffic surveillance environment [ICIP2017]
Viewpoint-aware Attentive Multi-view Inference for Vehicle Re-identification [CVPR2018]
Vehicle Re-Identification in Context [18]
Multi-attribute driven vehicle re-identification with spatial-temporal re-ranking [ICIP2018]
Joint Semi-supervised Learning and Re-ranking for Vehicle Re-identification [ICPR2018]
PROVID- Progressive and Multimodal Vehicle Reidentification for Large-Scale Urban Surveillance [MM2018]
Vehicle re-identification by deep hidden multi-view inference [IP2018]
Group Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Re-identification [MM2018]
Ram: a region-aware deep model for vehicle re-identification [ICME2018]
Vehicle Re-identification by Adversarial Bi-directional LSTM Network [WACV2018]
Part-regularized Near-duplicate Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2019]
VERI-Wild: A Large Dataset and a New Method for Vehicle Re-Identification in the Wild [CVPR2019]
Partition and Reunion: A Two-Branch Neural Network for Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2019]
A Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention For Vehicle Re-Identification [ICCV2019]
Vehicle Re-identification with Viewpoint-aware Metric Learning [ICCV2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification by Multi-Grain Learning [ICIP2019]
Embedding Adversarial Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification [IP2019]
Multi-label learning with multi-label smoothing regularization for vehicle re-identification [NC2019]
VR-PROUD: Vehicle Re-identification using PROgressive Unsupervised Deep architecture [PR2019]
PVSS: A Progressive Vehicle Search System for Video Surveillance Networks [2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification: an Efficient Baseline Using Triplet Embedding [2019]
Deep Relative Distance Learning- Tell the Difference Between Similar Vehicles [CVPR2016]
Vehicle Re-Identification by Fine-Grained Cross-Level Deep Learning [BMVC2017]
Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-Identification [ICCV2017]
Deep joint discriminative learning for vehicle re-identification and retrieval [ICIP2017]
Improving triplet-wise training of convolutional neural network for vehicle re-identification [ICME2017]
Vehicle re-identification by fusing multiple deep neural networks [IPTA2017]
Learning Coarse-to-Fine Structured Feature Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification [AAAI]
Viewpoint-aware Attentive Multi-view Inference for Vehicle Re-identification [CVPR2018]
Vehicle Re-Identification in Context [18]
Multi-attribute driven vehicle re-identification with spatial-temporal re-ranking [ICIP2018]
A Shortly and Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Network for Vehicle Re-identification [ICPR2018]
Joint Semi-supervised Learning and Re-ranking for Vehicle Re-identification [ICPR2018]
Part-based Multi-stream Model for Vehicle Searching [ICPR2018]
Joint Feature and Similarity Deep Learning for Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2018]
PROVID- Progressive and Multimodal Vehicle Reidentification for Large-Scale Urban Surveillance [MM2018]
Vehicle re-identification by deep hidden multi-view inference [IP2018]
Group Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Re-identification [MM2018]
Ram: a region-aware deep model for vehicle re-identification [ICME2018]
Vehicle Re-identification by Adversarial Bi-directional LSTM Network [WACV2018]
Part-regularized Near-duplicate Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2019]
VERI-Wild: A Large Dataset and a New Method for Vehicle Re-Identification in the Wild [CVPR2019]
Partition and Reunion: A Two-Branch Neural Network for Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2019]
A Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention For Vehicle Re-Identification [ICCV2019]
Vehicle Re-identification with Viewpoint-aware Metric Learning [ICCV2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification by Multi-Grain Learning [ICIP2019]
Embedding Adversarial Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification [IP2019]
Two-Level Attention Network with Multi-Grain Ranking Loss for Vehicle Re-Identification [IEEE2019]
Vehicle re-identification using quadruple directional deep learning features [IEEE2019]
Multi-label learning with multi-label smoothing regularization for vehicle re-identification [NC2019]
VR-PROUD: Vehicle Re-identification using PROgressive Unsupervised Deep architecture [PR2019]
Structural Analysis of Attributes for Vehicle Re-Identification and Retrieval [IEEE2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification with Refined Part Model [ICMEW2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification: an Efficient Baseline Using Triplet Embedding [2019]
Deep Relative Distance Learning- Tell the Difference Between Similar Vehicles [CVPR2016]
Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-Identification [ICCV2017]
Group Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Re-identification [MM2018]
Exploiting Multi-Grain Ranking Constraints for Precisely Searching Visually-similar Vehicles [ICCV2017]
Vehicle Re-Identification: an Efficient Baseline Using Triplet Embedding [2019]
- Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-Identification [ICCV2017]
- VRID-1: A Basic Vehicle Re-identification Dataset for Similar Vehicles [IEEE2017]
Learning Coarse-to-Fine Structured Feature Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification [AAAI]
Two-Level Attention Network with Multi-Grain Ranking Loss for Vehicle Re-Identification [IEEE2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification with Refined Part Model [ICMEW2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification in Context [18]
Partition and Reunion: A Two-Branch Neural Network for Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2019]
- Vehicle re-identification by deep hidden multi-view inference [IP2018]
- Vehicle re-identification by deep hidden multi-view inference [IP2018]
- Group Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Re-identification [MM2018]
- VERI-Wild: A Large Dataset and a New Method for Vehicle Re-Identification in the Wild [CVPR2019]
- Partition and Reunion: A Two-Branch Neural Network for Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2019]
- Structural Analysis of Attributes for Vehicle Re-Identification and Retrieval [IEEE2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification for Automatic Video Traffic Surveillance [CVPR2016]
Deep Relative Distance Learning- Tell the Difference Between Similar Vehicles [CVPR2016]
A Deep Learning-Based Approach to Progressive Vehicle Re-identification for Urban Surveillance [ECCV2016]
Large-Scale Vehicle Re-Identification in Urban Surveillance Videos [ICME2016]
Orientation Invariant Feature Embedding and Spatial Temporal Regularization for Vehicle Re-Identification [ICCV2017]
Learning Deep Neural Networks for Vehicle Re-ID With Visual-Spatio-Temporal Path Proposals [ICCV2017]
Exploiting Multi-Grain Ranking Constraints for Precisely Searching Visually-similar Vehicles [ICCV2017]
Improving triplet-wise training of convolutional neural network for vehicle re-identification [ICME2017]
Deep hashing with multi-task learning for large-scale instance-level vehicle search [ICME2017]
Deep joint discriminative learning for vehicle re-identification and retrieval [ICIP2017]
Vehicle Re-Identification by Fine-Grained Cross-Level Deep Learning [BMVC2017]
Multi-modal metric learning for vehicle re-identification in traffic surveillance environment [ICIP2017]
Vehicle re-identification by fusing multiple deep neural networks [IPTA2017]
VRID-1: A Basic Vehicle Re-identification Dataset for Similar Vehicles [IEEE2017]
Unsupervised Vehicle Re-Identification using Triplet Networks [CVPR2018]
Vehicle Re-Identification with the Space-Time Prior [CVPR2018]
Viewpoint-aware Attentive Multi-view Inference for Vehicle Re-identification [CVPR2018]
Single-camera and inter-camera vehicle tracking and 3D speed estimation based on fusion of visual and semantic features [CVPR2018]
Fast vehicle identification via ranked semantic sampling based embedding [IJCAI2018]
Vehicle re-identification by deep hidden multi-view inference [IP2018]
Ram: a region-aware deep model for vehicle re-identification [ICME2018]
Learning Coarse-to-Fine Structured Feature Embedding for Vehicle Re-Identification [AAAI]
PROVID- Progressive and Multimodal Vehicle Reidentification for Large-Scale Urban Surveillance [MM2018]
Group Sensitive Triplet Embedding for Vehicle Re-identification [MM2018]
VP-ReID: vehicle and person re-identification system [ACMMM2018]
Multi-attribute driven vehicle re-identification with spatial-temporal re-ranking [ICIP2018]
A Shortly and Densely Connected Convolutional Neural Network for Vehicle Re-identification [ICPR2018]
Joint Semi-supervised Learning and Re-ranking for Vehicle Re-identification [ICPR2018]
Part-based Multi-stream Model for Vehicle Searching [ICPR2018]
Vehicle Re-identification by Adversarial Bi-directional LSTM Network [WACV2018]
Joint Feature and Similarity Deep Learning for Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2018]
Vehicle Re-Identification in Context [18]
A Dual-Path Model With Adaptive Attention For Vehicle Re-Identification [ICCV2019]
Vehicle Re-identification with Viewpoint-aware Metric Learning [ICCV2019]
VR-PROUD: Vehicle Re-identification using PROgressive Unsupervised Deep architecture [PR2019]
Embedding Adversarial Learning for Vehicle Re-Identification [IP2019]
VERI-Wild: A Large Dataset and a New Method for Vehicle Re-Identification in the Wild [CVPR2019]
Part-regularized Near-duplicate Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2019]
Partition and Reunion: A Two-Branch Neural Network for Vehicle Re-identification [IEEE2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification by Multi-Grain Learning [ICIP2019]
Two-Level Attention Network with Multi-Grain Ranking Loss for Vehicle Re-Identification [IEEE2019]
Vehicle re-identification using quadruple directional deep learning features [IEEE2019]
Multi-label learning with multi-label smoothing regularization for vehicle re-identification [NC2019]
PVSS: A Progressive Vehicle Search System for Video Surveillance Networks [2019]
Structural Analysis of Attributes for Vehicle Re-Identification and Retrieval [IEEE2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification with Refined Part Model [ICMEW2019]
Vehicle Re-Identification: an Efficient Baseline Using Triplet Embedding [2019]