- akka-logging - Akka Logging Configuration Example
- akka-agent - Java and Scala agent demonstration
- akka-event-bus - Java and Scala event bus demonstration
Example of akka project with logging configuration (slf4j + logback.)
You can run the application like so:
cd akka-logging
activator run
You'll see output like this:
logger log1-Slf4jLogger started
Default Loggers started
LoggingActor received event: message1
LoggingActor received event: message2
LoggingActor received event: message3
shutting down: StandardOutLogger started
This will also create a log folder which will contain an application log file. The project has files in the src/resources folder for log configuration (application.conf, logback.xml.)
Example of using Java and Scala agents. The main executes both the Java and Scala agent example code.
run the application like this:
cd akka-agent
activator run
Expected output:
[info] Running com.example.ApplicationMain
success?: true
success?: false
Demonstrates Pub/Sub behavior with Java and Scala Akka Event Bus. Application main calls very simple code via scala (readable for java devs) invoking the scala and java versions of the event bus implementation.
To run
cd akka-event-bus
activator run
Expected output:
[info] Running com.example.ApplicationMain
guess we received a greeting! msg: java event bus greeting
guess we received a greeting! msg: scala event bus greeting