Execute SQL queries inside a markdown document
- Write a SQL query in a code block
``` run-postgres
SELECT oid, 'hello ' || rolname || '!' AS greetings from pg_roles
Limit 2;
- Call pandoc
export PGHOST=localhost
export PGDATABASE=foo
export PGUSER=bob
export PGPASSWORD=xxxxxxxx
pandoc --filter pandoc-run-postgres hello.md -o result.md
- The output will contain the SQL query inside a SQL codeblock and the result in a table:
'hello ' || rolname || '!' AS greetings
FROM pg_roles
oid greetings
------ -----------------------------
33731 hello bob!
33748 hello alice!
pip install pandoc-run-postgres
See examples in sample.md
- pandoc-filter-runsql for MySQL
- Jupyter's ipython-sql