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Instruction language for drawing shapes, bundled with its own graphical code editor. Made as final project for CY Tech's ING1 GI year.

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Chromat'ynk allows users to draw arbitrary shapes on a canvas using simple instructions, such as moving forward by a certain number of pixels or turning by a specific angle.

Users can customize the thickness and color of the lines drawn. The program includes a custom instruction language and an interpreter to process these instructions. Additionally, it features the ability to save and load creations, and renders the drawings in real-time.

Made by


Performs unit drawing instructions
Shows results
Open & save files
Save canvasses
Choose draw speed
Step-by-step mode
Proper error management
Parallel cursors
Tab system

How to build


Chromat'ynk requires Java 21 or later, due to the usage of pattern matching and record.

First, clone the project with git :

git clone

Then simply run this command, which uses the bundled maven wrapper (or you can use your existing mvn installation instead) :

Linux Windows
./mvnw package mvnw.cmd package

This command will package the application into a .jar file, which you can easily run at any time.

How to run

(Note : running the application also requires Java 21 or later. The application has been successfully tested on GraalVM and OpenJDK.)


Assuming you cloned the repo already, you can :

  • Follow the build instructions and then run the packaged .jar file with your favorite Java 21-compatible JVM.
  • Use this command to run directly from the root folder :
Linux Windows
./mvnw javafx:run mvnw.cmd javafx:run

(You can replace ./mvwn and mvnw.cmd with an existing maven installation.)


(Note : This tree does not include external libraries.)

direction LR
class AndClock {
  + AndClock(Clock, Clock) 
  + tick(boolean) boolean
class AxialMirroredCursor {
  + AxialMirroredCursor(Cursor, double, double, double, double) 
  + drawLineAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
  - getSymmetric(double, double) Tuple2~Double, Double~
  + drawAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
class Bytecode {
  + range() Range
   boolean effectful
class CentralMirroredCursor {
  + CentralMirroredCursor(Cursor, double, double) 
  - getSymmetricY(double) double
  - getSymmetricX(double) double
  + drawAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
  + drawLineAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
class ChangeCanvasSizeController {
  + ChangeCanvasSizeController(CodeEditorController, Stage) 
  - applyChanges() void
class Chromatynk {
  + Chromatynk() 
  + execute(EvalContext, Clock) EvalContext
  + typecheckProgram(Program) void
  + lexSource(String) List~Token~
  + compileSource(String, GraphicsContext) EvalContext
  + parseSource(String) Program
class ChromatynkException {
  + ChromatynkException(Range, String, String) 
  + getFullMessage(String) String
   Range range
   String header
class Clock {
  + tick(boolean) boolean
class CodeEditor {
  + CodeEditor() 
  + start(Stage) void
  + main(String[]) void
class CodeEditorController {
  + CodeEditorController(Stage) 
  + nextInstruction() void
  + computeHighlighting(Executor) Task~StyleSpans~Collection~String~~~
  + saveImage() void
  - modifyCanvas(ActionEvent) void
  - onSuccess() void
  - clearCursorCanvas() void
  + stopScript() void
  - onProgress(EvalContext) void
  + refreshSecondaryClock() void
  + openFile() void
  + saveFile() void
  + runScript() void
  + initialize(URL, ResourceBundle) void
  - onError(String, Throwable) void
  + clearTextArea() void
  + quit() void
  - postExecution() void
  + clearCanvas() void
   Clock clock
   Canvas canvas
   Canvas cursorCanvas
   Clock periodClock
class Color {
  + Color(double, double, double) 
  + toANSI() String
  + green() double
  + blue() double
  - distanceSquaredTo(Color) double
  + red() double
   double blueProjection
   double brightness
   double redProjection
class CommonParser {
  + CommonParser() 
  + tokenOf(Class~T~) Parser~Token, T~
  + tokenOf(Class~T~, String) Parser~Token, T~
  + anyToken() Parser~Token, Token~
class Compiler {
  + Compiler() 
  + compileExpression(Expr, List~Bytecode~) void
  + compileProgram(Program) List~Bytecode~
  + compileStatement(Statement, List~Bytecode~, int) void
class Cursor {
  + turn(double) void
  + drawLineAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
  + move(GraphicsContext, double, double) void
  + drawAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
  + copyTangible() Cursor
  + move(GraphicsContext, double) void
   double dirY
   Color color
   double opacity
   boolean visible
   double thickness
   double y
   double dirX
   double x
class CursorAlreadyExistsException {
  + CursorAlreadyExistsException(Range, CursorId) 
class CursorId {
   String stringId
class DuplicatedCursor {
  + DuplicatedCursor(Cursor) 
   double dirY
   Cursor duplicated
   Color color
   double opacity
   boolean visible
   double thickness
   double y
   double dirX
   double x
class EvalContext {
  + EvalContext(List~Bytecode~, int, Stack~Value~, Deque~Scope~, Deque~CursorId~, GraphicsContext) 
  + containsCursor(CursorId) boolean
  + deleteCursor(CursorId) void
  + peek() Bytecode
  + deleteVariable(String) void
  + hasNext() boolean
  + getCursor(CursorId) Optional~Cursor~
  + exitScope() void
  - removeDeletedCursorsFromHistory() void
  + create(List~Bytecode~, GraphicsContext) EvalContext
  + forEachCursor(Consumer~Cursor~) void
  + pushValue(Value) void
  + toString() String
  + createScope() void
  + declareCursor(CursorId, Cursor) void
  + next() Bytecode
  + declareVariable(String, Variable) void
  + selectCursorId(CursorId) void
  + containsVariable(String) boolean
  + getType(String) Optional~Type~
  + setValue(String, Value) void
  + getVariable(String) Optional~Variable~
  + getValue(String) Optional~Value~
  + popValue() Value
   int nextAddress
   double largestDimension
   double width
   double height
   Cursor currentCursor
   CursorId currentCursorId
   Scope currentScope
   Range currentRange
   Scope globalScope
   GraphicsContext graphics
class EvalException {
  + EvalException(Range, String) 
class ExecutionTimer {
  + ExecutionTimer(EvalContext, Clock, Runnable, Consumer~Throwable~, Consumer~EvalContext~) 
  + handle(long) void
   Clock clock
class Expr {
  + range() Range
class ExprParser {
  + ExprParser() 
  + invokable() Parser~Token, Expr~
  - parseUnaryOperator(Operator, Expr, String, Map~Class~Operator~, BiFunction~Range, Expr, Expr~~) Expr
  + unaryOperator() Parser~Token, Expr~
  + parenthesized() Parser~Token, Expr~
  + multiplicationOperator() Parser~Token, Expr~
  + suffixOperator() Parser~Token, Expr~
  + anyExpr() Parser~Token, Expr~
  + varCall() Parser~Token, Expr~
  + literal() Parser~Token, Expr~
  - binaryOperatorParser(Parser~Token, Expr~, String, Map~Class~Operator~, TriFunction~Range, Expr, Expr, Expr~~) Parser~Token, Expr~
  - parseColorComponent(String, double) double
  + arithmeticOperator() Parser~Token, Expr~
  - parseHexColor(Range, String) LiteralColor
  + comparisonOperator() Parser~Token, Expr~
  + prefixOperator() Parser~Token, Expr~
  + booleanOperator() Parser~Token, Expr~
class FileMenuController {
  + FileMenuController(Stage, CodeArea) 
  + saveFile() void
  + openFile() void
class ForeverClock {
  + ForeverClock() 
  + tick(boolean) boolean
class ImageMenuController {
  + ImageMenuController(Stage, Canvas) 
  - isImageBlank(WritableImage) boolean
  + saveImage() void
class Interpreter {
  + Interpreter() 
  - asBoolean(Range, Value) boolean
  - asPercentage(Range, Value, double) double
  + evaluate(EvalContext, Bytecode) void
  - asColorAndAlpha(Range, Value) Tuple2~Color, Double~
  - asCursorId(Range, Value) CursorId
  + evaluateAll(EvalContext, Clock) EvalContext
  - isNumeric(Value) boolean
  - asNumericOrPercentage(Range, Value, double) double
  - asNumeric(Range, Value) double
class InvalidAddressException {
  + InvalidAddressException(Range, int) 
class InvalidCanvasSizeException {
  + InvalidCanvasSizeException(String, Double, Double) 
class InvalidExpressionException {
  + InvalidExpressionException(Range, String) 
class Lexer {
  + Lexer() 
class Main {
  + Main() 
  + main(String[]) void
class MimickedCursor {
  + MimickedCursor(Cursor, double, double) 
  + at(Cursor, double, double) MimickedCursor
  + drawLineAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
  + drawAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
class MissingCursorException {
  + MissingCursorException(Range, CursorId) 
class MissingVariableException {
  + MissingVariableException(Range, String) 
class MissingVariableException {
  + MissingVariableException(Range, String) 
class Parser~I, O~ {
  + pure(O) Parser~I, O~
  + zip(Parser~I, O2~) Parser~I, Tuple2~O, O2~~
  + keyword(String) Parser~Character, String~
  + repeat() Parser~I, List~O~~
  + repeatUntil(Parser~I, ?~) Parser~I, List~O~~
  + fatal() Parser~I, O~
  + optional() Parser~I, Optional~O~~
  + map(ParsingFunction~O, T~) Parser~I, T~
  + firstSucceeding(Parser~I, O~[]) Parser~I, O~
  + matching(String) Parser~Character, String~
  + mapWithRange(ParsingBiFunction~Range, O, T~) Parser~I, T~
  + mapError(Function~ParsingException, ParsingException~) Parser~I, O~
  + debug(String) Parser~I, O~
  + anyOf(T[]) Parser~T, T~
  + anyOfSet(Set~T~) Parser~T, T~
  + prefixed(Parser~I, ?~) Parser~I, O~
  + parse(ParsingIterator~I~) Result~O~
  + symbol(String) Parser~Character, String~
  + suffixed(Parser~I, ?~) Parser~I, O~
  + lazy(Supplier~Parser~I, O~~) Parser~I, O~
  + repeatReduce(Parser~I, BiFunction~O, O, O~~) Parser~I, O~
  + firstSucceeding(Iterable~Parser~I, O~~) Parser~I, O~
  + valueWithRange(ParsingFunction~Range, T~) Parser~I, T~
  + any() Parser~T, T~
class ParsingBiFunction~I1, I2, O~ {
  + apply(I1, I2) O
class ParsingException {
  - ParsingException(Range, String) 
class ParsingFunction~I, O~ {
  + apply(I) O
class ParsingIterator~T~ {
  + ParsingIterator(List~T~, int, Position, Predicate~T~, Predicate~T~) 
  + ParsingIterator(List~T~) 
  + nextKeepWhitespaces() T
  + handleWhitespaces() void
  + next() T
  + copy() ParsingIterator~T~
  + of(T[]) ParsingIterator~T~
  + fromString(String) ParsingIterator~Character~
  + peek() T
  + hasNext() boolean
  + forEachRemainingKeepWhitespaces(Consumer~T~) void
   Predicate~T~ lineSeparatorPredicate
   int cursor
   Position position
   List~T~ input
   Predicate~T~ whitespacePredicate
class PeriodClock {
  + PeriodClock(long) 
  + tick(boolean) boolean
class Position {
  + Position(int, int) 
  + row() int
  + isBefore(Position) boolean
  + nextRow() Position
  + min(Position, Position) Position
  + max(Position, Position) Position
  + nextColumn() Position
  + column() int
class PrettyPrintable {
  + toPrettyString() String
class Program {
  + Program(List~Statement~) 
  + statements() List~Statement~
class QuadriFunction~I1, I2, I3, I4, R~ {
  + apply(I1, I2, I3, I4) R
class Range {
  + Range(Position, Position) 
  + to() Position
  + merge(Range) Range
  + from() Position
  + subLines(String) String
  + sameLine(int, int) Range
  + toCursorRange(String) Tuple2~Integer, Integer~
  + sameLine(int, int, int) Range
   boolean sameLine
class Ranged {
  + range() Range
class RangedParsingIterator~T~ {
  + RangedParsingIterator(List~T~) 
  + RangedParsingIterator(List~T~, int, Position, Predicate~T~, Predicate~T~) 
  + ofRanged(T[]) ParsingIterator~T~
  + copy() ParsingIterator~T~
   Position position
class Scope {
  + Scope(Map~String, Variable~, Map~CursorId, Cursor~) 
  + containsCursor(CursorId) boolean
  + getVariable(String) Optional~Variable~
  + declareVariable(String, Variable) void
  + deleteVariable(String) void
  + containsVariable(String) boolean
  + deleteCursor(CursorId) void
  + declareCursor(CursorId, Cursor) void
  + getCursor(CursorId) Optional~Cursor~
  + toString() String
   Collection~Cursor~ cursors
class Statement {
  + range() Range
class StatementParser {
  + StatementParser() 
  + ifCondition() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + variableAssignment() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + oneLineBody() Parser~Token, Body~
  + program() Parser~Token, Program~
  + mirrorAxial() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + twoArgs() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + deleteVariable() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + forLoop() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + anyStatement() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + mirrorCentral() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + zeroArg() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + multiLineBody() Parser~Token, Body~
  + mimic() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + oneArg() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + variableDeclaration() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + whileLoop() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + instruction() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + threeArgs() Parser~Token, Statement~
  + body() Parser~Token, Body~
  + type() Parser~Token, Tuple2~Range, Type~~
class StepByStepClock {
  + StepByStepClock(boolean) 
  + resume() void
  + tick(boolean) boolean
  + pause() void
class TangibleCursor {
  + TangibleCursor(double, double) 
  + TangibleCursor(double, double, double, double, boolean, Color, double, double) 
  + drawLineAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
  + drawAt(GraphicsContext, double, double, double, double) void
   double dirY
   Color color
   double opacity
   boolean visible
   double thickness
   double y
   double dirX
   double x
class TimeoutClock {
  + TimeoutClock(long) 
  + tick(boolean) boolean
  + fps(int) TimeoutClock
class Token {
  + toPrettyString() String
class TriFunction~I1, I2, I3, R~ {
  + apply(I1, I2, I3) R
class Tuple2~A, B~ {
  + Tuple2(A, B) 
  + a() A
  + b() B
class Tuple3~A, B, C~ {
  + Tuple3(A, B, C) 
  + a() A
  + b() B
  + c() C
class Type {
  - Type(String, Value) 
  + fromName(String) Optional~Type~
  + valueOf(String) Type
  + values() Type[]
   String name
   Value defaultValue
   boolean numeric
class TypeMismatchException {
  + TypeMismatchException(Range, Set~Type~, Type) 
class TypeMismatchException {
  + TypeMismatchException(Range, Set~Type~, Type) 
class Typer {
  + Typer() 
  + assertTypeMatch(Range, Set~Type~, Type) void
  + getType(Expr, TypingContext) Type
  + checkTypes(Statement, TypingContext) void
class TypingContext {
  + TypingContext() 
  + TypingContext(TypingContext, Map~String, Type~) 
  + getDirectType(String) Optional~Type~
  + deleteVariable(String, Range) void
  + getType(String) Optional~Type~
  + declareVariable(String, Type, Range) void
  + containsVariable(String) boolean
   Optional~TypingContext~ parent
class TypingException {
  + TypingException(Range, String) 
class UnexpectedInputException {
  + UnexpectedInputException(Range, String, String) 
  + anyOf(Range, Set~T~, String) UnexpectedInputException
  + anyOfValue(Range, Set~T~, T) UnexpectedInputException
   String actual
   String expected
class Value {
   Type type
class Variable {
  + Variable(Type) 
  + Variable(Type, Value) 
  + toString() String
   Type type
   Value value
class VariableAlreadyDeclaredException {
  + VariableAlreadyDeclaredException(Range, String) 
class VariableAlreadyExistsException {
  + VariableAlreadyExistsException(Range, String) 

AndClock  ..>  Clock 
AndClock "1" *--> "clockA 1" Clock 
AxialMirroredCursor  -->  DuplicatedCursor 
AxialMirroredCursor  ..>  Tuple2~A, B~ : «create»
CentralMirroredCursor  -->  DuplicatedCursor 
ChangeCanvasSizeController "1" *--> "codeEditorController 1" CodeEditorController 
ChangeCanvasSizeController  ..>  InvalidCanvasSizeException : «create»
Chromatynk  ..>  RangedParsingIterator~T~ : «create»
Chromatynk  ..>  TypingContext : «create»
ChromatynkException "1" *--> "range 1" Range 
CodeEditor  ..>  CodeEditorController : «create»
CodeEditorController  ..>  AndClock : «create»
CodeEditorController  ..>  ChangeCanvasSizeController : «create»
CodeEditorController "1" *--> "timeoutClock 1" Clock 
CodeEditorController  ..>  ExecutionTimer : «create»
CodeEditorController "1" *--> "currentExecution 1" ExecutionTimer 
CodeEditorController  ..>  FileMenuController : «create»
CodeEditorController "1" *--> "fileMenuController 1" FileMenuController 
CodeEditorController  ..>  ImageMenuController : «create»
CodeEditorController "1" *--> "imageMenuController 1" ImageMenuController 
CodeEditorController  ..>  ParsingIterator~T~ : «create»
CodeEditorController  ..>  PeriodClock : «create»
CodeEditorController  ..>  StepByStepClock : «create»
CodeEditorController "1" *--> "stepByStepClock 1" StepByStepClock 
CommonParser  ..>  UnexpectedInputException : «create»
Compiler  ..>  Position : «create»
Compiler  ..>  Range : «create»
Cursor  ..>  TangibleCursor : «create»
CursorAlreadyExistsException  -->  EvalException 
DuplicatedCursor  ..>  Cursor 
DuplicatedCursor "1" *--> "duplicated 1" Cursor 
EvalContext "1" *--> "instructions *" Bytecode 
EvalContext  ..>  CursorAlreadyExistsException : «create»
EvalContext "1" *--> "selectionHistory *" CursorId 
EvalContext  ..>  EvalException : «create»
EvalContext  ..>  InvalidAddressException : «create»
EvalContext  ..>  MissingCursorException : «create»
EvalContext  ..>  MissingVariableException : «create»
EvalContext "1" *--> "scopes *" Scope 
EvalContext  ..>  Scope : «create»
EvalContext  ..>  TangibleCursor : «create»
EvalContext  ..>  TypeMismatchException : «create»
EvalContext  ..>  VariableAlreadyExistsException : «create»
EvalException  -->  ChromatynkException 
ExecutionTimer "1" *--> "clock 1" Clock 
ExecutionTimer "1" *--> "context 1" EvalContext 
ExprParser "1" *--> "BOOLEAN_OPS *" TriFunction~I1, I2, I3, R~ 
ExprParser  ..>  UnexpectedInputException : «create»
ForeverClock  ..>  Clock 
Interpreter  ..>  AxialMirroredCursor : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  CentralMirroredCursor : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  Color : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  EvalException : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  InvalidExpressionException : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  MissingCursorException : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  MissingVariableException : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  TangibleCursor : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  Tuple2~A, B~ : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  Tuple3~A, B, C~ : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  TypeMismatchException : «create»
Interpreter  ..>  Variable : «create»
InvalidAddressException  -->  EvalException 
InvalidExpressionException  -->  EvalException 
Lexer "1" *--> "LITERAL_BOOL_PARSER 1" Parser~I, O~ 
Lexer  ..>  UnexpectedInputException : «create»
MimickedCursor  -->  DuplicatedCursor 
MissingCursorException  -->  EvalException 
MissingVariableException  -->  EvalException 
MissingVariableException  -->  TypingException 
Parser~I, O~  ..>  Range : «create»
Parser~I, O~  ..>  Tuple2~A, B~ : «create»
Parser~I, O~  ..>  UnexpectedInputException : «create»
ParsingException  -->  ChromatynkException 
ParsingIterator~T~  ..>  Position : «create»
ParsingIterator~T~ "1" *--> "position 1" Position 
PeriodClock  ..>  Clock 
Program "1" *--> "statements *" Statement 
Range  ..>  Position : «create»
Range "1" *--> "from 1" Position 
Range  ..>  Tuple2~A, B~ : «create»
RangedParsingIterator~T~  -->  ParsingIterator~T~ 
RangedParsingIterator~T~  ..>  Position : «create»
RangedParsingIterator~T~  ..>  Ranged 
Scope "1" *--> "cursors *" Cursor 
Scope "1" *--> "cursors *" CursorId 
Scope "1" *--> "variables *" Variable 
StatementParser "1" *--> "THREE_ARG_STATEMENTS *" QuadriFunction~I1, I2, I3, I4, R~ 
StatementParser "1" *--> "TWO_ARG_STATEMENTS *" TriFunction~I1, I2, I3, R~ 
StatementParser  ..>  Tuple2~A, B~ : «create»
StatementParser  ..>  UnexpectedInputException : «create»
StepByStepClock  ..>  Clock 
TangibleCursor  ..>  Color : «create»
TangibleCursor "1" *--> "color 1" Color 
TangibleCursor  ..>  Cursor 
TimeoutClock  ..>  Clock 
Token  -->  PrettyPrintable 
Token  -->  Ranged 
Type "1" *--> "defaultValue 1" Value 
TypeMismatchException  -->  EvalException 
TypeMismatchException  -->  TypingException 
Typer  ..>  MissingVariableException : «create»
Typer  ..>  TypeMismatchException : «create»
Typer  ..>  TypingContext : «create»
Typer  ..>  TypingException : «create»
TypingContext  ..>  MissingVariableException : «create»
TypingContext "1" *--> "directVariables *" Type 
TypingContext  ..>  VariableAlreadyDeclaredException : «create»
TypingException  -->  ChromatynkException 
UnexpectedInputException  -->  ParsingException 
Variable "1" *--> "type 1" Type 
Variable "1" *--> "value 1" Value 
VariableAlreadyDeclaredException  -->  TypingException 
VariableAlreadyExistsException  -->  EvalException 


Instruction language for drawing shapes, bundled with its own graphical code editor. Made as final project for CY Tech's ING1 GI year.






No releases published