The application services libraries are published as a zip file containing a single composite (megazord) framework called MozillaAppServices.framework, which contains the compiled code for all components.
The package is published as a release on github:
- Add the dependency line to the Cartfile, for instance:
github "mozilla/application-services" ~> "v0.16.1"
will download, and add all the available frameworks to the 'Carthage/' dir.- Link against the provided MozillaAppServices.framework (in the Link Binary with Libraries step in your Xcode target).
- Add additional dependencies, see below.
- In general, to do this, add XXX.framework from Carthage/Build/iOS to Link binary with Libraries for the Xcode target.
- Update the list of additional dependencies below, so that consumers know to include the framework in their final build.
Rather than using a tagged release version, one can grab the build from Circle-CI, like so:
binary "" ~> 0.0.1-snapshot
The project has additional 3rd-party dependencies that a client must link against.
- In your project, add all the .dylibs in the
directory to both the "Embedded Binaries" and the "Linked Frameworks and Libraries" panels.
- SwiftProtoBuf.framework should be automatically downloaded by carthage while pulling in the application-services dependency.
- Add that framework to Xcode.
This project incorporates code from a number of third-party dependencies,
under a variety of open-source licenses. You should review the license info
in the file
and decide on an appropriate way to include
license and attribution notices into your product.