Jump to: 00-start, 01-basic, 02-adding-items, 03-selector-playground, 04-reset-state, 05-xhr, 06-app-data-store, 07-ci, 08-dashboard, 09-reporters, 10-configuration, 11-retry-ability
- Distinguished Engineer at Cypress
- gleb (at) cypress.io
- @bahmutov
- https://glebbahmutov.com/blog/tags/cypress/
- https://www.youtube.com/glebbahmutov
As long as ⏳ permits
- example TodoMVC
- web app, data store, REST calls
- basic page load test
- selector playground
- resetting state
- XHR spying and stubbing, fixtures
As long as ⏳ permits
- CI and Cypress dashboard
- test reporters
- configuration and environment variables
- retry-ability
- debugging
- visual testing
As long as ⏳ permits
- page objects vs app actions
- fixtures and backend
- preprocessors
- component testing
- plugins
- code coverage
- total workshop duration 3 - 9 hours, depending on the included sections
- short breaks, lunch
Please: if you have experience with Cypress.io, help others during the workshop 🙏
- I explain and show
- We do together
- You do and I help
You will need:
to clone this repo- Node v10+ to install dependencies
- Node v12 recommended
git clone <repo url>
cd testing-workshop-cypress
npm install
is a web application we are going to test- all tests are in
folder- there are subfolders for exercises
- etc
- there are subfolders for exercises
- keep application
Note: We are going to keep the app running, while switching from spec to spec for each part.
Let us look at the application.
cd todomvc
npm start
open localhost:3000
important keep application running through the entire workshop!
It is a regular TodoMVC application.
If you have Vue DevTools plugin
Look at XHR when using the app
Look at todomvc/index.html
- main app DOM structure
Look at todomvc/app.js
- what happens when you add a new Todo item?
- how does it get to the server?
- where does the server save it?
- what happens on start up? @ulend
The students should open DevTools and look at XHR requests that go between the web application and the server. Also the students should find todomvc/data.json
file with saved items.
Note: This app has been coded and described in this blog post https://www.cypress.io/blog/2017/11/28/testing-vue-web-application-with-vuex-data-store-and-rest-backend/
This app has been coded and described in this blog post https://www.cypress.io/blog/2017/11/28/testing-vue-web-application-with-vuex-data-store-and-rest-backend/
➡️ Pick the next section