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Cypress Watch Preprocessor

A simple Cypress preprocessor for watching files. Will not change the files at all, but watches for a file to be saved and notifies Cypress to re-run.

Note that while this is a "preprocessor," it does not transpile or bundle your files at all. It only watches them. They are served to the browser as-is. The browser must support any JavaScript features you use or your tests will not be able to run. If you wish to use more advanced JavaScript features that need to be transpiled, use the default preprocessor or the webpack preprocessor, which transpile, bundle, and watch your spec files.


Requires Node version 6.5.0 or above.

npm install --save-dev @cypress/watch-preprocessor


Learn more about how the Plugins file works, see plugins file.

Cypress 10.0+

const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
const watch = require("@cypress/watch-preprocessor");

module.exports = defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      on("file:preprocessor", watch());

Prior to Cypress 10.0

const watch = require("@cypress/watch-preprocessor");

module.exports = (on) => {
  on("file:preprocessor", watch());


Run all tests once:

npm test

Run tests in watch mode:

npm run test-watch


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.