in this directory for Bertrand Juglas's signed attestation.
Hash of the challenge
file for verification:
cb46b0b1 b34ec02c 956d0d6c 0e87de94
e3c18036 6bad8fb4 36a0f15d d8e55d12
6c0abea7 2763771d 4a3bb416 a9a47b73
c30b339e 377235a6 a1e7bb1c cc345879
was based on the hash:
cb46b0b1 b34ec02c 956d0d6c 0e87de94
e3c18036 6bad8fb4 36a0f15d d8e55d12
6c0abea7 2763771d 4a3bb416 a9a47b73
c30b339e 377235a6 a1e7bb1c cc345879
Hash of the response
file for verification:
38a54513 2bde30e4 c4ef43f9 46fd1658
41eca466 53c4a3b3 8ea88523 5675094e
30c15fce d4550597 ad2f8b6e 929f1b23
8cd75629 1400ef87 9fc03834 01b8d58e
Blake2b hash of the new_challenge
file for participant #71:
21724899 dd80e743 4ae7bb1f b735d0e4
92ff3661 9ac8786b 9595ee02 ba2ada20
8ecbde62 d070f30d 1a832e5b f3ad6c2a
975300a2 b346f205 4c62b70f 7d97bdcc
The above new_challenge