I could -- but I did not -- define this as a "Template repository" in GitHub, as described here:
I did not because this page says that when a new project is created using GitHub's "Use this template" feature, the new project is created with a rewritten history.
Creating a repository from a template
A new fork includes the entire commit history of the parent repository, while a repository created from a template starts with a single commit.
Rewriting history makes it difficult to merge later changes from the upstream template into the new project.
So instead, create a new project by more simply forking from the template repository
-- the following is an example using apis
as the name of the new repository
and assuming you create the empty repository on GitHub.
git clone https://github.com/cwellsx/electron_forge_template.git apis
cd apis
git remote rename origin upstream
git remote set-url --push upstream no_push
git merge upstream/sqlite
git remote add origin https://github.com/cwellsx/apis.git
git push -u origin main