The SCode implementation pipeline is:
lexer -> parser -> analyser -> code generator
which means I have a parse tree, a meaning tree (could be AST), and VM code.
- Parses directly to byte-code. Which is fast, although the code is a bit crufty. (I tried doing that for Gen, and things got complicated.)
- Byte code: each function has a byte-code array. Each operation is 32 bits, with an 8 bit opcode, 3 8 bit operands. Register based VM. The generated byte code is isomorphic to the syntax tree.
- Function has a line number array (8,16 or 32 bits per line number) mapping bc operations to line numbers. This assumes all of the code in a function comes from the same source file, which is true in Lua.
- During JIT, byte code is converted to SSA IR, which is optimized, then compiled to machine code.
- first implementation was a tree interpreter, which was thrown away.
- Now, parse to an AST, then compile AST to byte code, which can be interpreted. Direct threaded code for a register machine. But interpreter is now disabled. Direct threaded register code is bloated: 'add x y z' is 4 words.
- Byte code is for a register VM. (Registers are stored in slots in the stack frame.)
- The DataFlowGraph JIT converts byte code to an SSA-style IR, which it then optimizes.
- On first call to function, parse to AST then compile to bytecode, which is then interpreted.
- During interpretation, collect profile information: types and invocation counts.
- If a function or loop body is evaluated more than times, invoke JIT compiler in background, which uses profile data. JIT code bails out to interpreter if unexpected types (not predicted by profile) are used.
- I see "bytecode" and "IR" representations in the source.
- It's a register machine, eg Add_A: R0 <- R1 + R2. Uses templates and macros to abstract the instruction set.
- Only compiles using MSC++. Main interpreter loop uses
and inline assembler, with C++ alternative implementation. Each opcode with inline arguments casts the IP (a byte pointer) to an unaligned struct pointer, which is used to read the arguments from the byte array. (Cost: unaligned memory reads; benefit: compact representation and more cache locality.) Default case asserts__assume(false);
, like__builtin_unreachable
, to trigger optimization. - Register indexes are 1 byte in small layout, 2 bytes in large layout. This is configured using templates.
- GetReg(regid) is InterpreterStackFrame::m_localSlots[regid]
case Add_A: A2toA1Mem, JavascriptMath::Add
case OpCode::Add_A:
PROCESS_READ_LAYOUT(Add_A, Reg3, suffix);
JavascriptMath::Add(GetReg(playout->R1), GetReg(playout->R2),GetScriptContext()));
#define PROCESS_READ_LAYOUT(name, layout, suffix) \
CompileAssert(OpCodeInfo<OpCode::name>::Layout == OpLayoutType::layout); \
const unaligned OpLayout##layout##suffix * playout = m_reader.layout##suffix(ip); \
Assert((playout != nullptr) == (Js::OpLayoutType::##layout != Js::OpLayoutType::Empty)); // Make sure playout is used
m_reader.layoutReg3(ip) is
- Has both an S-expression interpreter and a byte-code compiler.
- Register machine byte codes in 2.1.1 replace a stack machine in 2.0. But it is described as a stack machine, as the only actual registers are IP, SP, FP. "The new virtual machine's instructions can address their source and destination operands by "name" (slot). This makes access to named temporary values much faster than in Guile 2.0, and removes a lot of value-shuffling that the old virtual machine had to do. The end result is that loop-heavy code can be two or three times as fast with Guile 2.2 as in 2.0."
- There is a single stack. A stack frame contains: intermediate values, local variables, arguments, the called function pointer, return address, MV return address, dynamic link (old FP). The current FP points at arg 0.
- A function object contains: bytecode, captured lexical variables, constants (aka object vector), metadata: name, arity, documentation.
- The bytecode object-ref(n) uses FP[-1]->objects[n] to push a constant: 3 cache hits. There are cheaper instructions for pushing immediate values.
SCode requirements:
- Fast compilation + evaluation
- Tail recursion elimination. Parse tree evaluator doesn't do this unless you use a trampoline.
- Function values can be printed as something that's close to source code. Keep original source as string, or convert byte code to string.
- Run time errors & warnings print source location.
- Diagnostic API (debugger, profiler)
- Debug console:
- Safely abort running program. This requires co-operation from the VM: evaluation thread needs to periodically check the abort flag.
- Suspend running program, view stack trace.