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curlpipe edited this page Nov 4, 2020 · 6 revisions


This will cover how to get yourself a copy of a fully working Ox installation for use with the rest of this guide.

Please refer to the platform specific instructions or the instructions on how to compile from source.

IMPORTANT: In the event you do not see the icons within the editor and instead you see strange boxes or question marks or other symbols, installing nerd fonts will fix your problems. You can install a font over at If you are using Arch Linux, you can install the AUR package ttf-nerd-fonts-symbols-mono. You may need to add the font to your terminal emulator.


Arch Linux

There are 2 packages on the AUR. Binary Source

You can install the binary using your AUR manager (e.g. yay)

yay -S ox-bin

or the source package from:

yay -S ox-git

Or manually clone and install the package via

git clone # For source
git clone # Or for binary
cd ox-bin # For binary
cd ox-git # OR for source
makepkg -si

Ubuntu / Debian

There is no deb file for Ox just yet, for now you can follow the instructions in the Compile from Source section below. If you really feel the need for a deb package, you can raise an issue at


There is no rpm file for Ox just yet, for now you can follow the instructions in the Compile from Source section below. If you really feel the need for a rpm package, you can raise an issue at


Ox doesn't have a native Windows package yet, however work is being done to get to this point. You can still use Ox on WSL and follow the installation instructions above, in the Linux section.

You can see the progress of Windows support in issue number #34


macOS does have support for Ox. If you are using the default terminal emulator for macOS, users have reported a strange red and purple theme. This is because of lack of colour support. If you wish to have true colours, consider using a terminal emulator such as hyper, iTerm2 or others with 24bit colour support. I am working on a 8 and 16 bit colour fallback to prevent eyesore but you can manually change the colour schemes in the configuration file. You can find instructions in the configuration part of the wiki.


brew install ox

Other / Compiling from source

If you don't have any of the platforms above you can compile from source.

Step 1 - Setting up a toolchain

You'll need a Rust compiler toolchain before starting the compilation. If you already have one, you can skip to the next step.

You can obtain one using the rustup tool from

If you use a *nix operating system with curl installed, you'll most likely be able to download it using curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh.

If you use Arch Linux, you can install rustup using pacman -S rustup.

Your platform may already have a way of installing rustup through it's package manager or via other means.

When you have rustup installed, you can use rustup toolchain install stable to install a Rust toolchain.

Step 2 - Downloading and compiling

So you've now got a Rust compiler or already had one installed. You can now install Ox using the command cargo install --git

If that fails, you can attempt to clone the repository and building it through the provided manual installation script.

git clone
cd ox
sudo sh

Remember to run the script as root using sudo. WARNING: Please audit the installation script before running it - You should always check scripts you download from the internet especially if you are giving them root privileges!

You can use this script to update Ox to the latest stable version.

If this fails, you can try to run the commands in the install script manually.

git pull
cargo build --release
sudo cp target/release/ox /usr/bin/ox

If all of these have failed and you feel lost, you can always create an issue at and I'll be more than happy to assist you in the installation process.

Step 3 - Using the editor

You can open the editor by using the command ox and then pressing Ctrl + Q to quit. If you see the editor open, that means you have successfully installed it!

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