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🚧 Under development



An app that allows users to chat and listen to synced songs in chat rooms, the playback of the song will be controlled by a chosen DJ / Admin, also other members of the room can suggest songs and members can vote 👍️ or 👎️ for that suggestion.


Frontend (client)

Backend (server)

Configure and run development server

  • Configure Development Environment

    Configuring client

    • Clone the repository : git clone

    • Open the client directory : cd curie/client/

    • Create a .env file : touch .env

    • Inside the .env file write : REACT_APP_API_ENDPOINT=http://localhost:5000

    Configuring server

    • Open the server directory : cd ../server/

    • Create a config directory and open it : mkdir config && cd config

    • Create a dev.env file : touch dev.env

    • Inside the dev.env file write :

    • Now to get Spotify_client_id and Spotify_client_secret, head to Spotify Developer Dashboard and login with your Spotify Account.

    • Then click on CREATE AN APP button in Spotify Dashboard and create a spotify app.

    • Then inside the app, go to EDIT SETTINGS and add http://localhost:3000/spotify_callback/ to Redirect URIs and SAVE the settings.

    • Then inside the app, go to USERS AND ACCESS and add your Spotify Account with email by clicling on ADD NEW USER.

    • After that, copy your Client ID and Client Secret from the app into your dev.env file

  • Running Development Server

    • To run the server, we need to have docker installed in our system, head to Get Docker to install docker according to your system.

    • Make sure docker is installed correctly, by running:

      docker --version

      If its installed correctly, you would get an output like:

      Docker version 20.10.17, build 100c701
    • Now inside the root directory, run this command:

      sudo make run
    • If there are no issues and every thing goes well, then React client should be running on http://localhost:3000/, Node server should be running on http://localhost:5000/ and Mongo Express should be running on http://localhost:8081/

    • To stop the containers type ctrl+c and run:

      sudo make stop
    • To remove the containers and their networks and volumes, run:

      sudo make remove
    • To remove the containers, their networks and volumes, also the client and server images , run:

      sudo make hard-remove