Before submitting a style for inclusion in the style repository, make sure that your (modified) style validates and meets all our style requirements.
There are three ways to submit styles. When you want to submit corrections or improvements to an existing style, please create a pull request using either the GitHub website (option A) or a git client (option B; for advanced users). If you have difficulty figuring out options A and B, you can create a gist instead (option C). When submitting a new style, use option C or, preferably, B.
We use an automated system for quality control of the style repository (for details, see Test-Environment). After each commit, the Travis CI service checks all the styles in the repository. Checks include validation against the CSL schema, but also cover additional requirements specific to our style repository (such as the license under which styles are released). Whenever you create a pull request (via options A or B), Travis CI will automatically test the pull request (even before it gets merged) and include the test results in the pull request (see the [Travis announcement] (
Note that this method is only suited for corrections or improvements of existing styles. When you want to submit a new style - even if it contains only small modifications relative to the style it was derived from - see (B) or (C) below.
- Create a account and sign in.
- Go to, and find the style you want to change (dependent styles are stored in the "dependent" directory)
- Click on the style name, which will bring you to a page like
- Click the "Fork and edit this file" button. This will open a code editor, allowing you to make your changes (e.g. you can copy and paste your modified style into this window).
- Once you have made your changes in the "Code" tab, and previewed them in the "Preview" tab, click the "Propose File Change" button.
- In the next window, provide a description of the changes you've made. When finished, click "Send pull request".
Based on your GitHub notification settings, you will now automatically receive updates when your changes have been accepted, or when the CSL team has comments or questions about your changes.
See also
Start by forking the style repository. Commit your changes, and create a pull request. You can use your git client of choice, such as GitHub for Mac, GitHub for Windows, or SmartGit.
Visit, and paste the style code into the text box. Give the style a name ("name this file...") and click the "Create Public Gist" button. Copy the URL of the gist (e.g., and include it in your message to us. You can either start a new discussion in the Citation Styles section of the Zotero forums, or create a new GitHub issue in the styles repository.