Card templates are written using Django Templates (similar to Jinja).
On search, the query is mapped to various datasets
it is applicable on. It is then passed to various templates with certain parameters.
A template consists of card title
, text
, sql
and renderType
. These variables are defined using Django Templates where you'll have access to these parameters (case sensitive) :
granularity - granularity of the dataset, either "day" or "hour"
datasetSql - original SQL of the dataset
timestampColumn - timestamp column name in dataset
metrics - a list of metrics in dataset
dimensions - a list of dimensions in dataset
dataset - dataset on which template will run
renderType - type of view, either "line" or "table"
filterDimensions - list of dimensions on which filter is applied
filter - filter in SQL format `(Brand = "Adidas" OR Brand = "Puma")
searchResults - a list of dictionary of selected query items, dictionary looks like -
{ 'dimension': 'Brand', 'value': 'Adidas' }
Note: Sql delimiter in template is +-;
Some sample templates are already added on installation
{% raw %}
{% load event_tags %}
{% for filterDim in filterDimensions %}
{% conditionalCount searchResults 'dimension' filterDim as dimCount %}
{% if dimCount > 1 %}
{% for metricName in metrics %}
SELECT ({{ timestampColumn }}), {{ filterDim }}, SUM({{ metricName }}) as {{metricName}} FROM ({{ datasetSql|safe }}) WHERE {{filter|safe}} GROUP BY 1, 2 limit 500 +-;
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endraw %}
The above template results to multiple cards depending on parameters passed.