Please answer these questions before submitting a bug report.
What version of godog are you using?
> godog -version
Godog version is: v0.10.0
What version of Go are you using?
> go version
go version go1.15.2 darwin/amd64
What did you do?
I was trying to run the example in
like this:
> godog
What did you expect to see?
The test results, the tests ran successfully.
What did you see instead?
The following output error:
failed to compile testmain package: exit status 2 - output: /var/folders/7p/457816xx2fz6gywn78r25g_m0000gn/T/go-build708885531/b001/_testmain.go:5:2: can't find import: ""
Additional context
When I run using go test
it works:
> go test
Feature: eat godogs
In order to be happy
As a hungry gopher
I need to be able to eat godogs
Scenario: Eat 5 out of 12 # features/godogs.feature:7
Given there are 12 godogs # godogs_test.go:37 -> godogs.thereAreGodogs
When I eat 5 # godogs_test.go:41 -> godogs.iEat
Then there should be 7 remaining # godogs_test.go:49 -> godogs.thereShouldBeRemaining
1 scenarios (1 passed)
3 steps (3 passed)
testing: warning: no tests to run
ok godogs 0.234s