As wide a selection of different infrastructure providers as possible helps the project. Configurations and testing strongly welcomed for providers not currently listed, and the Scalability SIG is engaging with all of the providers listed below.
Provider | Machine type | Cores | Memory | Kubemark Needs | Notes |
n1-standard-64 | 64 | 240 | 80 instances | Used for 5000 node test results | |
AWS | m4.16xlarge | 64 | 256 | 80 instances | Proposed |
Azure | standard-g5 | 32 | 448 | ? | Max cores instance, proposed |
Packet | Type 2 | 24 | 256 | ? | Bare metal, proposed |
Scalability SIG efforts are currently oriented towards the 1.6 and later releases. This focus will shift over time - the SIG’s efforts are aimed towards scalability on trunk.
Configuration and tuning of etcd is a critical component and has dramatic effects on scalability of large clusters. Minimum etcd version is 3.1.8
API server configured for load balancing, other components using standard leader election.
For performance reasons, it is best to use containerd as a container runtime.
Etcd is used for two distinct cluster purposes - cluster state and event processing. These have different i/o characteristics. It is important to scalability testing efforts that the iops provided by the servers to etcd be consistent and protected. These leads to two requirements:
Split etcd: Two different etcd clusters for events and cluster state (note: this is currently the GKE production default as well).
Dedicated separate IOPS for the etcd clusters on each control plane node. On a bare metal install this could look like a dedicated SSD. This requires a more specific configuration per provider. Config table below.
Provider | Volume type | Size per etcd partition (2x) | Notes |
SSD persistent disk | 256GB | Iops increases with volume size | |
AWS | EBS Provisioned IOPS SSD (io1) | 256GB | Proposed |
Azure | ? | ? | |
Packet | Dedicated SSD | 256GB | Bare metal, proposed |
Leader election results are non-deterministic on a typical cluster, and a config would be best served to be configured as worst-case. Not presently known whether there are performance impacts resulting from leader election resulting in either co-location or distribution of those components.
Improving the cluster performance loading to match production deployment scenarios is critical on-going work, especially clusterloader2:
Multi-zone / multi-az deployments are often used to manage large clusters, but for testing/scalability efforts the target is intentionally a single Availability Zone. This keeps greater consistency between environments that do and don’t support AZ-based deployments. Failures during scalability testing are outside the SIG charter. Protecting against network partitioning and improving total cluster availability (one of the key benefits to a multi-AZ strategy) are currently out scope for the Scalability SIG efforts.
Scalability issues on very large clusters of actual nodes (instead of kubemark simulations) are real. Efforts to improve large cluster networking performance e.g. IPVS are important, and will be interesting areas for cross-SIG collaboration.
Diagram shows high level target control plane config using the server types listed above, capturing:
5 server cluster
Split etcd across 5 nodes
API server load balanced
Other components using leader election
Detail: Target config uses separate volumes for the etc configs:
Config hints to testers:
- ELB, by default, has a short timeout that'll cause control plane components to resync often. Users should set that to the max.
Motivated by many of the issues above, an alternative configuration is reasonable, and worth experimentation, as some production environments are built this way:
Separate etcd cluster onto a dedicated set of 5 machines for etcd only.
Do not run split etcd
Run remainder of control plane on 5 nodes separately
Question for discussion: are there advantages to this configuration for environments where the max number of cores per host are < 64?
CoreOS commentary on etcd sizing.