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Cubist Node.js SDK package (Published from @cubist-labs/cubist)


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This README is best viewed on the official Cubist docs site.


Cubist makes it easy to develop cross-chain dApps by making them look and feel like single-chain dApps.

With Cubist, you write contracts as if they were all going to be deployed on the same chain. This means you can have a contract directly call a method on another contract, as if they were on the same chain. You don't need to commit to the chain you're going to deploy a contract to in advance nor clutter your code with low-level, error-prone message passing code. Instead, with Cubist, you specify your deployment plan in a config file by mapping contract source files to target chains.

Using the cubist cli tool you can then to compile such a dApp to run on multiple chains. Behind the scenes, our tool automatically creates:

  1. A target project for each chain you specify in the configuration. A target project is a standard single-chain project.

  2. A shim contract for every for every contract that is called cross-chain1. These shims live in the target project for the chain on which that contract is called. Shims facilitate the cross-chain interactions between contracts---they implement the message passing code.

The CLI tool also comes with local network support and an off-chain relayer2. In the next release we'll have support for relaying via bridge providers like Axelar which you'll be able to use by just modifying the configuration.

Finally, this Cubist SDK is designed to help you write applications in TypeScript and JavaScript that interact with these contracts. (If you prefer Rust, checkout our Rust SDK.)

Node.js SDK at a glance

The Node.js SDK exposes several high-level abstractions for working with smart contracts:

  • The Cubist class abstracts your cubist project and is the way to access contracts and contract factories. Given a Cubist instance (which you can create with new Cubist()), you can use:

    • getContractFactory to get the ContractFactory corresponding to say the Receiver or Sender contracts above---and use this factory to deploy an instance of each contract or get an already deployed contract (with deployed or attach).

    • getContract to get an already deployed Contract instance of, say, Receiver. You can then use the contract instance to interact with the on-chain contract (e.g. call store() and retrieve() on them).

    • whenBridged to wait for the relayer to set up the off-chain cross-chain bridge (i.e., essentially wait for cubist start relayer).

    We describe factories and contracts in more detail in their corresponding pages. The short: they're thin wrappers over ether.js factories and contracts (for now) that know about cross-chain details.

    Internally, Cubist, contract factories, and contracts keep track of the different chains and the relationship between them (e.g., contract shims); you will largely not need to use this per-chain [TargetProject] interface---and in the future it will likely be completely hidden.

  • The TestDK class abstracts local testing for Cubist and CubistORM projects. Instead of wrapping your tests with scripts that build the project, start and stop services (chains and relayer), TestDK exposes an interface that lets you do this in your Node.js tests, and do so in temporary directories so you don't clobber build and deploy directories.

  • The CubistORM class we generate at build time. When you run cubist build, our toolchain also generates an ORM for your project (in the ./build/orm directory). Specifically, the ORM module exports a CubistORM class that extends the Cubist class to directly expose factories as properties on the object---e.g., Receiver and Sender. This is the case of both JavaScript and TypeScript project---but TypeScript get the extra win of type-safety: we use TypeChain to expose well-type contracts.

Install Cubist if you haven't already and let's try this SDK in action!

Example: Cross-chain storage dApp

To start, let's say we want to build a simple cross-chain app that just stores a value (uint256) across two contracts. First, let's create an empty TypeScript project:

cubist new --type TypeScript dApp
cd dApp
yarn # or npm i

If you'd rather use JavaScript over TypeScript, you can---just ignore any type annotations in our example (and use .js vs .ts files and node instead of ts-node).

Then let's create two solidity files in the contracts directory:

  • Receiver.sol, which simply exposes a simple contract for storing a number:

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.16;
    contract Receiver {
      uint256 _number;
      function store(uint256 num) public {
        _number = num;
      function retrieve() public view returns (uint256) {
        return _number;
  • Sender.sol exposes almost the same contract. It differs in only one way---it stores the number locally and on the Receiver contract (whose address we supply when we deploy Sender):

    // SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
    pragma solidity ^0.8.16;
    import './Receiver.sol';
    contract Sender {
      Receiver _receiver;
      uint256 _number;
      constructor (Receiver addr) {
        _receiver = addr;
      function store(uint256 num) public {
        _number = num;;
      function retrieve() public view returns (uint256) {
        return _number;

Let's also say we want deploy Receiver to Ethereum and the Sender to Polygon. To do this, we to need update the contracts build and deployment plan in cubst-config.json:

  "contracts": {
    "root_dir": "contracts",
    "targets": {
      "ethereum" : {
        "files": ["./contracts/Receiver.sol"]
      "polygon": {
        "files": ["./contracts/Sender.sol"]

This tells Cubist where contract files are (in the contracts directory), and what target chain any particular contract file should be compiled for. We describe configurations in more detail (e.g., how to configure networks) elsewhere3.

We can build this dApp with cubist build. The build command generates two target projects (in the build directory), one for each chain:

  • the ethereum project contains only the Receiver contract (unchanged),

  • the polygon project contains the Sender contract (unchanged) as well as an automatically generated Receiver shim contract; the shim contract has exactly the same interface as the original receiver contract (so that Sender can remain unchanged). The key difference, however, is that the shim contract's store method now only generates an event (containing the method argument in its field). This event is automatically picked up by the relayer and relayed to the original Receiver contract deployed on Ethereum.

After creating the shims in each target project, cubist build also builds each target project individually using a native contract compiler (currently, solc is the only supported compiler for contracts written in Solidity).

We're now ready to deploy, test, and interact with these contract. Cubist has two SDKs: a Rust SDK and a Node.js (TypeScript and JavaScript) SDK. We describe the core abstractions exposed the Node.js SDK here.

Deploy Sender and Receiver contracts then call store

Using Cubist

Let's create a script deployAndStoreCubist.ts in the src directory, and use the Cubist interface to deploy both contracts, call store() on the Sender, and ensure sure the value is retrieved on both chains:

import { Target, Cubist, } from '@cubist-labs/cubist'
import assert from 'assert';

async function main() {
  // create Cubist instance (looks for 'cubist-config.json' in parent directories)
  const cubist = new Cubist();

  // get contract factories
  const Receiver = cubist.getContractFactory('Receiver');
  const Sender = cubist.getContractFactory('Sender');

  // deploy Receiver
  // - this deploys the Receiver contract on Ethereum
  // - and a shim Receiver contract on Polygon
  const receiver = await Receiver.deploy();

  // - this constructor takes the address of the Receiver on Sender's target
  //   chain (Polygon)
  const sender = await Sender.deploy(receiver.addressOn(Target.Polygon));

  // wait for relayer to start bridging
  assert(await cubist.whenBridged());

  // call store on the Sender
  // - we do this by getting the inner ethers.js Contract and just invoking
  //   methods on it as usual; see
  const txResponse = await;
  //  - wait for at least 1 confirmation that the store happened
  await txResponse.wait();

  // if the relayer is running, it will automatically propagate the value to
  // the Receiver; since this might take a bit lets sleep for 1 second
  await sleep(1000);

  // call retrieve on both Sender and Receiver
  assert((await sender.inner.retrieve()).eq(123));
  assert((await receiver.inner.retrieve()).eq(123));

async function sleep(ms: number) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

To run this script we first need to run chains locally. To do this, we need to first extend our cubist-config.json:

  "network_profiles": {
    "default": {
      "ethereum": { "url": "" },
      "polygon":  { "url": "" }

Now we can run cubist start, which will start (1) a local Ethereum and Polygon node at the URLs defined in the config file and (2) a relayer between the two chains.

To run the script:

./node_modules/.bin/ts-node-esm ./src/deployAndStoreCubist.ts

This will will deploy the contracts and save all deployment info in the deploy directory. For now, you can only deploy a single instance of a contract (this will change in the next release), so if you want to run this script again you'll need to blow away the deploy directory.

Using CubistORM

The above is a bit verbose and, unfortunately, when we interact with the underlying [ethers.js] contract to e.g., call store and retrieve, this is largely using dynamically typed---getContractFactory returns a Contract on a particular chain (it doesn't know the type of Sender or Receiver specifically). This is where CubistORM comes into play and why generate code at build time. So, let's use this to write a well-typed script (in this case src/index.ts) using the ORM:

import {
} from '../build/orm/index.js';
import assert from 'assert';

async function main() {
  // create CubistORM instance (looks for 'cubist-config.json' in parent directories)
  const cubist = new CubistORM();

  // deploy Receiver
  // - this deploys the Receiver contract on Ethereum
  // - and a shim Receiver contract on Polygon
  const receiver:Receiver = await cubist.Receiver.deploy();

  // deploy Sender
  // - this constructor takes the address of the Receiver on Sender's target
  //   chain (Polygon)
  const sender:Sender = await cubist.Sender.deploy(receiver.addressOn(Polygon));

  // wait for relayer to start bridging
  assert(await cubist.whenBridged());

  // call store on the Sender
  // - we do this by getting the inner ethers.js Contract and just invoking
  //   methods on it as usual; see
  // - Using CubistORM instead of Cubist, though, ensures that all interactions are
  //   well-typed (we use type chain to specify the type of the `inner` Contract)
  const txResponse = await;
  //  - wait for at least 1 confirmation that the store happened
  await txResponse.wait();

  // if the relayer is running, it will automatically propagate the value to
  // the Receiver; since this might take a bit lets sleep for 1 second
  await sleep(1000);

  // call retrieve on both Sender and Receiver
  assert((await sender.inner.retrieve()).eq(123));
  assert((await receiver.inner.retrieve()).eq(123));

async function sleep(ms: number) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

You can run this as we did with deployAndStoreCubist.ts above.

Load already deployed contracts from existing deployment receipts

Deploying contracts saves receipts in the deploy directory as mentioned above. Unlike other frameworks, which modify the compiled artifacts (the ABI files produced during compilation), Cubist separates build and deployment artifacts. For now, the deployment receipts are stored on the filesystem; in production, and in future releases, we'll have support for writing these receipts to other persistent storage (namely databases).

We can interact with already deployed contracts as you might expect:

Using Cubist

import { Cubist, } from '@cubist-labs/cubist'
import assert from 'assert';

async function main() {
  // create Cubist instance (looks for 'cubist-config.json' in parent directories)
  const cubist = new Cubist();

  // Get deployed contracts
  const receiver= cubist.getContract('Receiver');
  const sender = cubist.getContract('Sender');

  // wait for relayer to start bridging
  assert(await cubist.whenBridged());

  // call store on the Sender
  // - we do this by getting the inner ethers.js Contract and just invoking
  //   methods on it as usual; see
  // - Using CubistORM instead of Cubist, though, ensures that all interactions are
  //   well-typed (we use type chain to specify the type of the `inner` Contract)
  const txResponse = await;
  //  - wait for at least 1 confirmation that the store happened
  await txResponse.wait();

  // if the relayer is running, it will automatically propagate the value to
  // the Receiver; since this might take a bit lets sleep for 1 second
  await sleep(1000);

  // call retrieve on both Sender and Receiver
  assert((await sender.inner.retrieve()).eq(456));
  assert((await receiver.inner.retrieve()).eq(456));

async function sleep(ms: number) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

Using CubistORM

import {
} from '../build/orm/index.js';
import assert from 'assert';

async function main() {
  // create CubistORM instance (looks for 'cubist-config.json' in parent directories)
  const cubist = new CubistORM();

  // Get deployed contracts
  const receiver:Receiver = await cubist.Receiver.deployed();
  const sender:Sender = await cubist.Sender.deployed();

  // wait for relayer to start bridging
  assert(await cubist.whenBridged());

  // call store on the Sender
  // - we do this by getting the inner ethers.js Contract and just invoking
  //   methods on it as usual; see
  // - Using CubistORM instead of Cubist, though, ensures that all interactions are
  //   well-typed (we use type chain to specify the type of the `inner` Contract)
  const txResponse = await;
  //  - wait for at least 1 confirmation that the store happened
  await txResponse.wait();

  // if the relayer is running, it will automatically propagate the value to
  // the Receiver; since this might take a bit lets sleep for 1 second
  await sleep(1000);

  // call retrieve on both Sender and Receiver
  assert((await sender.inner.retrieve()).eq(456));
  assert((await receiver.inner.retrieve()).eq(456));

async function sleep(ms: number) {
  return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));


  1. Cubist automatically discovers all cross-chain dependencies by statically analyzing the contract source files.

  2. The relayer, which you can start with cubist start relayer continuously monitors events triggered by shim contracts and automatically relays them to their final destinations.

  3. Refer to CubistConfig(config file reference) for details on how to configure a Cubist dApp and assign contracts to different chains.


Cubist Node.js SDK package (Published from @cubist-labs/cubist)




Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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