A simple class to give plots some styling. It is a very light skin over matplotlib.pyplot.
pip install pyplotify
Once you have it installed in your root directory:
from pyplotify import Plotify
plotify = Plotify()
Then use the available methods. So far we have boxplot()
, scatter_plot()
, histogram()
A few examples using the Plotify class
data=[smokers_FEV1, nonsmokers_FEV1],
labels=['Smokers', 'Non-smokers'],
ylabel='FEV1 score',
title='FEV1 scores for smokers\nand non-smokers'
x_list=[nonsmokers_x, smokers_x],
y_list=[nonsmokers_y, smokers_y],
linewidth = 0.25,
alpha = 0.5,
xlabel = 'Age',
ylabel = 'FEV1 score',
title='FEV1 scores among different agegroups',
legend_labels = ('Non-smokers', 'Smokers')
x_list = [nonsmokers_x, smokers_x],
ylabel = 'Number of People',
xlabel = 'Age',
title = 'Numbeer of datapoints in different agegroups',
labels = ('Non-smokers', 'Smokers')