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OpenMP offload: introduction
CSC - IT Center for Science

What is OpenMP offloading ?

  • Set of OpenMP constructs for heterogenous systems
    • GPUs, FPGAs, ...
  • Code regions are offloaded from a host CPU to be computed on an accelerator
    • High level GPU programming
  • In principle same code can be run on various systems
    • CPUs only
    • NVIDIA GPUs, AMD GPUs, Intel GPUs, ...
  • Standard defines both C/C++ and Fortran bindings

OpenMP vs. OpenACC

  • OpenACC is very similar compiler directive based approach for GPU programming
    • Open standard, however, NVIDIA major driver
  • Why OpenMP and not OpenACC?
    • OpenMP is going to have a more extensive platform and compiler support
    • Currently, OpenACC support in AMD GPUs is still developing
    • Currently, OpenACC can provide better performance in NVIDIA GPUs


  • Why OpenMP and not CUDA/HIP?
    • Easier to work with
    • Porting of existing software requires less work
    • Same code can be compiled to CPU and GPU versions easily
  • Why CUDA/HIP and not OpenMP?
    • Can access all features of the GPU hardware
    • More optimization possibilities

OpenMP execution model

  • Host-directed execution with an attached accelerator
    • Large part of the program is usually executed by the host
    • Computationally intensive parts are offloaded to the accelerator that executes parallel regions
  • Accelerator can have a separate memory
    • OpenMP exposes the separate memories through data environment that defines the memory management and needed copy operations

OpenMP execution model

- Program runs on the host CPU - Host offloads compute-intensive regions (*kernels*) and related data to the accelerator GPU - Compute kernels are executed by the GPU

OpenMP data model in offloading

- If host memory is separate from accelerator device memory - host manages memory of the device - host copies data to/from the device - When memories are not separate, no copies are needed (difference is transparent to the user)

OpenMP directive syntax

  • OpenMP uses compiler directives for defining compute regions (and data transfers) that are to be performed on a GPU
  • OpenMP directives consist of a sentinel, followed by the directive name and optional clauses
sentinel directive clauses
C/C++ #pragma omp target map(data)
Fortran !$omp target map(data)

OpenMP directive syntax

- In C/C++, directive applies to the following structured block
#pragma omp parallel
  // calculate in parallel
- In Fortran, and `end` directive specifies the end of the construct
!$omp parallel
  ! calculate in parallel
!$omp end parallel

Compiling an OpenMP program for GPU offloading

  • In addition to normal OpenMP options (i.e. -fopenmp), one needs to typically specify offload target (NVIDIA GPU, AMD GPU, ...)
Compiler Options for offload
NVIDIA -mp=gpu (-gpu=ccNN)
Cray -fopenmp-targets=xx -Xopenmp-target=xx
Clang -fopenmp-targets=xx
GCC -foffload=yy
  • Without these options a regular CPU version is compiled!

Compiling an OpenMP program for GPU offloading

  • Conditional compilation with _OPENMP macro:
#ifdef _OPENMP
device specific code
host code
  • Example: Compiling with NVIDIA HPC in Mahti
nvc -o my_exe test.c -mp=gpu -gpu=cc80

OpenMP internal control variables

  • OpenMP has internal control variables
    • OMP_DEFAULT_DEVICE controls which accelerator is used.
  • During runtime, values can be modified or queried with omp_<set|get>_default_device
  • Values are always re-read before a kernel is launched and can be different for different kernels

Runtime API functions

  • Low-level runtime API functions can be used to
    • Query the number of devices in the system
    • Select the device to use
    • Allocate/deallocate memory on the device(s)
    • Transfer data to/from the device(s)
  • Function definitions are in
    • C/C++ header file omp.h
    • omp_lib Fortran module

Useful API functions

  • omp_is_initial_device() : returns True when called in host, False otherwise
  • omp_get_num_devices() : number of devices available
  • omp_get_device_num() : number of device where the function is called
  • omp_get_default_device : default device
  • omp_set_default_device : set the default device

OpenMP offload constructs {.section}

Target construct

  • OpenMP target constructs specifies a region to be executed on GPU
  • Initially, runs with a single thread
  • By default, execution in the host continues only after target region is finished.
  • May trigger implicit data movements between the host and the device
```c++ #pragma omp target { // code executed in device } ```
```fortran !$omp target ! code executed in device !$omp end target ```

Teams construct

  • Target construct does not create any parallelism, but additional constructs are needed
  • teams creates a league of teams
    • number of teams is implementation dependent
  • Initially, single thread per team runs the following structured block
  • No synchronization between teams is possible
  • Probable mapping: team corresponds to a "thread block" / "workgroup" and runs within streaming multiprocessor / compute unit

Creating threads within a team

  • The league of teams cannot typically leverage all the parallelism available in the accelerator
  • A parallel construct within a teams region creates threads within each team
    • number of threads per team is implementation dependent
  • With N teams and M threads per team there will be N x M threads in total
  • Threads within a team can synchronize
  • Number of teams and threads can be queried with the omp_get_num_teams() and omp_get_num_threads() API functions

Creating teams and threads

```c++ #pragma omp target #pragma omp teams #pragma omp parallel { // code executed in device } ```
```fortran !$omp target !$omp teams !$omp parallel ! code executed in device !$omp end parallel !$omp end teams !$omp end target ```

League and teams of threads

{.center width=80%}

Worksharing in the accelerator

  • teams and parallel constructs create threads, however, all the threads are still executing the same code
  • distribute constructs distributes loop iterations over the teams
  • for / do construct can be used within parallel region

Worksharing in the accelerator

```c++ #pragma omp target #pragma omp teams #pragma omp distribute for (int i = i; i < N; i++) #pragma omp parallel #pragma omp for for (int j = 0; j < M; j++) { ... } ```
```fortran !$omp target !$omp teams !$omp distribute do i = 1, N !$omp parallel !$omp do do j = 1, N ... end do !$omp end do !$omp end parallel end do !$omp end distribute !$omp end teams !$omp end target ```

Controlling number of teams and threads

  • By default, the number of teams and the number of threads is up to the implementation to decide
  • num_teams clause for teams construct and num_threads clause for parallel construct can be used to specify number of teams and threads
    • May improve performance in some cases
    • Performance is most likely not portable
#pragma omp target
#pragma omp teams num_teams(32)
#pragma omp parallel num_threads(128)
  // code executed in device

Composite directives

  • In many cases composite directives are more convenient
    • possible to parallelize also single loop over both teams and threads
```c++ #pragma omp target teams #pragma omp distribute parallel for for (int i = i; i < N; i++) { p[i] = v1[i] * v2[i] } ```
```fortran !$omp target teams !$omp distribute parallel do do i = 1, N p(i) = v1(i) * v2(i) end do !$omp end distribute parallel do !$omp end target teams ```

Loop construct

  • In OpenMP 5.0 a new loop worksharing construct was introduced
  • Less prescriptive, leaves more freedom to the implementation to do the work division
    • Tells the compiler/runtime only that the loop iterations are independent and can be executed in parallel
```c++ #pragma omp target #pragma omp loop for (int i = i; i < N; i++) { p[i] = v1[i] * v2[i] } ```
```fortran !$omp target !$omp loop do i = 1, N p(i) = v1(i) * v2(i) end do !$omp end loop !$omp end target ```

Compiler diagnostics {.section}

Compiler diagnostics

  • Compiler diagnostics is usually the first thing to check when starting the OpenMP work
    • It can tell you what operations were actually performed
    • Data copies that were made
    • If and how the loops were parallelized
  • The diagnostics is very compiler dependent
    • Compiler flags
    • Level and formatting of information

NVIDIA compiler

  • Diagnostics is controlled by compiler flag -Minfo[=option]
  • Useful options:
    • mp -- operations related to the OpenMP
    • all -- print all compiler output
    • intensity -- print loop computational intensity info

Example: -Minfo

nvc++ -O3 -mp=gpu -gpu=cc80 -c -Minfo=mp,intensity core.cpp
     63, #omp target teams distribute parallel for
         63, Generating Tesla and Multicore code
             Generating "nvkernel_evolve_F1L63_1" GPU kernel
         68, Loop parallelized across teams and threads, schedule(static)
     69, Intensity = 19.00


  • OpenMP enables directive-based programming of accelerators with C/C++ and Fortran
  • Host-device model
    • host offloads computations to the accelerator
  • Host and device may have separate memories
    • Host controls copying into/from the device
  • Key concepts:
    • league of teams
    • threads within a team
    • worksharing between teams and threads within a team

Useful resources