When a problem is solved in parallel, in most cases some sharing of information between the different CPU cores is needed, i.e. the CPU cores need to communicate with each other. One way to communicate is via shared memory.
The fundamental feature of a shared-memory computer is that all the CPU cores are connected to the same piece of memory.
This is achieved by having a memory bus that takes requests for data from multiple sources (here, each of the four separate CPU cores) and fetches the data from a single piece of memory. The term bus apparently comes from the Latin omnibus meaning for all, indicating that it is a single resource shared by many CPU cores.
This is the basic architecture of a modern mobile phone, laptop or desktop PC. If you buy a system with a quad core processor and 4 GBytes of RAM, each of the 4 CPU cores will be connected to the same 4 Gbytes of RAM, and they'll therefore have to play nicely and share the memory fairly between each other.
A good analogy here is to think of four office mates or workers (the CPU cores) sharing a single office (the computer) with a single whiteboard (the memory). Each worker has their own set of whiteboard pens and an eraser, but they are not allowed to talk to each other. Instead, they can only communicate by writing to and reading from the whiteboard. In the case of Alice, Bob, Joe and Lucy summing up the numbers, every one can read their part of the numbers from the whiteboard, and compute then the partial results. Once finished with the computations, every one can write their partial results to the whiteboard. Alice can then read the partial results and perform the final summation.
Some key challenges of shared memory approach are already illustrated by this whiteboard analogy:
memory capacity: there is a limit to the size of the whiteboard that you can fit into an office, i.e. there is a limit to the amount of memory you can put into a single shared-memory computer;
memory access speed: imagine that there were ten people in the same office - although they can in principle all read from and write to the whiteboard, there's simply not enough room for more than around four of them to do so at the same time before they start to get in each other's way. Although you can fill the office with more and more workers, their productivity will stall after about 4 workers because the additional workers will spend more and more time idle as they have to queue up to access the shared whiteboard. At worst, the additional workers are disturbing, and the productivity can even decrease with too many workers.
race conditions: as all workers can access all the data, they can by accident also delete or alter data of other workers. Imagine that the whiteboard would be filled with numbers, and in order to write, one first needs to erase part of the whiteboard. Thus, one needs to make sure that it is OK to erase that particular part.
It turns out that memory access speed is a real issue in shared-memory machines. If you look at the processor diagram above, you'll see that all the CPU cores share the same bus: the connection between the bus and the memory eventually becomes a bottleneck and there is simply no point in adding additional CPU cores. Coupled with the fact that the kinds of programs we run on supercomputers tend to read and write large quantities of data, it is often memory access speed that is the limiting factor controlling how fast we can do a calculation, not the floating-point performance of the CPU cores.
There are various tricks to overcome these two issues, but the overcrowded office clearly illustrates the fundamental challenges of this approach if we require many hundreds or thousands or even hundres of thousands of CPU cores.
There are naturaly also advantages in the shared memory approach. Even though one needs to be aware of race conditions, parallel programming with shared memory is relatively simple. Also, as long as the memory bus is not a bottleneck, the performance is typically good as there is no additional overhead from the communication.