- make clean
- make all
- make deploy
In order to compile the Master branch you will need Apple GCC 4.2:
- brew install apple-gcc42
- Download Cygwin for SDK developers
- Launch cygwin-dev.bat from DOS prompt
- Launch cd $FLASCC_ROOT from shell
- make clean
- make all
- make deploy
- Java JDK x64
- Adobe AIR SDK
- autoconf
- automake
- bison
- cmbzip2
- cmake
- expat
- flex
- gcc-core
- gcc-g++
- gettext
- glib
- help2man
- libarchive
- libiconv
- libmpfr
- libgmp
- libuuid
- libncurses
- libxml2
- libzip
- libzip2
- make
- ncurses
- pkg-config
- python
- rsync
- termcap
- unzip
Install dev or devel suffixed packages where possible
Please set AIR_HOME environment variable pointing to the SDK location
It's recommended to set _JAVA_OPTIONS environment variable according to your system memory:
Example (Windows): set _JAVA_OPTIONS=-Xms512m -Xmx4096m
Example (Linux): export _JAVA_OPTIONS="-Xms512m -Xmx4096m"
Disable anti-virus software for faster builds or add CrossBridge to exclusions (false alarms)
To build a Light SDK without extra libraries use: make all LIGHTSDK=1
- To discover CrossBridge related changes/patches in 3rd party sources, search for keywords: 'crossbridge', 'flascc', 'alchemy', 'avm2', 'as3'
- Diff tool is great
- Take a look at commits and other forks
- Use dis-assembling ABCs if you need to compare outputs: https://github.com/CyberShadow/RABCDAsm
- AIR-SDK-HOME\lib\aot\lib\avmglue.abc => \CROSSBRIDGE-SDK-HOME\tools\playerglobal\VERSION\playerglobal.abc
- AIR-SDK-HOME\frameworks\libs\player\VERSION\playerglobal.swc => \CROSSBRIDGE-SDK-HOME\tools\playerglobal\VERSION\playerglobal.swc