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Tags: crides/steno



Toggle auklet-3-v1.1's commit message
fix(auklet): update RGB


Toggle plutonium-v1.0's commit message
[pcb] Plutonium: add screen mounting and JLC tooling holes


Toggle auklet-3-v1.0's commit message
[pcb] Auklet: add tooling holes


Toggle v3.0's commit message
[PCB] Public test version


Toggle v2.1's commit message
[PCB] Final changes

- Add bumper locations on silkscreen
- Add hex buffer for level shifting
- Unify the 2 grounds into 1, removing the decoupling cap
- Add MCU peripheral ref & value to silkscreen


Toggle Y23's commit message
[PCB] Final changes

- Add bumper locations on silkscreen
- Add hex buffer for level shifting
- Unify the 2 grounds into 1, removing the decoupling cap
- Add MCU peripheral ref & value to silkscreen


Toggle v2.0's commit message
First PCB version

- Use raw MCU
- Use 5x6 matrix and 30keys (like steno phone)
- Use SOD-123 diodes (like steno phone)
- Use 2.2in TFT for better UX(?)
- Lots of ground plane!
- Add (fake?) logo and contributors


Toggle Y21's commit message
First PCB version

- Use raw MCU
- Use 5x6 matrix and 30keys (like steno phone)
- Use SOD-123 diodes (like steno phone)
- Use 2.2in TFT for better UX(?)
- Lots of ground plane!
- Add (fake?) logo and contributors