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380 lines (308 loc) · 9.37 KB

File metadata and controls

380 lines (308 loc) · 9.37 KB


TiDBIP is the ip of the TiDB server. 10080 is the default status port, and you can edit it in tidb.toml when starting the TiDB server.

  1. Get the current status of TiDB, including the connections, version and git_hash

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/status
        "connections": 0,
        "git_hash": "f572e33854e1c0f942f031e9656d0004f99995c6",
        "version": "5.7.25-TiDB-v2.1.0-rc.3-355-gf572e3385-dirty"
  2. Get all metrics of TiDB

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/metrics
  3. Get the metadata of all regions

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/regions/meta
            "leader": {
                "id": 5,
                "store_id": 1
            "peers": [
                    "id": 5,
                    "store_id": 1
            "region_epoch": {
                "conf_ver": 1,
                "version": 2
            "region_id": 4
  4. Get the table/index of hot regions

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/regions/hot
      "read": [
      "write": [
          "db_name": "sbtest1",
          "table_name": "sbtest13",
          "index_name": "",
          "flow_bytes": 220718,
          "max_hot_degree": 12,
          "region_count": 1
  5. Get the information of a specific region by ID

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/regions/{regionID}
        "end_key": "dIAAAAAAAAEk",
        "frames": [
                "db_name": "test",
                "is_record": true,
                "table_id": 286,
                "table_name": "t1"
        "region_id": 4001,
        "start_key": "dIAAAAAAAAEe"
  6. Get regions Information from db.table

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/tables/{db}/{table}/regions
        "id": 286,
        "indices": [],
        "name": "t1",
        "record_regions": [
                "leader": {
                    "id": 4002,
                    "store_id": 1
                "peers": [
                        "id": 4002,
                        "store_id": 1
                "region_epoch": {
                    "conf_ver": 1,
                    "version": 83
                "region_id": 4001
  7. Get schema Information about all db

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/schema
            "charset": "utf8mb4",
            "collate": "utf8mb4_bin",
            "db_name": {
                "L": "test",
                "O": "test"
            "id": 266,
            "state": 5
  8. Get schema Information about db

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/schema/{db}
  9. Get schema Information about db.table, and you can get schema info by tableID (tableID is the unique identifier of table in TiDB)

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/schema/{db}/{table}
    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/schema?table_id={tableID}
  10. Get database information, table information and tidb info schema version by tableID.

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/db-table/{tableID}
  11. Get MVCC Information of the key with a specified handle ID

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/mvcc/key/{db}/{table}/{handle}
        "info": {
            "writes": [
                    "commit_ts": 405179368526053380,
                    "short_value": "CAICAkE=",
                    "start_ts": 405179368526053377
  12. Get MVCC Information of the first key in the table with a specified start ts

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/mvcc/txn/{startTS}/{db}/{table}
        "info": {
            "writes": [
                    "commit_ts": 405179368526053380,
                    "short_value": "CAICAkE=",
                    "start_ts": 405179368526053377
  13. Get MVCC Information by a hex value

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/mvcc/hex/{hexKey}
  14. Get MVCC Information of a specified index key, argument example: column_name_1=column_value_1&column_name_2=column_value2...

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/mvcc/index/{db}/{table}/{index}/{handle}?${c1}={v1}&${c2}=${v2}

    Hint: For the index column which column type is timezone dependent, e.g. timestamp, convert its value to UTC timezone.

        "info": {
            "writes": [
                    "commit_ts": 405179523374252037,
                    "short_value": "MA==",
                    "start_ts": 405179523374252036
  15. Scatter regions of the specified table, add a scatter-range scheduler for the PD and the range is same as the table range.

    curl -X POST http://{TiDBIP}:10080/tables/{db}/{table}/scatter

    Note: The scatter-range scheduler may conflict with the global scheduler, do not use it for long periods on the larger table.

  16. Stop scatter the regions, disable the scatter-range scheduler for the specified table.

    curl -X POST http://{TiDBIP}:10080/tables/{db}/{table}/stop-scatter
  17. Get TiDB server settings

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/settings
  18. Get TiDB server information.

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/info
        "ddl_id": "f7e73ed5-63b4-4cb4-ba7c-42b32dc74e77",
        "git_hash": "f572e33854e1c0f942f031e9656d0004f99995c6",
        "ip": "",
        "is_owner": true,
        "lease": "45s",
        "listening_port": 4000,
        "status_port": 10080,
        "version": "5.7.25-TiDB-v2.1.0-rc.3-355-gf572e3385-dirty"
  19. Get TiDB cluster all servers information.

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/info/all
        "all_servers_info": {
            "275a19ae-d248-4dc0-b78c-6613a7509423": {
                "ddl_id": "275a19ae-d248-4dc0-b78c-6613a7509423",
                "git_hash": "f572e33854e1c0f942f031e9656d0004f99995c6",
                "ip": "",
                "lease": "45s",
                "listening_port": 4001,
                "status_port": 10081,
                "version": "5.7.25-TiDB-v2.1.0-rc.3-355-gf572e3385-dirty"
            "f7e73ed5-63b4-4cb4-ba7c-42b32dc74e77": {
                "ddl_id": "f7e73ed5-63b4-4cb4-ba7c-42b32dc74e77",
                "git_hash": "f572e33854e1c0f942f031e9656d0004f99995c6",
                "ip": "",
                "lease": "45s",
                "listening_port": 4000,
                "status_port": 10080,
                "version": "5.7.25-TiDB-v2.1.0-rc.3-355-gf572e3385-dirty"
        "is_all_server_version_consistent": true,
        "owner_id": "f7e73ed5-63b4-4cb4-ba7c-42b32dc74e77",
        "servers_num": 2
  20. Enable/Disable TiDB server general log

    curl -X POST -d "tidb_general_log=1" http://{TiDBIP}:10080/settings
    curl -X POST -d "tidb_general_log=0" http://{TiDBIP}:10080/settings
  21. Change TiDB server log level

    curl -X POST -d "log_level=debug" http://{TiDBIP}:10080/settings
    curl -X POST -d "log_level=info" http://{TiDBIP}:10080/settings
  22. Change TiDB DDL slow log threshold

    The unit is millisecond.

    curl -X POST -d "ddl_slow_threshold=300" http://{TiDBIP}:10080/settings
  23. Get the column value by an encoded row and some information that can be obtained from a column of the table schema information.

    Argument example: rowBin=base64_encoded_row_value

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/tables/{colID}/{colFlag}/{colLen}?rowBin={val}

    Hint: For the column which field type is timezone dependent, e.g. timestamp, convert its value to UTC timezone.

  24. Resign the ddl owner, let tidb start a new ddl owner election.

    curl -X POST http://{TiDBIP}:10080/ddl/owner/resign
  25. Get all TiDB DDL job history information.

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/ddl/history
  26. Get count {number} TiDB DDL job history information.

    curl http://{TiDBIP}:10080/ddl/history?limit={number}

    Note: If you request a tidb that is not ddl owner, the response will be This node is not a ddl owner, can't be resigned.