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Installation script for my pentesting setup with Qtile


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My setup

This is my setup for my Kali Linux installation in a virtual machine, made ready for pentesting with speed, no bloat and maximum use of resources.

DarKali is made for setting up a minimalist Kali Linux installation (without desktop environment) into the perfect setup within minutes, running just one script!


I was using the default xfce desktop that kali comes with (it's awesome!) but I felt slow, I needed my mouse a lot for doing basic things and it was bloated for my usage, I just need a browser, a terminal, neovim and the hacking tools pre-built and I'm ready to go, so that's why DarKali exists, it's a script that installs my personal configs specially made for my usage of kali and the Qtile window manager, that is light-weight and completely hackable to the core being written in Python so it's easy to start hacking on it, everything simple and blazingly fast!


Getting started

Clone this repository:

git clone

Then move into the "darkali" directory and you are good to go!

./darkali --help

The Darkali CLI

I made a command-line interface program for ease of housekeeping, being updating and cleaning the system, as well as installing it of course, written in Go with the Cobra package and the Cute for printing, with the help of some bash scripts.

If you want to have the tool system-wide, you can install it with go install inside the "darkali" directory! (Go needs to be installed)

Note: The darkali install command only works inside the darkali directory


darkali --help
darkali install
darkali update
darkali clean
darkali setIp


My window manager config is heavily based on VIM keybindings, you can change/add/remove the keybindings as you want, in ~/.config/qtile/settings/

Basic keybindings:

Key Action
Mod + h Left focus
Mod + j Down focus
Mod + k Up focus
Mod + l Right focus
Mod + Shift + h Change window position left
Mod + Shift + j Change window position down
Mod + Shift + k Change window position up
Mod + Shift + l Change window position right
Mod + Shift + f Change layout to floating
Mod + Shift + r Active windows
Mod + r Applications menu
Mod + w Kill window
Mod + Return Terminal
Mod + Print Screenshot
Mod + b Browser
Mod + z Spanish keyboard layout
Mod + x English keyboard layout
Mod + e Thunar file manager


  • Neovim is crashing everywhere and looks horrible?!?!

    • Press Shift+P to install the plugins, do it a couple of times since are a bit of plugins.
  • "No window managers, no session managers, no terminal emulators found, aborting..."

    • This is because it's starting the default Xsession which is nothing really, so you need to chose Qtile from the Session option:

    • Qtile session

  • Images opening in a weird program from thunar?

    • Change the properties of the file to open those files with "ristretto" by default.



Made by crazyc4t with <3

My website!