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330 lines (222 loc) · 10.7 KB

File metadata and controls

330 lines (222 loc) · 10.7 KB



  • Added/reactivated documentation as sqlalchemy-cratedb
  • Added CrateIdentifierPreparer, in order to quote reserved words like object properly, for example when used as column names.
  • Fixed CrateDialect.get_pk_constraint to return list instead of set type

2024/06/13 0.37.0

  • Added support for CrateDB's FLOAT_VECTOR data type and its accompanying KNN_MATCH function, for HNSW matches. For SQLAlchemy column definitions, you can use it like FloatVector(dimensions=1536).
  • Fixed get_table_names() reflection method to respect the schema query argument in SQLAlchemy connection URLs.

2024/06/11 0.36.1

  • Dependencies: Use crate==1.0.0dev0

2024/06/11 0.36.0

  • Dependencies: Use dask[dataframe]
  • Maintenance release after splitting packages crate-python vs. sqlalchemy-cratedb

2023/09/29 0.34.0

  • Fix handling URL parameters timeout and pool_size
  • Improve DDL compiler to ignore foreign key and uniqueness constraints.
  • Ignore SQL's FOR UPDATE clause. Thanks, @surister.

2023/07/17 0.33.0

  • Rename leftover occurrences of Object. The new symbol to represent CrateDB's OBJECT column type is now ObjectType.

  • DQL: Use CrateDB's native ILIKE operator instead of using SA's generic implementation lower() LIKE lower(). Thanks, @hlcianfagna.

2023/07/06 0.32.0

  • DDL: Allow turning off column store using crate_columnstore=False. Thanks, @fetzerms.

  • DDL: Allow setting server_default on columns to enable server-generated defaults. Thanks, @JanLikar.

  • Allow handling datetime values tagged with time zone info when inserting or updating.

  • Fix SQL statement caching for CrateDB's OBJECT type. Thanks, @faymarie.

  • Refactor OBJECT type to use SQLAlchemy's JSON type infrastructure.

  • Added insert_bulk fast-path INSERT method for pandas, in order to support efficient batch inserts using CrateDB's "bulk operations" endpoint.

  • Add documentation and software tests for usage with Dask

2023/04/18 0.31.1

  • Core: Re-enable support for INSERT/UPDATE...RETURNING in SQLAlchemy 2.0 by adding the new insert_returning and update_returning flags in the CrateDB dialect.

2023/03/30 0.31.0

  • Core: Support INSERT...VALUES with multiple value sets by enabling supports_multivalues_insert on the CrateDB dialect, it is used by pandas' method="multi" option

  • Core: Enable the insertmanyvalues feature, which lets you control the batch size of INSERT operations using the insertmanyvalues_page_size engine-, connection-, and statement-options.

  • ORM: Remove support for the legacy session.bulk_save_objects API on SQLAlchemy 2.0, in favor of the new insertmanyvalues feature. Performance optimizations from bulk_save() have been made inherently part of add_all(). Note: The legacy mode will still work on SQLAlchemy 1.x, while SQLAlchemy 2.x users MUST switch to the new method now.

2023/03/02 0.30.1

  • Fixed SQLAlchemy 2.0 incompatibility with CrateDialect.{has_schema,has_table}

2023/02/16 0.30.0

2022/12/08 0.29.0

  • Added support for crate_index and nullable attributes in ORM column definitions.

  • Added support for converting TIMESTAMP columns to timezone-aware datetime objects, using the new time_zone keyword argument.

2022/12/02 0.28.0

  • Added a generic data type converter to the Cursor object, for converting fetched data from CrateDB data types to Python data types.

  • Fixed generating appropriate syntax for OFFSET/LIMIT clauses. It was possible that SQL statement clauses like LIMIT -1 could have been generated. Both PostgreSQL and CrateDB only accept LIMIT ALL instead.

  • Added support for ORM computed columns

2022/10/10 0.27.2

  • Improved CrateDialect.get_pk_constraint to be compatible with breaking changes in CrateDB >=5.1.0.

2022/06/02 0.27.0

  • Added support for Python 3.9 and 3.10.

  • Dropped support for Python 3.4, 3.5 and 3.6.

  • Dropped support for SQLAlchemy 1.1 and 1.2.

  • Dropped support for CrateDB < 2.0.0.

  • Added support for enabling SSL using SQLAlchemy DB URI with parameter ?ssl=true.

  • Added support for SQLAlchemy 1.4


For learning about the transition to SQLAlchemy 1.4, we recommend the corresponding documentation What’s New in SQLAlchemy 1.4?.

Breaking changes

Textual column expressions

SQLAlchemy 1.4 became stricter on some details. It requires to wrap CrateDB system columns like _score in a SQLAlchemy literal_column type. Before, it was possible to use a query like this:

session.query(, '_score')

It must now be written like:

session.query(, sa.literal_column('_score'))

Otherwise, SQLAlchemy will complain like:

sqlalchemy.exc.ArgumentError: Textual column expression '_score' should be
explicitly declared with text('_score'), or use column('_score') for more

2020/09/28 0.26.0

  • Propagate connect parameter pool_size to urllib3 as maxsize parameter in order to make the connection pool size configurable.

2020/08/05 0.25.0

  • Added support for the RETURNING clause. This requires CrateDB 4.2 or greater. In case you use any server side generated columns in your primary key constraint with earlier CrateDB versions, you can turn off this feature by passing implicit_returning=False in the create_engine() call.
  • Added support for geo_point and geo_json types

2020/05/27 0.24.0

  • Upgraded SQLAlchemy support to 1.3.
  • Added official Python 3.8 support.
  • Made it so that the dialect is now aware of the return type of the date_trunc function.
  • Added driver attribute, as SQLAlchemy relies on interfaces having that string for identification.

2019/08/01 0.23.1

  • Extended the type mapping for the upcoming type name changes in CrateDB 4.0.
  • Added support for Python 3.7 and made that version the recommended one.

2018/05/02 0.22.0

  • BREAKING: Dropped support for Python 2.7 and 3.3 If you are using this package with Python 2.7 or 3.3 already, you will not be able to install newer versions of this package.
  • Add support for SQLAlchemy 1.2
  • Updated get_table_names() method to only return tables but not views. This enables compatibility with CrateDB 3.0 and newer.

2018/03/14 0.21.3

  • Fixed an issue that caused metadata.create_all(bind=engine) to fail creating tables that contain an ObjectArray column.

2018/01/03 0.21.1

  • Fixed an issue that prevented the usage of SQLAlchemy types NUMERIC and DECIMAL as column types.

2017/12/07 0.21.0

  • Prepared primary key retrieval for CrateDB 2.3.0. Preserved backwards-compatibility for lower versions.

2017/02/02 0.18.0

  • Added support for Insert from select
  • Support get_columns and get_pk_constraint

2016/12/19 0.17.0

  • BREAKING: Dropped support for SQLAlchemy < 1.0.0
  • Fix: The dialect didn't work properly with alpha and beta versions of sqlalchemy due to a wrong version check (e.g.: sandman2 depends on 1.1.0b3)
  • Added support for native Arrays
  • Fix: sa.inspect(engine).get_table_names failed due to an attribute error

2016/11/21 0.16.5

  • Added compatibility for SQLAlchemy version 1.1

2016/10/18 0.16.4

  • Fix: Updates in nested OBJECT columns have been ignored

2016/06/23 0.16.1

  • Fix: Date column type is now correctly created as TIMESTAMP column when creating the table

2016/06/09 0.16.0

  • Added support for serialization of Decimals

2016/05/17 0.15.0

  • Added support for client certificates
  • Dropped support for Python 2.6

2016/02/05 0.14.0

  • Added support for serialization of date and datetime objects

2015/10/12 0.13.5

  • Fix: use proper CLUSTERED clause syntax in CREATE TABLE statement

2015/06/29 0.13.3

  • Fix: Allow ObjectArrays to be set to None

2015/05/29 0.13.1

  • Fixed compatibility issues with SQLAlchemy 1.0.x
  • Map SQLAlchemy's TEXT column type to CrateDB's STRING type

2015/03/10 0.13.0

  • Add support for table creation using the SQLAlchemy ORM functionality
  • Fix: Match predicate now properly handles term literal

2015/02/13 0.12.5

  • Changed update statement generation to be compatible with CrateDB 0.47.X

2015/02/04 0.12.4

  • Add missing functionality in CrateDialect, including: default schema name, server version info, check if table/schema exists, list all tables/schemas

2014/10/20 0.12.2

  • Add match predicate to support fulltext search

2014/07/14 0.10.3

  • Fix: Columns that have an onupdate definition are now correctly updated

2014/05/16 0.10.0

  • Implemented ANY operator on object array containment checks

2014/05/13 0.9.5

  • Bugfix: Updates of complex types will only be rewritten if the dialect is set to crate

2014/05/07 0.9.1

  • use new crate doc theme

2014/03/11 0.4.0

  • Fix a bug where setting an empty list on a multivalued field results in returning None after refreshing the session

2014/01/27 0.3.0

  • Add the ObjectArray type
  • Rename Craty type to Object. Craty can still be imported to maintain backward compatibility.

2014/01/15 0.2.0

  • Compatibility adjustments for SQLAlchemy >= 0.9.x

2013/12/06 0.1.9

  • Support native booleans

2013/11/25 0.1.7

  • Raise an exception if timezone aware datetime objects are stored

2013/11/08 0.1.3

  • Fix datetime parsing that didn't work with crate >= 0.18.4 due to the fixed datetime mapping

2013/11/08 0.1.2

  • Document count() and group_by() support

2013/10/09 0.0.9

  • DateTime and Date can now be nullable

2013/10/04 0.0.8

  • Fix an ORM error with the Craty type and where the update statement wasn't correctly generated

2013/10/02 0.0.7

  • Support the Date and DateTime types

2013/10/01 0.0.6

  • Initial release of SQLAlchemy dialect including complex types

2013/09/05 0.0.2

  • Initial release of Python DBAPI driver