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Swiper.js built for Nuxt 3

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Fully featured Swiper.js module for Nuxt 3. Checkout Swiper.js for more information about how to use.


  • πŸš€ Nuxt 3 Support
  • πŸ“– Open Source
  • πŸͺ„ Typescript Support
  • ✨ Auto imports enabled
  • ✨ Just works out of the box like magic ✨

StackBlitz Demo

Just want to try it out ? Checkout the demo below.

Open in StackBlitz


# npm
npm install nuxt-swiper

# yarn
yarn add nuxt-swiper

pnpm add nuxt-swiper


// nuxt.config.ts
import { defineNuxtModule } from 'nuxt'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['nuxt-swiper']
  swiper: {
    // Swiper options
    // prefix: 'Swiper',
    // styleLang: 'css',
    // modules: ['navigation', 'pagination'], // all modules are imported by default

// or inline config
export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [['nuxt-swiper', {
    // Swiper options


Component Name Auto Imported
<Swiper /> βœ…
<SwiperSlide /> βœ…

Default Prefix: Swiper

You can change the prefix in the module options.

Module Name Auto Imported
SwiperA11y βœ…
SwiperAutoplay βœ…
SwiperController βœ…
SwiperEffectCreative βœ…
SwiperEffectCoverflow βœ…
SwiperEffectCube βœ…
SwiperEffectFade βœ…
SwiperEffectFlip βœ…
SwiperFreeMode βœ…
SwiperGrid βœ…
SwiperHashNavigation βœ…
SwiperHistory βœ…
SwiperKeyboard βœ…
SwiperLazy ❌ - Taken out Swiper ^9.0.0
SwiperMousewheel βœ…
SwiperManipulation βœ…
SwiperNavigation βœ…
SwiperPagination βœ…
SwiperParallax βœ…
SwiperScrollbar βœ…
SwiperThumbs βœ…
SwiperVirtual βœ…
SwiperZoom βœ…
    :modules="[SwiperAutoplay, SwiperEffectCreative]"
      delay: 8000,
      disableOnInteraction: true,
      prev: {
        shadow: false,
        translate: ['-20%', 0, -1],
      next: {
        translate: ['100%', 0, 0],
    <SwiperSlide v-for="slide in 10" :key="slide">
      <strong>{{ slide }}</strong>

Module Options

type SwiperStyleLangType = 'css' | 'scss'
type SwiperModulesType =
  | 'a11y'
  | 'autoplay'
  | 'controller'
  | 'free-mode'
  | 'grid'
  | 'hash-navigation'
  | 'history'
  | 'keyboard'
  | 'lazy'
  | 'manipulation'
  | 'mousewheel'
  | 'navigation'
  | 'pagination'
  | 'parallax'
  | 'scrollbar'
  | 'thumbs'
  | 'virtual'
  | 'zoom'
  | `effect-${SwiperInterface['effect']}`

export interface SwiperModuleOptions {
   * The prefix to use for the Swiper Modules to import.
   * This is useful for importing only the modules you need and
   * avoiding importing the entire Swiper library.
   * e.g. `${prefix}Autoplay` -> `SwiperAutoplay`
   * @default 'Swiper' - import components from 'swiper/vue' by default
  prefix?: string

   * Which type of lang of styles to import
   * @default 'css' - imports css from 'swiper/css' by default
  styleLang?: SwiperStyleLangType

   * Swiper modules to import
   * '*' - imports all modules
   * '['thumbs', 'lazy']' - imports only specified modules
   * @default '*' - imports all modules by default
  modules?: '*' | SwiperModulesType[]

export {}

πŸ’» Development

  • Clone this repository
  • Enable Corepack using corepack enable
  • Install dependencies using pnpm install --shamefully-hoist
  • Open playground with pnpm dev

βž• Contributing

Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


swiper is developed by @nolimits4web. nuxt-swiper is developed by @cpreston321.

πŸ“œ License

MIT License Β© 2022 cpreston321

πŸ“§ Contact

cpreston321 - @cpreston321

Also, if you like my work, please feel free to buy me a coffee β˜•οΈ


πŸ”₯ Contributors