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This is a Matlab / Octave toolbox to perform MRI data analysis on a BIDS data set using SPM12.


From docker hub

docker pull cpplab/bidspm:latest

From source

In a terminal or a git bash prompt, type:

git clone --recurse-submodules

To start using bidspm, you just need to initialize it for the current MATLAB / Octave session with:


Please see our documentation for more info.


For some of its functionality bidspm has a BIDS app like API.

See this page for more information.

But in brief they are of the form:

bidspm(bids_dir, output_dir, ...
        'analysis_level', ...
        'action', 'what_to_do')

Creating a default BIDS statistical model

Use a MATLAB / Octave script with:

% path to your raw BIDS dataset
bids_dir = path_of_raw_bids_dataset;

% where you want to save the model
output_dir = path_where_the_output_should_go;

tasks_to_include_in_model = {'task1', 'task2', 'task3'};

% for example 'MNI152NLin2009cAsym'
space_to_include_in_model = {'spaceName'};

bidspm(bids_dir, output_dir, 'dataset', ...
        'action', 'default_model', ...
        'task', tasks_to_include_in_model, ...
        'space', space_to_include_in_model)


Use a MATLAB / Octave script with:

% path to your raw BIDS dataset
bids_dir = path_of_raw_bids_dataset;

% where you want to save the model
output_dir = path_where_the_output_should_go;

preproc_dir = path_to_preprocessed_dataset; % for example fmriprep output

model_file = path_to_bids_stats_model_json_file;

subject_label = '01';

bidspm(bids_dir, output_dir, 'subject', ...
        'participant_label', {subject_label}, ...
        'action', 'stats', ...
        'preproc_dir', preproc_dir, ...
        'model_file', model_file)


bids_dir = path_to_raw_bids_dataset;
output_dir = path_to_where_the_output_should_go;

subject_label = '01';

bidspm(bids_dir, output_dir, 'subject', ...
        'participant_label', {subject_label}, ...
        'action', 'preprocess', ...
        'task', {'yourTask'})



The model specification are set up using the BIDS stats model and can be used to perform:

  • whole GLM at the subject level
  • whole brain GLM at the group level à la SPM (meaning using a summary statistics approach).
  • ROI based GLM (using marsbar)
  • model selection (with the MACS toolbox)


If your data is fairly "typical" (for example whole brain coverage functional data with one associated anatomical scan for each subject), you might be better off running fmriprep on your data.

If you have more exotic data that cannot be handled well by fmriprep then bidspm has some automated workflows to perform amongst other things:

  • remove dummies

  • slice timing correction

  • spatial preprocessing:

    • realignment OR realignm and unwarp
    • coregistration func to anat,
    • anat segmentation and skull stripping
    • (optional) normalization to SPM's MNI space
  • smoothing

All (well almost all) preprocessed outputs are saved as BIDS derivatives with BIDS compliant filenames.

Quality control

  • anatomical data (work in progress)
  • functional data (work in progress)
  • GLM auto-correlation check

Please see our documentation for more info.


  author = {Gau, Rémi and Barilari, Marco and Battal, Ceren and Rezk, Mohamed and Collignon, Olivier and Gurtubay, Ane and Falagiarda, Federica and MacLean, Michèle and Cerpelloni, Filippo and Shahzad, Iqra and Nunes, Márcia and Caron-Guyon, Jeanne and Chouinard-Leclaire, Christine and Yang, Ying and Mattioni, Stefania and Van Audenhaege, Alice and Matuszewski, Jacek},
  license = {GPL-3.0},
  title = {{bidspm}},
  url = {},
  version = {4.0.0}



Thanks goes to these wonderful people.

(emoji key):

Alice Van Audenhaege
Alice Van Audenhaege

🐛 📓
Ane Gurtubay
Ane Gurtubay

💻 🎨
Ceren Battal
Ceren Battal

🐛 🖋 📖 💻 👀 📓
Christine Chouinard-Leclaire
Christine Chouinard-Leclaire

🤔 🐛
Daniel Huber
Daniel Huber

🐛 💻
Federica Falagiarda
Federica Falagiarda

🐛 📓
Filippo Cerpelloni
Filippo Cerpelloni

🐛 ⚠️ 📓
Iqra Shahzad
Iqra Shahzad

🐛 📖 💬 👀 📓
Jacek Matuszewski
Jacek Matuszewski

🐛 📓
Jeanne Caron-Guyon
Jeanne Caron-Guyon

🐛 💡 📓 💬
Manon Chateaux
Manon Chateaux

Marco Barilari
Marco Barilari

💻 🎨 👀 📖 ⚠️ 🐛 📓 🤔
Michèle MacLean
Michèle MacLean

💻 🤔 📓 🐛
Mohamed Rezk
Mohamed Rezk

💻 👀 🎨
Monique Denissen
Monique Denissen

🐛 💻
Márcia Nunes
Márcia Nunes

Olivier Collignon
Olivier Collignon

💻 🎨 📖 💵 🔍
Remi Gau
Remi Gau

💻 📖 🤔 🚇 🎨 👀 🐛 ⚠️ 🖋 🎨 🚧
Stefania Mattioni
Stefania Mattioni

🐛 📓
Ying Yang
Ying Yang

🐛 📓

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!