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Echo is an event history service for Spinnaker.

Echo is responsible for receiving and routing events to other services.

Running Echo

Echo is a Spring Boot application backed by Gradle. To launch this on your local machine, call ./gradlew bootRun

To run on a server, call ./gradlew build and execute the jar file generated in the build/libs directory.

Sending Events to Echo

The echo-core module defines a endpoint at the root level and expects an application/json request body:


        "details": {
            "source" : "myapp",
            "type" : "build"
        "content": {
            "build-date": "2014-08-26",
            "project-type": "jenkins"

The details block of the event definition expects a source ( the application sending the event ) and an event type.

The content block contains an arbitrary map of attributes.

The search module in echo is able to search within all the content blocks of one particular event type.

Event Propagation in Echo

When an event is received by Echo, it will forward the event to beans within the application context that implement the EchoEventListener interface.

You can extend the functionality of echo-core by providing your own event listeners and adding them to the application context.

The best example in this project is the echo-elasticsearch module, which routes echo events into an elastic search / jest backed web service and provides endpoints to query events.

There is also a basic cassandra-backed example in the echo-cassandra module.

Search for events in Echo

For most basic operations, there is a provided event search endpoint:

1. GET /search/events/{startDate}

The start date format expected is of the form new Date().time in Groovy.

This end point accepts a few optional request parameters, to trigger these, add them as query strings

For example, to specify an end date, call /search/events/0?end=1409081771116

The following optional parameters are enabled:

Query Parameter Description Type Default Example Value
end specifies an end date. If provided, shows all events between the start and end dates Date in the format new Date().time none 1409081771116
source event source, when specified, returns only events from that source String all sources igor
type event type, when specified, returns only types that match the type String all events build
full if true, returns the entire content block for the event. Boolean false true
If not found, only returns a few details for the event.
from used for pagination, specifies the first index of elements to return Number 0 10
size number of records to return Number 0 50

2. GET /search/get/{source}/{type}/{id}

This endpoint allows you to get full details for a particular content id. The contentId corresponds to the id returned in the non-full version of the event list.

For this event:

        "details": {
            "source" : "myapp",
            "type" : "build",
            "organization" : "delivery",
            "project" : "spinnaker",
            "application" : "echo"
        "content": {
            "build-date": "2014-08-26",
            "project-type": "jenkins"

we can get the details by searching /search/events/0?source=myapp&type=build, getting this result:

       total: 1,
       hits: [
          source: "myapp",
          type: "build",
          id: "5x9woEIKRUy8LpLrfmanfw",
          created: "1409083028642"
       paginationFrom: 0,
       paginationSize: 10

Using the id 5x9woEIKRUy8LpLrfmanfw, we can ask for more details:


  build-date: "2014-08-26",
  project-type: "jenkins",
  _event_details: {
    source: "myapp",
    type: "build",
    created: "1409083028642",
    _content_id: null

3. POST /search/direct/{source}/{type}

This endpoint allows you to issue a direct elastic search query for events that match the source and type.

For example, if the event issued is of source kato and type shrink_asg, we can issue a command to get all the items that belong to application spinnaker by calling


    "query" : {
        "term" : { "application": "spinnaker" }

The format is the same as the query DSL in elastic search

4. POST /search/direct/metadata

This endpoint allows you to search within the details block of all events. The query format is the same as above.


Spinnaker Eventing Service







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  • Java 51.9%
  • Groovy 39.9%
  • Kotlin 5.3%
  • FreeMarker 2.7%
  • Jinja 0.2%
  • Slim 0.0%