- Tokyo, Japan
- cournape.github.io
timsutton / veewee
Forked from jedi4ever/veeweeEasing the building of vagrant boxes
cournape / vagrant
Forked from hashicorp/vagrantVagrant is a tool for building and distributing virtualized development environments.
cournape / veewee
Forked from jedi4ever/veeweeEasing the building of vagrant boxes
cournape / casuarius
Forked from mmckerns/casuariusCython bindings for the Cassowary Constraint Solving Toolkit
cournape / pip
Forked from pypa/pippip installs packages. Python packages. An easy_install replacement
cournape / scikits-image
Forked from scikit-image/scikit-imageImage Processing SciKit (Toolbox for SciPy)
cournape / datarray
Forked from BIDS/datarrayPrototyping numpy arrays with named axes for data management. Docs are available at URL below
cournape / klib
Forked from attractivechaos/klibA standalone and lightweight C library
cournape / pandas
Forked from pandas-dev/pandasFlexible and powerful data analysis / manipulation library for Python, providing labeled data structures similar to R data.frame objects, statistical functions, and much more
cournape / nose
Forked from nose-devs/nosenose is nicer testing for python
cournape / scikit-learn
Forked from scikit-learn/scikit-learnscikit-learn: machine learning in Python
cournape / ipython
Forked from ipython/ipythonOfficial IPython repository. All documentation is available at: http://ipython.github.com/ipython-doc
cournape / locust
Forked from cgbystrom/locustScalable user load simulator written in Python and gevent
cournape / tornado
Forked from tornadoweb/tornadoTornado is an open source version of the scalable, non-blocking web server and tools that power FriendFeed.
cournape / git_NEP
Forked from stefanv/git_NEPNumPy Git Transition Proposal
cournape / thrift
Forked from dreiss/old-thriftThis is a mirror of The Unofficial Thrift Git Repository