Zero-Knowledge Confidential Reliable Ethereum Anonymous Mixer
>= v14.0circom
>= v2.0.0- Following C++ libraries:
- nlohmann/json
- libgmp-dev
- nasm
- A modified version of MACI v1 branch (6e2b1011198e59f61ca80404c97705b813a655c4)
- A modified version of circom_runtime 0.1.17 (afce802d66a1c26c4220e529b699fda22057b8e9)
Adjust packages/config/prod.ts as needed:
Make sure that you use the same merkle tree level in packages/config/prod.ts and packages/circuits/prod/vote.circom.
$ npx lerna bootstrap
$ npx lerna run build
Install circom 2 following circom documentation
Build test-sites
$ npx lerna run build:test-site
Start IPFS docker container
$ yarn start:ipfs
Run tests:
$ npx lerna run test
$ yarn clean
- call ./scripts/ in maci-contracts before running E2E tests