With Couchbase Javascript N1QL UDFS, Its a 4 step process: 1.Write the UDF in Javascript.This UDF can include zero or more N1QL statements. 2.Register the UDF into a library using curl or UI 3.Create mapping N1QL functions using CREATE FUNCTION in cbq or UI 4.Execute the N1QL functions.
Using either UI or REST API Create a bucket test
curl -X POST -u Administrator:password -d name=test -d ramQuotaMB=2048 -d authType=none -d threadsNumber=8 -d replicaNumber=0
Using either UI query editor or cbq, create scope within the bucket test and then create collections These collections will be needed in examples.
create scope test.testscope;
create collection test.testscope.temp;
create collection test.testscope.emp;
create collection test.testscope.temp1;
create collection test.testscope.exam3;
create collection test.testscope.departments;
create collection test.testscope.employees;
create collection test.testscope.emp8;
- Create primary indexes in UI or cbq
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`test`.`testscope`.`temp`
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`test`.`testscope`.`emp`;
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`test`.`testscope`.`temp1`;
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`test`.`testscope`.`exam3`;
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`test`.`testscope`.`departments`;
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`test`.`testscope`.`employees`;
CREATE PRIMARY INDEX ON `default`:`test`.`testscope`.`emp8`;
curl -s -k -X POST http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/udftestlib -u Administrator:password --data-binary @./example1.js`
In cbq:
execute function forloop();
curl -s -k -X POST http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/udftestlib2 -u Administrator:password --data-binary @./example2.js`
In cbq:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insertdata() LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "insertdata" AT "udftestlib2";
execute function insertdata();
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION alternatetocursor() LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "alternatetocursor" AT "udftestlib2";
execute function alternatetocursor();
select * from test.testscope.temp1;
curl -s -k -X POST http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/udftestlib3 -u Administrator:password --data-binary @./example3.js`
In cbq:
execute function scoping();
select * from test.testscope.exam3 ;
curl -s -k -X POST http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/udftestlib5 -u Administrator:password --data-binary @./example5.js`
In cbq:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION salaryupdate() LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "salaryupdate" AT "udftestlib5";
execute function salaryupdate();
curl -s -k -X POST http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/udftestlib7 -u Administrator:password --data-binary @./example7.js`
In cbq:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exampleforinnerjoin() LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "exampleforinnerjoin" AT "udftestlib7";
execute function exampleforinnerjoin();
curl -s -k -X POST http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/udftestlib8 -u Administrator:password --data-binary @./example8.js`
In cbq:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION insertdata() LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "insertdata" AT "udftestlib8" ;
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION totalEmployees() LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "totalEmployees" AT "udftestlib8" ;
execute function insertdata();
SELECT count(*) FROM test.testscope.emp8;
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/libfact -u Administrator:password –data-binary '@example9.js'
In cbq:
CREATE FUNCTION fact(x) LANGUAGE javascript AS "fact" at "libfact"
execute function fact(3);
execute function fact(0.5);
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/elapsed_time_calculator -u Administrator:password --data-binary @./elapsed_time_calculator.js`
In cbq:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION calculate_elapsed_time() LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "calculate_elapsed_time" AT "elapsed_time_calculator";
EXECUTE FUNCTION calculate_elapsed_time();
what we are trying to emulate RecursiveCTE
- argument1:
Anchor Statement: string
produce seed or root level documents for recursive statement - argument2:
Recursive Statement: string
fixed point iteration using previous level documents to produce next level documents exit on a level that has no documents found - argunment3:
Config: object
- levelLimit:N - exit on reaching levelN
- anchorArgs/recursiveArgs - positional / named arguments to anchor and recursive stmt
- cycleFields - array of fieldnames to do cycle detection on
- explain - log query plan of anchor and recursive statement
- log - view log in results ( for debugging purpose only)
Note that all arguments are mandatory but config object can be passed as {}
if not used
Add the library:
curl -v -X POST http://localhost:8093/evaluator/v1/libraries/librcte -u Administrator:password --data-binary @./rcte_using_js_udf.js
In cbq:
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION recursive_cte(anchor, recursive, config) LANGUAGE JAVASCRIPT AS "recursive_cte" AT "librcte";
/* a very naive use case */
SELECT recursive_cte("SELECT 1 AS r", "SELECT m.r+1 AS r FROM $1 m WHERE m.r<5", {}) as counting;
/* employees hierarchy example - assuming you have followed the pl/sql to js udf examples
we use collection: test.testscope.emp */
CREATE INDEX e_idx ON `test`.testscope.emp(manager INCLUDE MISSING, emp_name, emp_no, salary, manager); /* for ANSI JOIN */
SELECT recursive_cte("SELECT e.emp_name, e.emp_no, e.salary, 0 as lvl
FROM `test`.testscope.emp AS e
WHERE e.manager IS MISSING",
"SELECT e.emp_name, e.emp_no, e.salary,e.manager, m.lvl+1 as lvl
FROM $1 AS m JOIN `test`.testscope.emp AS e ON m.emp_name=e.manager",